Volume 73, No.1: 2021 Siriraj Medical Journal
Review Article
reduce costs (such as accommodation, travel and subsistence
for both examiner and student) and eliminate diculties
of traditional clinical assessments (e.g. examination halls
and printed paper) in medical education.
essays are the most eective tool to evaluate learning
outcomes that indicate learner aptitude to recall, organise
and integrate viewpoints in the form of written work.
e essay questions can assess learning outcomes that
relate to the evaluation and synthesis levels of Bloom’s
(1956) taxonomy. erefore, automated assessment
for essays arguably oers a reliable scoring method
that can be costly and time savings. e methods of
automated assessment of free-text answers include Project
Essay Grade (PEG), Intelligent Essay Assessor (IEA),
Educational Testing service I, Electronic Essay Rater
(E-Rater), C-Rater, BETSY, Intelligent Essay Marking
System, SEAR, Paperless School free text Marking Engine
and Automark. The main problems encountered in
automated essay grading are lacking standard to calibrate
human marks and ambiguous set of rules for selecting
master texts.
Meanwhile, the online tools for formative assessment
in higher education include self-test quiz tools, discussion
forums and e-portfolios. e critical characteristics of
practical online formative assessment are the establishment
of a learner and assessment centred focus through formative
feedback and enhanced learner engagement with valuable
learning experiences. e validity and reliability of an
online formative assessment include ongoing accurate
assessment activities and interactive formative feedback.
e advantages of online assessment include costs
saving (such as for printing costs, examination spaces,
travel) and use of freely available online tools, e.g.
SurveyMonkey, Google Form, HubSpot Forms, CANVAS
free for teachers
and educational soware products.
Meanwhile, the disadvantages of online assessment
include soware costs to develop educational content and
supporting infrastructure, for example, internet servers,
data storage, computer-aided learning rooms.
problems of online assessment are unreliable systems (due
to poor network connectivity, hardware, soware, power
supply), lack of online and physical security systems to
safeguard assessments and cheating.
Studies showed the benets of using online assessments
are reduction of paper usage, decreased concerns over
the security of transporting test papers, exible time and
venue, continuous feedback and random selection and
reproducibility of exam questions.
e value of online
formative assessment tools includes enhancement of learner
engagement and the creation of a learning community.
In contrast, some studies argued that online assessments
have negative impacts, mainly psychological stress to
both teachers and students due to rigid technological
settings, reduced personalised engagement with faculty
and negatively inuence student’s grades.
e factors
that may inuence students’ scores and grades for online
assessment involve the comparability of identical tests
taken in dierent formats, students’ level of preparedness
for the mode of test and the quality of the test,
logins to test, delayed loading of a test, and inexperienced
e aspects that may increase acceptance
for online assessments among students are students’
accustomed to the format, high students’ condence
in the system,
use of online formative assessments
for practice before in-class tests
and technological
Recent study highlighted that students
did not understand the necessity for online assessments
due to technological incompetence of students and
teachers, mistrust in the technology infrastructure and
signicant reliance on multiple-choice questions format.
e students preferred online assessments that provide
constructive, timely and personalised feedback, as well as
a gradual transition towards online assessments together
with technical training for both students and faculty.
ey also required active individualised interaction
with instructors to incorporate online assessments into
higher education
Online examination
Before educators decide to go for online examination,
they may consider other alternative assessment options
such as assignments, writing reports (that require
students to choose dierent titles and dierent settings
from classroom exercises), or open-book examination.
Evidence shows that assessment by coursework alone
or by blending coursework and examinations tends to
produce higher marks than assessment by examinations
e courses that need alternative assessment poses
several challenges when higher-level learning objectives
(based on levels of revised Bloom’s Taxonomy such as
apply, analyse, evaluate and create).
ese methods
require more time reading the write-up and checking for
plagiarism, and also there is subjectivity issue in marking
and grading those materials. Potential problems with
coursework assessment include collusion, plagiarism and
personation (in particular ‘contract cheating’ through
the use of tailored essays).
Educators may use online
plagiarism checking platform,
which are freely available
at present, such as DupliChecker and Grammarly. Also,
educators must recognise that there were dierences
between sciences and arts-type subjects which indicate
distinctive assessment practices.