Management of Diabetic Patients
with Thai Traditional Medicine
* Center of Applied Thai Traditional Medicine, ** Department of Medicine, *** Department of Pharmacology,
Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand
Siriraj Medical Bulletin 2022;15(3): 181-188
Chantanat Thippayacharoentam*, Khuannara Narajeenrone*, Thanaphak Chaowpeerapong*,
Taweesak Wannachalee ** , Pravit Akarasereenont *, ***
Type 2 diabetes is one of the most common chronic diseases. It is an important public health issue
because of the steady increase in the number of patients with diabetes. The main factors are inappropriate
consumption behaviours and improper self-care that are preventable. Thai traditional medicine (TTM) is the
knowledge that can be used to relieve the symptoms of diabetes. This article presents the management of
diabetes patients using TTM. This article explains the cause of diabetes from Tri-dhātu imbalance leading to
abnormal body elements. TTM uses herbal medicines, maneuvers and advice including having a wide range of
food with different flavours, especially herbs or vegetables to help maintaining the health and balance of body
elements in diabetic patients. This article presents a case report of diabetic patient who used Maturameha in
combination with Western medicine. The outcome of the management was satisfactory and without any
adverse drug reactions. Moreover, we also discussed the evidence-based medicine approach and the use
Moringa oleifera
Lam. in diabetic patients as a guideline for providing herbal-based information to these
patients. In addition, information on the treatment of diabetes by Western medicine, which consists of both
pharmacological and nonpharmacological treatments. This article also provides considerations for the
appropriate implementation of herbal medicine in the management of diabetic patients, as well as cautions for
some maneuvers due to numbness from peripheral neuropathy. In conclusion, diabetic care with TTM applies
the principle of balancing the elements using herbal medicine and various procedures, such as massage, herbal
compress, herbal steam, and behavioral modification according to Dhammanamai principle. These principles will
help to relieve symptoms, control blood sugar levels and reduce complications in diabetic patients, which will
lead to the improved quality of life.
Keywords: diabetes; Thai traditional medicine; herbal; Maturameha; evidence-based medicine
Correspondence to : Khuannara Narajeenrone
E-mail :
Received: 19 April 2022
Revised: 25 May 2022
Accepted: 30 May 2022
Siriraj Medical BulletinSiriraj Medical Bulletin
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182 ่� 15 ฉ่� 3 กรกฎาคม - กนยายน 2565
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Siriraj Medical Bulletin
Siriraj Medical Bulletin
184 ่� 15 ฉ่� 3 กรกฎาคม - กนยายน 2565
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