Volume 73, No.1: 2021 Siriraj Medical Journal
Original Article
Ai-Hong Chen, Ph.D.*, Shauqiah M Jufri, M.Sc.*, Nathan G Congdon, Ph.D.**,***
*Department of Optometry, Faculty of Health Sciences, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Cawangan Selangor, Kampus Puncak Alam, Malaysia,
**Translational Research for Equitable Eyecare (TREE) Center, Centre for Public Health, Queen’s University Belfast, United Kingdom, ***Zhongshan
Ophthalmic Center, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, China.
The Impact of Glaucomatous Visual Field Defects
on Speed and Eye Movements during Reading
Objective: To investigate the link between glaucomatous visual eld defects and reading performance by assessing
reading speed and eye movements in reading.
Methods: Eight glaucoma patients and 8 normal-sighted participants were recruited using convenience sampling
in this cross-sectional study. e visual eld was evaluated using the Humphrey Matrix 24-2. Reading speed was
assessed in words per minute using Buari-Chen Malay Reading Chart and the SAH reading passages compendium.
Eye movements in reading were recorded using 3D video-oculography.
Results: Glaucoma and control groups displayed signicant dierences in reading speed (t=3.12; p<0.05) and
xation (t=-2.59; p<0.05). Reading speed was signicantly correlated with the total defect areas (r =+0.62, p<0.05)
and the types of glaucomatous eld defects (Analysis of Variance, ANOVA: F =4.65, p<0.05). No correlation was
apparent in eye movements (p>0.05).
Conclusion: e association of defect areas and types with reading speed but not with eye movements might suggest
a dierent coping strategy between eye movement adjustment and reading adaptation in response to visual eld
defects. Signicant association with xation but not with saccades might indicate that the disengaged and engaged
mechanisms of visual attention are aected dierently by visual eld defects.
Keywords: Glaucoma; visual eld defect; reading speed; eye movements (Siriraj Med J 2021; 73: 17-25)
Corresponding Author: Ai-Hong Chen
E-mail: aihong0707@yahoo.com
Received 25 August 2020 Revised 2 October 2020 Accepted 7 October 2020
ORCID ID: http://orcid.org/0000-0003-4568-0495
Reading involves the integration of visual information,
encompassing visual-spatial skills in locating information,
visual recognition of text, and visual encoding of letters,
words, and sentences.
Intact visual eld facilitates visual
navigation to locate the text and lines during reading.
Visual eld defect has been reported to contribute to daily
living diculties among glaucoma patients.
ability is generally found to deteriorate in glaucomatous
eyes with increasing severity.
e link between glaucomatous visual eld loss
and reading problems had been established using either
a questionnaire approach or experimental design.
Some studies reported more reading diculties among
glaucoma patients; while other studies found glaucoma
patients displayed similar reading performance or better
than normal subjects.
e discrepancy might denote
that the complex mechanism of the relationship. Reading
speed varies widely among patients with glaucomatous
visual eld loss, but does not appear to be predicted by
Volume 73, No.1: 2021 Siriraj Medical Journal
standard measures of visual function such as contrast
sensitivity, visual acuity, and visual eld damage.
Certain regions of the binocular visual eld impairment
were associated with reading performance even in patients
with preserved visual acuity.
e inferior le region of
patient integrated visual elds was suggested as important
for changing lines during reading.
We aimed to further investigate this link between
glaucomatous visual eld loss and reading performance.
In this study, we explored the practicality of examining
the reading speed together with the defect types, total
defect area, and eye movements simultaneously in patients
with glaucomatous visual eld loss. We hypothesized
that patients with glaucomatous visual eld loss would
be aected dierently by the types of visual eld defects
and the total defect areas. Dierent types of reading eye
movements were probed to reveal how the eyes navigated
during reading. Tracking words during reading is imperative
to retrieve information.
Visual information is neatly
integrated during reading by positioning the eyes to
text location.
