Volume 73, No.1: 2021 Siriraj Medical Journal
Original Article
About 40% of BA cases who undergo HPE receive
no benet from the surgery. However, among the cases
who achieve biliary drainage aer the surgery, progression
of cirrhosis continues at varying rates. About half of the
patients who have long term survival aer HPE later
develop biliary cirrhosis, portal hypertension, esophageal
varices and/or liver failure.
Long term follow-up of the
liver functions and surveillance for esophageal varices and
cirrhosis are mandatory in BA cases. Various laboratory
tests are used as indices of liver function reserve in
pediatric chronic liver diseases. e aspartate transaminase
to platelet ratio index (APRI) has been proposed as an
indicator for liver brosis in pediatric patients with
chronic hepatitis C and also BA.
e Pediatric End-
stage Liver Disease (PELD) score has been widely used
to predict life-year benet from a liver transplantation.
Imaging evaluation of cirrhosis is usually performed
by an ultrasound study while evaluation of esophageal
varices needs an esophagoscopy. In our institute, an
esophagoscopy is usually considered when a child with
BA reaches 2-3 years of age or when there are clinical
signs of portal hypertension.
e recent development of transient elastometry
(TE) provides a non-invasive technique to evaluate the
extent of liver brosis.
TE emits a 50-MHz ultrasound
wave from its probe and measures the velocity of the
shear wave passing through the liver parenchyma. e
shear wave velocity is then converted into a liver stiness
measurement (LSM), which is expressed in kilopascals
TE has been widely used in various chronic liver
diseases in adults including chronic hepatitis and fatty
e scanning procedure can be performed
on an out-patient basis and usually takes less than 10
minutes. Studies involving BA patients have shown a
correlation between liver stiness and degree of liver
brosis in both before and aer HPE.
In 2011, a
study of liver stiness in post-HPE patients suggested
that the stiffness value was correlated well with the
presence of esophageal varices. A more recent study
of liver stiness measurements performed at 3 months
post-HPE signicantly predicted the risk of liver cirrhosis
and the need for a transplantation.
To our knowledge,
to date there have been only a few studies of TE in
longterm BA survivors and these have focused on the
correlation between the liver stiness and the risk of
developing portal hypertension or esophageal varices.
is study aimed to evaluate the correlation between
liver stiness measurement by Fibroscan and clinical/
laboratory proles of liver functions in cases of BA who
had good outcome aer HPE with more than 2 years of
follow-up period.
is cross-sectional study included 20 cases of BA
who underwent HPE in our institute between 2001-
2015 and had good initial outcome dened as having
post-operative bilirubin level of less than 2 mg/dL. On
enrolment under informed consent of the parents or
other guardians, the patients were clinically examined for
growth anthropometry and signs of portal hypertension
by the attending surgeon. Additional evaluation consisted
of liver function study (total bilirubin, direct bilirubin,
total protein, albumin, alkaline phosphatase, aspartate
aminotransferase (AST) and alanine aminotransferase),
platelet count, hepatobiliary ultrasonography and upper
gastrointestinal endoscopy. Clinically signicant esophageal
varix was dened as the varix grade 2 or more according
to the Japanese Research Society for Portal Hypertension
denition (1991).
e aspartate transaminase to platelet
ratio index (APRI) was calculated as AST (×40) × 100/
platelet count (109/L). A Fibroscan was then performed
within 1 month of the laboratory and endoscopic tests.
e study was approved by the Human Research Ethics
Committee of the Faculty of Medicine, Prince of Songkla
Transient elastography
e TE procedures were performed by trained internists
using a Fibroscan 502 Touch system (Echosens, Paris,
France). Two types of probe were used in this study: an S
probe for thoracic diameters < 45 cm and an M probe for
thoracic diameters > 45 cm. Scanning was performed in a
supine position with maximal abduction of the right arm.
For quality control, the median values of liver stiness
measurements from 10 validated measurements with
interquartile range (IQR) < 25% and reliability measured
as IQR/M < 25% were used.
All studies were performed
without sedation and under non-fasting conditions.
Statistical analysis
Data are presented as arithmetic means with ranges
when they have normal distribution and medians with
interquartile ranges otherwise. LSMs from the Fibroscan
studies were cross tabulated with various clinical and
investigative factors that are indicators of cirrhosis and
portal hypertension including the PELD scores. Association
analysis used Student t-test or Mann Whitney U test as
appropriate. Correlations between the LSMs and liver
cirrhosis as diagnosed by an ultrasonography and also
the presence of esophageal varices were analysed by
using a receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve.
Correlations between LSMs and PELD scores were analysed