REGIONAL HEALTH PROMOTION CENTER 9 JOURNAL: Announcements <p><strong>Regional Health Promotion Center 9 Journal</strong> <strong>(RHPC9J)</strong> is a scholarly, peer-reviewed journal on health promotion, environmental health, public health, and health sciences indexed in <strong>Thailand Citation Index, Tier 2 (TCI Tier 2) from January 1, 2020 to December 31, 2024</strong>. </p> <p>We publish research, review and special articles. Every research and review manuscripts will be reviewed and evaluated by peer-reviewers knowledgeable in the areas related to each manuscript. Special articles are invitations only and will not be reviewed by peer-reviewers.</p> <p>The journal uses <strong>a double-blinded reviewing process</strong> meaning that both authors and reviewers will not know the names, affiliations, and personal contact information of each other to keep the reviewing process bias-free. There will be either<span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong> 2 or 3 reviewers</strong></span> for each manuscript. The author can specify the number of reviewers during the submission process.</p> <p>Every manuscript submitted to the journal must use the Vancouver style as a reference style. Guidelines of such style can be reviewed in the Authors' Guidelines. <a title="the Authors' Guidelines" href="">Click for the Authors' Guidelines</a></p> <p>The journal charges a publication fee of <strong>3,500 Thai Baht per article for general authors</strong>. The fees are to be paid after the manuscript is accepted for publication. </p> <p>The journal publishes approximately 27-29 articles each issue. There are three (3) issues each year: Issue 1-January-April; Issue 2-May-August; and Issue 3 September-December. The articles will be published both online and in hard copies. </p> th-TH Journal's Current TCI Status REGIONAL HEALTH PROMOTION CENTER 9 JOURNAL 2024-06-16 Currently Accepting Manuscripts: Call for Manuscripts for Volume 19 Issue 1 (Jan.-Apr. 2025) <p>Regional Health Promotion Center 9 Journal (RHPC9J) is now accepting manuscripts for the consideration for publishing in our new upcoming issue (Volume 19 Issue 1-Jan.-Apr. 2025). We publish research and review articles. All manuscripts will undergo the peer-review process (double-blinded reviews) by 2-3 experts in the same areas of the manuscripts. The author(s) can identify whether to use 2 or 3 reviewers during the submission.</p> <p><strong>Research projects should be approved by the Research Ethic Committee-REC or the Institutional Review Board-IRB before conducting the project.</strong> If not sure that your project should seek approval by such committee, please consult your institute's research committee or complete the questionnaire to determine whether your project is subjected for REC/IRB approval <a title="NSTDA's needs for REC/IRB approval" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">here.</a> The questionnaire (in Thai) belongs to the National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA).</p> REGIONAL HEALTH PROMOTION CENTER 9 JOURNAL 2024-06-16