Volume 73, No.6: 2021 Siriraj Medical Journal
Patarapong Kamalaporn, M.D.*, Supphamat Chirnaksorn, M.D.*, Sasivimol Rattanasiri, Ph.D.**, Taya Kitiyakara,
* Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital, **Department of Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Faculty of Medicine
Ramathibodi Hospital, Mahidol University, Bangkok 10400, ailand.
Comparison of Radial Echoendoscopy and
Predictive Factors in the Evaluation of Patients with
Suspected Choledocholithiasis
Objective: e aim of this study was to compare predictive factors and endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) in the diagnosis
of choledocholithiasis.
Materials and Methods: Patients with suspected choledocholithiasis were recruited from April 2011 to January
2018. All patient characteristics, EUS ndings and ERCP ndings were recorded and analyzed.
Results: Eighty patients were enrolled in this study. Clinical symptoms, blood chemistry and liver function tests
were similar in patients with and without choledocholithiasis. Using the ndings of ERCP as the gold standard,
radial EUS had a sensitivity and specicity for the detection of choledocholithiasis of 90.2% and 97.4%, and for
choledocholithiasis and/or common bile duct sludge 92.7% and 100%, respectively. For patients with intermediate
likelihood and high likelihood of having choledocholithiasis, as calculated from their predictive factors (33 and
45), radial EUS was positive for choledocholithiasis in 51.5% (17/33) and 46.7% (21/45), and ERCP was positive
for choledocholithiasis in 54.5% (18/33) and 48.9% (22/45), respectively.
Conclusion: Predictive factors, for both the intermediate and high likelihood groups, were not accurate to diagnose
these patients. EUS is a good diagnostic tool and should be performed in both groups of patients to avoid unnecessary
Keywords: Echoendoscopy; choledocholithiasis (Siriraj Med J 2021; 73: 380-385)
Corresponding author: Patarapong Kamalaporn
E-mail: Patarakamla@yahoo.com
Received 10 October 2020 Revised 4 January 2021 Accepted 7 January 2021
ORCID ID: http://orcid.org/0000-0003-0397-1892
Cholelithiasis is a common problem and occurs 6-9%
in the population.
Most patients are asymptomatic but
some can develop biliary colic and other complications.
Choledocholithiasis is one of the common complications
and can occur in about 20% of these patients.
they have choledocholithiasis, cholangitis and acute
biliary pancreatitis can occur. e diagnosis of patients
with suspected choledocholithiasis can be made by
clinical symptoms, physical examination, changes of
liver function test and transabdominal ultrasonography.
From previous studies, certain factors were found to
improve the diagnostic accuracy of choledocholithiasis
by up to 70%. Such factors included clinical ascending
cholangitis, the common bile duct being larger than
6 mm with the gall bladder in situ on transabdominal
Kamalaporn et al.
Volume 73, No.6: 2021 Siriraj Medical Journal
Original Article
ultrasonography, and a bilirubin level higher than 1.8
Some imaging methods also have a role in
the diagnosis of this condition, such as Endoscopic
Ultrasound (EUS), Computerized Tomography (CT),
Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Magnetic Resonance
Cholangiopancreatography (MRI and MRCP), but the
choice of which method to use depends on the local
accessibility and the accuracy of each method.
An Endoscopic Ultrasound is an endoscope
with an ultrasound probe at the tip which allows the
endosonographer to examine the gastrointestinal tract,
hepatobiliary tract and pancreas closely by ultrasound.
is method is safe and has a low rate of complications,
such as bowel perforation and bleeding (0.12%).
accuracy of hepatobiliary and pancreatic examinations
is reported to be as good as MRI and MRCP, at about
91-93% from a previous study.
For CT, MRI and MRCP,
patients receive radiation or magnetic resonance as well
as intravenous contrast media which may deteriorate
renal function. Patients with renal insuciency may
have some limitation for both studies. e gold standard
for the detection of choledocholithiasis is Endoscopic
Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography (ERCP). ERCP
can be both diagnostic and therapeutic at the same time,
but as it is more invasive, complications can occur at a
higher rate than for EUS, at about 4%, and include acute
pancreatitis, perforation, bleeding and infection.
EUS and ERCP are both highly accurate for detecting
choledocholithiasis. EUS has a sensitivity of 89-94% and
a specicity of 94-95% when ERCP ndings are used
as the gold standard. But EUS has lower complications
(Relative risk 0.35, 95% CI 0.2-0.62; p<0.001) and a
lower incidence of pancreatitis (Relative risk 0.21, 95%
CI 0.06-0.83; p 0.03).
e American Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
(ASGE) guideline
categorize patients with suspected
choledocholithiasis into low, intermediate and high
likelihood using predictive factors. Additional tests (MRCP
or EUS) are recommended to conrm choledocholithiasis
in the intermediate likelihood group before doing ERCP.
is study was designed to compare the sensitivity
and specicity of the patients’ predictive factors with the
EUS ndings in the detection of choledocholithiasis, in
patients who underwent ERCP.