Discontinuities are hardly noticed by
readers as the eye moves from one viewing location
to the next.
e parafoveal information from one
xation is integrated with information from the fovea
during the next xation. Peripheral visual impairment
has been reported to compromise reading performance
even in readers with preserved central visual acuity.
A peripheral vision problem may functionally inhibit a
person seeing both ends of the line during reading.
Information processing primarily controls when the eyes
move, while the oculomotor system control where the eyes
Eye movements represent the interface between
high-level cognition (language) and the perceptual-motor
loop (visual-oculomotor). Reading skills are associated
with spatial reading parameters, such as the number of
xations per word, the total number of saccades, and
saccadic amplitudes.
e eyes are relatively stationary
during xation and all visual input occurs at this time.
e reading eye xates on most content words in a rapid
series of xations (range 50-500 millisecond, ms) and
saccades (20-35 ms).
When xated, the eye remains
immobile for a brief period on a content word and takes
in a span of about seven to nine letters to the right of
the xation and three to four letters to the le before
it jumps to the next xation point.
Saccades typically
move the eyes forward 7-9-character spaces. More letters
are processed to the right of the xation if the eye is
scanning from le to right.
Both the detection of words
in the center eld of vision and awareness of words in the
periphery is essential for procient reading.
function of certain patterns of peripheral visual eld
defects might induce more challenges to move from
word to word across the line for uent reading. Dierent
congurations might hurl dierent levels of struggles to
enable readers to process a whole word at once. Visual
eld defects very close to xation inhibit reading to a
greater extent than peripheral defects, and the central 5°
is particularly important for reading.
Defects in the
inferior le hemield and peripheral superior hemield
regions of the binocular visual eld are related to reading
diculty, with damage to the inferior visual eld slowed
reading rates more than abnormalities in the superior,
nasal or temporal eld.
Information about the role
of eye movements in mediating the eect of the visual
eld defects on reading diculty remains inconclusive.
Ethical approval was obtained from the Research
Ethics Committee of University (IRB/IEC Certication
600-RMI (5/1/6) REC/108/15). Our study adhered to
the declaration of Helsinki. Written informed consent
was obtained. A sample size of 16 participants with an
eect size of 1.38 was based on the actual power of study
84% and an α error of 0.05. Sixteen participants were
divided into experimental and control groups in this
cross-sectional study. e experimental group consisted
of eight patients with a diagnosis of glaucoma from
the ophthalmology clinic at a public university. e
inclusion criteria for the experimental group was the
best-corrected LogMAR (Logarithm of the Minimum
Angle of Resolution) visual acuity of 0.8 or better; no
known neuro-ophthalmic or other retinal or optic nerve
conditions likely to aect the visual eld. Eight normal
sighted subjects with no known vision disorders, no known
ocular diseases, and normal visual elds were assigned
to the control group. e mean age of participants for
experimental and control groups was 64 ± 8 years old
and 56 ± 8 years old respectively. Any patients who
were unable to read in the Malay language uently were
Reading performance was evaluated using “Buari
and Chen AH Reading Investigation Apparatus” (BaCA
RIA with copyright registration code of CR001460).
BaCA RIA consisted of the standardized Malay language
reading materials, the Buari-Chen Malay Reading Chart
(BCMRC), and the SAH reading passages compendium
Subjects were instructed to read the BCMRC
aloud monocularly from the largest to the smallest print
size. e critical print size was the smallest print size as
reading speed constant across the larger print sizes from
the plateau plot.
Critical print size was obtained from a
graph plotted using reading speed to determine the print
Chen et al.
