Cannabis, Kratom and Kariyat:
Issues of Concern in Perianesthetic
Department of Anesthesiology, Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand
Siriraj Medical Bulletin 2022;15(4): 266-274
Angkana Prawatviteesuk, Wilaiporn Supan, Pattharaporn Sombood, Khanittha Vorasanon,
Phongthara Vichitvejpaisal
Cannabis, Kratom, and Kariyat have long been used as herbal medicine. Cannabinoids in Cannabis
have effects on moods, pain sensation and memories. It is often administered to end-stage patients as
comforting and palliative treatment. While Kratom yields Mitragynine which has analgesic properties like
Morphine, it is frequently used to counteract withdrawal symptoms after giving up Cannabis and Opium.
Interestingly, Andrographolide in Kariyat can alleviate the acute phase of upper respiratory tract infection.
Since the period of new pandemic prevalence of disease and the possibility to take these herbs over the
counter, they are consequently consumed as alternative medicine with carelessness and negligence. As
Cannabis, Kratom, and Kariyat have an effect on inhibiting enzyme Cytochrome P-450 in the liver; therefore,
the drug interaction with other preparations particularly the anesthetics results in the synergistic, additive
and some adverse effects. Thus, anesthesia personnel have to handle these vulnerable subjects like ones
with the problem of chronic alcoholism or drug addiction. For example, patients must be checked up on
laboratory tests including liver, kidney and coagulation profiles. Moreover, they should be advised to stop
Marijuana 72 hours prior to surgery owing to its toxicity and adverse effects have the lookalike signs and
symptoms of clinically anesthetic manifestation.
Keywords: cannabis; kratom; kariyat; anesthesia; Cytochrome P-450
Correspondence to: Phongthara Vichitvejpaisal
Received: 11 April 2022
Revised: 10 June 2022
Accepted: 1 July 2022
266 ่� 15 ฉ่� 4 ลาคม - วาคม 2565
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