is prospective, descriptive study was approved
by Ramathibodi Ethical Committee. The study was
performed in Ramathibodi Endoscopic unit from April
2011 to January 2018. We recruited patients 18 to 80 years
old who were suspected of having choledocholithiasis
and transabdominal ultrasonography was negative for
choledocholithiasis. Patients had at least one of the following:
clinical symptoms of cholangitis (fever, abdominal pain
and jaundice), alkaline phosphatase > 300 unit/L, direct
bilirubin > 1.8 mg/dL, clinical symptoms of gall stone
pancreatitis, common bile duct (CBD) dilatation to at
least 6 mm in patients with the gall bladder in-situ or
common bile duct dilatation to at least 10 mm in patients
aer cholecystectomy.
We excluded patients who were
unable to undergo esophagogastroduodenoscopy such
as those with esophageal stricture, pyloric stricture and
patients who refused to participate in the study. All
patients were informed about risks and benets of both
procedures, radial EUS and ERCP. Patients signed the
consent forms before starting all procedures.
EUS was performed in these patients as soon as
possible by two endosonographers and an Olympus GF-
UE160-AL5 Radial Array Ultrasound Gastrovideoscope
was used. With the Radial EUS, the CBD was carefully
evaluated for choledocholithiasis or common bile duct
sludge. We dened choledocholithiasis as a hyperechoic
lesion with posterior acoustic shadow or a hypoechoic
lesion which was movable in the CBD and common bile
duct sludge as hyperechoic foci or content in common
bile duct which included microlithiasis and viscous bile
uid. Microlithiasis and viscous bile uid are known
to cause intermittent common bile duct obstruction
and pancreatitis.
ERCP was done either at the same
session or within 6 weeks for denite diagnosis and
treatment. At ERCP, if the cholangiogram looked suspicious
for choledocholithiasis or common bile duct sludge,
endoscopic sphincterotomy was done and a balloon
or basket extraction was applied to clear common bile
duct. e diagnosis was conrmed by two experienced
All predictive factors, ndings of radial EUS and
ndings of ERCP were compared by statistical analysis.
All patients were classied by their predictors according to
the ASGE guideline 2010 into low, intermediate and high
likelihood groups to check the accuracy of this guideline
(Fig 1).
Descriptive data was presented as mean with
standard deviation (SD) or median with range. Factors
associated with choledocholithiaisis were analyzed by Chi-
square test or T-test. Statistical signicance was dened
as p-value < 0.05. e sensitivity and specicity values
for radial EUS for the detection of choledocholithiasis
and choledocholithiasis and/ or common bile duct sludge
were calculated, using the ERCP ndings as the gold
standard. All statistical analyses were performed using
STATA version 15.
Volume 73, No.6: 2021 Siriraj Medical Journal
Kamalaporn et al.
Eighty patients were recruited into this study
from a total of 722 patients who underwent ERCP for
choledocholithiasis in the same time period. For the 80
patients with suspected choledocholithiasis and negative
choledocholithiasis on transabdominal ultrasonography,
the mean (±SD) of age was 65.2 (±14.9) years old and 46
patients were female. Patients presented with abdominal
pain 87.5% (70/80), fever 58.8% (47/80) and jaundice
71.3% (57/80). e median (range) for alkaline phosphatase
was 183 u/L (62-1309), serum glutamic-oxaloacetic
transaminase level 112 (16-4289) U/L, serum glutamic-
pyruvic transaminase level 142 (13-1782) U/L, total
bilirubin 2.5 (0.2-16) mg/dL and direct bilirubin 1.7 (0.1-
12) mg/dL. In 69 patients, radial EUS and ERCP were
done on the same day/ same setting. For nine patients
these two procedures were done with an interval of one
day, and in two patients, the interval was 35 days. No
complication was noted in all recruited patients.
Radial EUS showed choledocholithiasis in 37 patients
and ERCP conrmed choledocholithiasis in 41 patients.
e sensitivity and specicity of radial EUS for detecting
choledocholithiasis were 90.2% (37/41) and 97.4% (38/39),
respectively (Table 1). Baseline characteristics for patients
with and without choledocholithiasis, including symptoms,
blood chemistry and liver function tests, were similar
(Table 2). Only the mean age of patients was higher
in patients with choledocholithiasis, mean±SD: 68.66
(14.58) vs 61.54 (14.49), p=0.032.
When we included patients with choledocholithiasis
and/ or common bile duct sludge, radial EUS was positive
in 63 patients and ERCP was positive in 68 patients. e
sensitivity and specicity of radial EUS for detecting
choledocholithiasis and / or sludge in common bile
duct were 92.7% (63/68) and 100% (12/12), respectively
(Table 1). When we analyzed the performance of radial
EUS in detecting only common bile duct sludge, the
sensitivity was 72.5% (29/40) and the specicity was
95% (38/40), (Table 1).