Volume 73, No.1: 2021 Siriraj Medical Journal
Original Article
size for the SAHRPC assessment. Four reading passages
from the SAHRPC were employed. e passages from
the SAHRPC subtend 41° x 28° of the visual eld. e
passages contained upper- and lower-case letters and
standard punctuation marks. Each had 50 words over
4-5 lines each, printed on A4 matte paper in landscape
orientation at a size of 30 x 21 cm in 10-point Arial font,
and subtending a visual angle of 0.28° in the lowercase
letters. ey were randomly selected and positioned at
eye level on a reading stand inclined at 45° at a working
distance of 40 cm. e total time used to read the whole
text was measured. Reading errors (mispronunciations,
substitutes, refusals, additions, omissions, and reversals)
were recorded. e reading speed was quantied as
correct words subtracting the total number of reading
errors and divided by the total time taken to read the
text in words per minute (wpm). Digital recordings
were used for post-reading evaluation of reading time
and reading errors.
Eye movements during reading were video recorded
using a 3D Video-oculograph (3D-VOG, SensoMotoric
Instruments GmbH version 5.0 SP8
1991-2003, Berlin,
Germany). A head-mounted eye tracking device with
a built-in infrared light video camera was attached to
a goggle and linked to a computer workstation. e
computer workstation was integrated with MS Windows
version 5.04.02 with stimulus soware. e monitor
screen resolution was set at 1024 x 768 pixels with a
refresh rate of 60Hz and 32-bit color depth. e eye
position was calibrated on a target positioned at eye level
at the primary gaze. Eye movement data were extracted
automatically from the 3D-VOG into the spreadsheet.
e visual eld was assessed using a Humphrey
Matrix visual eld analyzer (Carl Zeiss Meditec, Dublin,
Calif) with frequency doubling technology program
24-2 threshold protocol. All measurements were taken
monocularly. Participants were instructed to press the
response button when a stimulus appeared from any
direction in the periphery while maintaining central
xation. Visual eld result was considered reliable when
xation losses were <20%, false positives were <15%
and false negatives were <25%. e eld defects were
determined from the pattern deviation plot. e 16
glaucoma eyes were categorized into one of ve pre-
determined eld defect categories: nasal step, arcuate
defect, centrocecal, pre-perimetric, or advanced.
e statistical analysis was conducted using SPSS
comparing normal and glaucoma using independent
t-test depending on the test of normality Shapiro-Wilk.
Further analysis of the types of glaucomatous visual
eld defects was performed using Analysis of Variance
(ANOVA). e relationship of total defect area with
eye movements and reading speed was examined using
Pearson correlation analysis. A p-value ≤0.05 was used
as the criterion of statistical signicance.
A comparison between experimental and control
groups was summarized in Table 1. Fixation in reading
is a point where the eyes come to rest during reading.
In this study, the total number of eye xations during
the reading of the entire text was recorded to indicate
the eciency of reading performance. Readers with
fewer eye xations were assumed to take in more words
with each xation. Fixation counts showed a signicant
increase in glaucoma eyes. erefore, glaucoma eyes
were less ecient in reading than normal eyes due to
higher xation count. Meanwhile saccadic and regression
showed no signicant dierence between glaucoma and
normal eyes. Reading speed was signicantly lower in
glaucoma eyes.
e contributing factors for the dierence found
between control and glaucoma eyes were dissected
from the perspectives of total defect area in percentages
(Table 2) and the types of visual eld defects (Table 3).
The main feature of glaucoma pathogenesis is the
progressive degeneration of retinal ganglion cells that
leads to irreversible optic nerve damage and eventually
vision eld loss. e progression of visual eld loss can
be captured in terms of threshold sensitivity changes and
total eld defect areas. Hypothetically, those with more
eld defect areas should have experienced the defect for
a longer period. In contrast, those at the early stage of
glaucoma (early arcuate and pre-perimetric) supposedly
had experienced the defect for a shorter period. e
faster reading speed might connect to the duration of
adaptation concerning the progressive degeneration
of retina ganglion cells. e advanced glaucoma eye
displayed the least xation counts and the fastest reading
speed seemed to support further the adaptive reading
ability to longer duration of adaptation.
The arcuate defect was the most common (10/16=62.5%),
followed by pre-perimetric and nasal step (2/16=12.5%
each). e reading speed diered signicantly for the
various types of glaucomatous eld defects (ANOVA:
= 4.90, p<0.05). Post-hoc analysis showed slower
reading speed in pre-perimetric and early arcuate defects;
while advanced defects displayed the fastest reading speed.
