Volume 73, No.2: 2021 Siriraj Medical Journal
Original Article
ODM were found to be somatosensory dependent
because they presented impaired postural control during
somatosensory disruption
while ODM with DPN lost
their balance during deprived visual input.
Our results
implied an assumption similar to related studies,
ODM with DPN were visual dependent because they
tended to rely more on visual inputs to compensate for
their declined somatosensory inputs. ese patients
might be able to achieve acceptable postural control
using an appropriate compensatory strategy.
in cases of the other sensory input limitations such as
dim light, an irregular trail or presenting of retinopathy
and vestibulopathy, the risk of fall among these patients
would be even higher.
e static balance reected by the FRT signicantly
diered between ODM with and without DPN. Lower FRT
values were observed among ODM with somatosensory
e sensory threshold of hallux was reported
to be a predictor of reach distance and center of mass
displacement among patients with DM.
the manner of FRT performance, the strength of lower
limb muscles would also inuence the test results. In this
study, knee extensor muscle strength was reduced among
ODM with DPN. e ankle plantar exors, reported to
signicantly contribute to the center of mass displacement
during forward reach, also had a trend of decreased
strength among ODM with DPN.
In this study, the TUG signicantly diered between
groups. e TUG is a gait-based functional test with the
purpose to measure mobility, balance, walking ability,
locomotor performance and falls risk among older people.
In addition to the reduced proprioception, the dynamic
balance impairment among the participants with DPN might
have been associated with lower limb muscle weakness
reected by the reduced strength of knee extensors. e
correlation of TUG and knee extensor muscle strength
has been highlighted among older people.
In conclusion, this study presented the contribution
of DNP on higher fall occurrence among ODM with
DPN. e poorer performances of static and dynamic
balance as well as less knee extensor strength were also
found among ODM with DPN. e results suggested
that clinicians should systematically monitor and control
these impairments as an approach to prevent falls among
is study had some limitations. e fall occurrence
data in this study was based on the interviews. Recall bias
is likely especially regarding self-reported falls among
ODM. Other factors reported to aect balance and falls in
DM including body mass index, medications, depression
and fear of falling were not assessed. We also did not
monitor the occurrence of hypoglycaemia and the severity
of the neuropathic pain. ese DM associated conditions
were postulated to lead to falls among individuals with
DM due to their eects on the attention decit, slow
psychomotor speed as well as orthostatic hypotension.
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