Fixation counts also diered signicantly in dierent
eld defects (ANOVA: Welch’s F
=5.32, p<0.05).
Post-hoc analysis revealed higher xation counts in
nasal steps, followed by pre-perimetric, centrocecal, and
Volume 73, No.1: 2021 Siriraj Medical Journal
TABLE 1. Comparison of reading speed and eye movements between normal and glaucomatous eyes.
Parameters of investigation Control Glaucoma t-test
Mean ± SD Mean ± SD
Reading speed (wpm) 101.0±29.8 71.9±22.7 t=3.12; p<0.05
Eye movement Fixation 46.3±14.2 61.3±18.2 t=-2.59; p<0.05
[counts (n)] Saccadic 28.9±8.82 24.4±9.62 t=1.39; p>0.05
Regression 14.1±6.13 12.2±7.16 t=0.82; p>0.05
Abbreviations: SD - standard deviation; wpm - words per minute
TABLE 2. Comparison of total defect area and the relationship with eye movement counts and reading speed
measurements for 16 glaucomatous eyes.
Eye Code Total defect area* (%) Eye movements (counts, n) Reading speed (wpm)
Fixations Saccades Regressions
G01 44 37 16 4 114
G02 39 65 24 24 84.0
G03 33 77 26 10 105
G04 19 73 36 11 93.0
G05 44 81 34 24 77.4
G06 43 88 26 18 44.9
G07 35 69 27 2 99.9
G08 28 69 15 8 57.2
G09 22 36 17 13 70.9
G10 35 49 21 7 76.2
G11 22 55 11 10 76.1
G12 13 28 16 6 44.9
G13 6 62 41 21 49.1
G14 11 62 41 21 49.1
G15 24 85 12 7 48.5
G16 69 45 25 9 114
*Calculated as the number of depressed points in the eld/54 x 100%
Abbreviation: wpm - words per minute
Chen et al.
Volume 73, No.1: 2021 Siriraj Medical Journal
Original Article
TABLE 3. Comparison of the types of glaucomatous eld defects and the relationship with eye movement counts
and reading speed measurements for 16 glaucomatous eyes.
Types of n Percentages from Eye movements Reading Speed
Glaucomatous Field a total of 16 eyes (counts, n) (words/min)
Defect Fixation Saccade Regression
Nasal step 2 12.5% 81 19 8.5 77.0
Arcuate defect* 10 62.5% 64 25 14 76.7
• Early arcuate (1) 6.25% 62 41 21 49.1
• Partial arcuate (6) 37.5% 59 22 13 80.5
• Full Arcuate (3) 18.8% 73 25 11 78.2
Centrocecal 1 6.25% 49 21 7 76.2
Pre-perimetric 2 12.5% 45 29 14 47.0
Advanced 1 6.25% 45 25 9 114
*Arcuate defect was subcategorized to early arcuate, partial arcuate, and full arcuate according to progression stages
Abbreviation: Min- minutes
advanced glaucomatous visual eld defects (Games-Howell
test=31.8, 95% CI [3.74, 59.85], p<0.05). However, the
saccadic and regression counts showed no signicant
dierence (ANOVA: Saccadic, F
(3, 61.55)
=0.598, p>0.05;
and regression, F
=0.284, p>0.05).
Further analysis was conducted to examine the
directional element of glaucomatous defects and their
impact on reading speed and eye movements. Two
eyes [early arcuate (G14) and pre-perimetric (G13)]
were excluded due to the nature of the defect that was
unable to be categorized. For horizontal defect impact
analysis, 7 eyes suered defect in the right region, and
7 eyes displayed in the le region. For vertical defect
impact analysis, 6 eyes were categorized as visual eld
defect at the superior region, 5 eyes were categorized as
visual eld defect at the inferior region and 3 eyes were
categorized as mixed. Neither reading speed (t = -0.97,
p>0.05) nor eye movements diered signicantly by
horizontal locality of visual eld defect [Fixation (t=-0.66,
p>0.05); Saccadic (t =-0.40, p>0.05); Regression (t=0.99,
p>0.05)]. Vertical defect impact analysis concluded
similarly [ANOVA: Fixation (F=0.07, p>0.05); Saccadic
(F=1.14, p>0.05); Regression (F=0.41, p>0.05); Reading
speed (F=1.09, p>0.05)].
e correlation of the total percentages of the defect
areas with eye movements and reading speed was shown
in Fig 1. e total defect area caused a signicant positive
correlation with reading speed (r=+0.62, p<0.05). Reading
speed was found to be faster with an increment of the
total defect area. Meanwhile, none of eye movements
was found to correlate with total defect area [xation
(r=+0.05, p>0.05); saccadic (r= -0.16, p>0.05); regression
(r= -0.11, p>0.05)].
Diculties with reading in glaucoma aect quality
of life.
Glaucomatous VFD has been associated with
more xations, longer search time, more errors, shorter
xation durations, and longer reading duration.
nding is in agreement with previous studies that reported
slower reading speed in glaucoma than normal.
eyes in our study read 30 words more per minute than
glaucoma eyes using SAHRPC. Decrement of reading
speed in glaucoma eyes might due to the restricted visual
span (eld of view) during reading. Glaucoma eyes with
peripheral visual eld defects have a smaller eld of view
than normal eyes, which might cast diculty to read
from one word to another word eciently.
Volume 73, No.1: 2021 Siriraj Medical Journal
Fig 1. Correlation of total defect area with eye movements and reading speed. (a) reading speed, (b) xation, (c) saccade, and (d) regression
Undeniably that some readers with glaucomatous
visual eld defects experienced more diculties with
reading; while others remained the same or better than
readers with normal vision.
is ambiguity probed us
to further examine the eye movements and reading speeds
concerning dierent types of glaucomatous visual eld
defects and dierent sizes of defect areas in comparison
to normally sighted subjects. Our ndings seem not to
align fully with previous studies because eye movements
remained the same as the increment of the total defect
area. We expect otherwise because the peripheral visual
defect was reported to compromise reading performance
despite preserved fovea acuity.
e slower reading speed
in glaucoma was reported to correlate with the reduction
of the visual eld.
Greater visual eld defects had been
associated with greater self-reported diculty nding
the next line of text while reading.
is dissimilarity
of our ndings with previous studies might indicate
the potential of visual adaptation. e key feature of
glaucoma pathogenesis is the progressive degeneration
of retinal ganglion cells.
Understandably, visual defect
worsens over time. e progression of visual eld loss is
Chen et al.
Volume 73, No.1: 2021 Siriraj Medical Journal
Original Article
usually reported as threshold sensitivity changes and total
eld defect areas.
ose with more eld defect areas
logically has experienced the defect for a longer period.
e faster reading speed might connect to the duration
of adaptation concerning the progressive degeneration
of retina ganglion cells. Adaptation might happen to
cope with the visual challenges in daily activities. Our
ndings might denote the possibility of visual adaptation
in glaucoma. Glaucoma was associated with a reduction
in contrast detection and discrimination adaptation in
the early stages.
Reduction of visual acuity or contrast
sensitivity caused slower reading speed in glaucoma.
Our ndings might suggest that reading speed reduction
in the early stages of glaucoma might be just transient
evidence of coping mechanisms being established. e
brain can be rehabilitated.
Neuroplasticity research
reveals the ability of the brain to adapt continuously
throughout life.
e brain exhibited enormous capacities
to adapt to damage. e repetitive visual training in
daily activities might give an impact on visual learning
in glaucoma.
Our analysis of reading speed and eye movements
concerning glaucomatous eld defects also revealed
something interesting about the relationship. Besides
reading speed, only xation but not saccades or regressions
were found to vary signicantly with dierent types of
glaucomatous eld defects. Fixation in reading is a point
where the eyes come to rest during reading. Reading is
not just xating on one word aer another, but rather
requires a complex series of xations to see complete
Readers who make fewer eye xations read faster
because they take in more words with each xation. e
visualization of a complete text during reading can benet
from an intact visual eld and ecient eye movements.
Peripheral visual eld defect has been reported to obstruct
readers to see both ends of the line during reading.
Before the reader begins to xate at the rst word in the
text, the eyes scan across the reading materials to locate
the rst word of a text. Spatial reading parameters, such
as the number of xations per word, the total number
of saccades have been tied to reading performance.
visual search plays a role in reading performance, the
le or superior defect areas would have reduced the
reading speed more than right or inferior defect areas
with the presumption that more eorts are required to
locate the text situated at the le and superior region due
to the defect. e inferior eld has been regarded as an
important positioning for reading.
e inferior le
region has been indicated as important for changing lines
during reading.
Reading speed had been reported to
be faster in the inferior eld compared to other areas in
normal readers.
Hypothetically, the right-eld defect or
inferior eld defect should have a more negative impact
on reading speed.
Conversely, our ndings were not
in agreement with the previous report that reading
was neither more aected with the presence of right
than le eld defects nor more aected in the inferior
eld defect.
Our horizontal and vertical eld analyses
revealed that the location of eld defects did not seem
to play a signicant role in determining reading speed.
Perhaps not the locality or sizes that determined the
outcomes but the individual reading diculty coping
or adaptation mechanism that dictated the outcome.
Parafoveal information from one xation is connected
to the information from the fovea in the next xation
during readings.
e integrated activities between the
fovea and parafoveal during xations are illustrated in
Fig 2.
Parafoveal view gives readers partial information
of what is to come next. If this reading assumption is
correct, the right visual eld defect would aect the
reading performance too.
Fig 2. Illustration of the integrated activities between fovea and parafovea during xations. Bold letters denote xations (what the eye is
seeing directly in its foveal view). Underlined letters signify what is subconsciously processed during a xation (not what readers see directly)
Volume 73, No.1: 2021 Siriraj Medical Journal
One possible explanation of our ndings was visual
adaptation through perceptual learning.
Dierent coping
mechanism might be used to overcome the hindrances
caused by visual eld defect strategy. When the central
vision was compromised, eccentric xation might be
used in the visual rehabilitation of the visual eld defect.
Scanning involving parafoveal and peripheral visual
eld is crucial to navigating reading. Patients with visual
eld defects might have adapted to the condition with
adjusted eye and head movements or compensatory
gaze strategies to improve reading performance.
Fixations and saccades denote how readers acquire
information. Visual attention can be in an engaged or
disengaged state.
To move from one point to another,
visual attention should be in the disengaged state. During
engaged visual attention, saccades were inhibited to
provide steady central xation. e disengaged mechanism
seemed to be intact (insignicant saccadic nding in
our study) during visual search in reading despite visual
eld defects. A dierent coping inclination between eye
movement adjustment and reading adaptation might
occur in response to visual eld defects. Future research
with additional measurements on the time length of
each eye movement is essential. Time length for saccade
can estimate how fast the eye moves between xations.
Time length for regression predicts the eort required
to reread a line of text.
In conclusion, reading speed and xation were
aected by dierent types of glaucomatous visual eld
defects patterns. e association of defect areas with
faster reading speed but not signicant in eye movements
might suggest a possible dierent coping strategy between
eye movement adjustment and reading adaptation in
response to visual eld defects.
is study was funded by the Research Entity Initiative
[600-IRMI/REI 5/3 (016/2018)]. anks to Prof Liza-
Sharmini Ahmad Tajudin for constructive comments.
Special thanks to Noor Halilah Buari & Ethan Hoe Tzong
Shuen for technical supports.
Conict of interest: All authors have no conict of
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