When the predictors for choledocholithiasis were
used to classify the patients according to the ASGE
guideline 2010, 2 of our patients were in the low likelihood
group, 33 in the intermediate likelihood group and 45 in
the high likelihood group. e guideline recommended
further investigations for the intermediate group. In this
group, radial EUS was positive for choledocholithiasis
in 17 patients (51.5%, 17/33) and ERCP was positive
for choledocholithiasis in 18 patients (54.5%, 18/33).
When we included patients with choledocholithiasis and/
or common bile duct sludge, Radial EUS was positive
Very strong
Common bile duct stone on transabdominal ultrasonography
Clinical ascending cholangitis
Bilirubin ˃4 mg/dL
Dilated common bile duct on transabdominal ultrasonography (˃6 mm with gall bladder in situ)
Bilirubin level 1.8-4 mg/dL
Abnormal liver biochemical test other than bilirubin
Age older than 55 year
Clinical gall stone pancreatitis
Assigning a likelihood of choledocholithiasis based on clinical predictors
Presence of any very strong predictor high
Presence of both strong predictor high
No predictor present low
All other patients intermediate
Fig 1. Predictors of choledocholithiasis
Volume 73, No.6: 2021 Siriraj Medical Journal
Original Article
in 25 patients (75.8%, 25/33) and ERCP was positive
in 28 patients (84.8%, 28/33). For the high likelihood
group, radial EUS was positive for choledocholithiasis
in 21 patients (46.7%, 21/45) and ERCP was positive for
choledocholithiasis in 22 patients (48.9%, 22/45). When we
included patients who were positive for choledocholithiasis
and/ or sludge in the analysis, radial EUS was positive
in 36 patients (80%, 36/45) and ERCP was positive in
38 patients (84.4%, 38/45). e accuracy of EUS in the
diagnosis of choledocholithiasis, and choledocholithiasis
and/ or common bile duct sludge was high in both groups
of patients and is shown in Table 1.
Endoscopic Ultrasound is a low risk endoscopic
procedure which can evaluate the common bile duct in
patients with suspected choledocholithiasis. Previous
studies have suggested that a strategy of EUS-directed ERCP
for choledocholithiasis allowed 50-70% of the patients
to avoid a diagnostic ERCP and reduced complications
by 4-7%. At 1-year follow-up, there was no dierence
in outcomes between patients in both groups.
Performance of EUS Sensitivity Specicity ROC area, (95% CI)
EUS/ERCP, n (%) EUS/ERCP, n (%)
For choledocholithiasis 37/41 (90.2%) 38/39 (97.4%) 0.94 (0.89-0.99)
For CBD sludge 29/40 (72.5%) 38/40 (95%) 0.86 (0.79-0.93)
For choledocholithiasis 63/68 (92.7%) 12/12 (100%) 0.96 (0.93-0.99)
and/or CBD sludge
Categorized by ASGE guideline:
Intermediate likelihood group
For choledocholithiasis 17/18 (94.4%) 15/15 (100%) 0.97 (0.92-1)
For choledocholithiasis 25/28 (89.3%) 5/5 (100%) 0.95 (0.89-1)
and/or CBD sludge
High likelihood group
For choledocholithiasis 21/22 (95.4%) 23/23 (100%) 0.97 (0.93-1)
For choledocholithiasis 36.38 (94.7%) 7/7 (100%) 0.97 (0.94-1)
and/or CBD sludge
TABLE 1. Performance of EUS (ERCP ndings as gold standard)
Abbreviations: CBD: common bile duct, ROC: Receiver operating characteristic
In this study, we recruited patients with suspected
choledocholithiasis from clinical symptoms and blood
chemistry, without visible choledocholithiasis on
transabdominal ultrasonography. e reason that our
study recruited this group of patients was that patients who
were positive for choledocholithiasis on transabdominal
ultrasonography would go straight for ERCP. ey would
not need to have another non-invasive imaging technique
such as EUS to conrm choledocholithiasis. Most of
the patients in this study (69/80) underwent radial EUS
and ERCP back-to-back, and 9/80 patients had both
procedures with an interval of only one day. As a result,
the results of both procedures, and the dierence between
them would unlikely be confounded by the passage of
stones in between the procedures. A long waiting time
between the two procedures would allow the passing
of choledocholithiasis and give a false negative ERCP
result. Conversely, cholelithiasis could also be passed
into the common bile duct during the waiting time. is
would produce a positive ERCP result, and decrease the
sensitivity of EUS.
Volume 73, No.6: 2021 Siriraj Medical Journal
Kamalaporn et al.
TABLE 2. Comparison baseline characteristic between positive and negative choledocholithiasis (CBD stone) from
ERCP_CBD=negative ERCP_CBD=positive
(n=39) (n=41)
Age, mean (SD) 61.54 (14.49) 68.66 (14.58) 0.032
Sex, n (%)
male 14 (35.9) 20 (48.78) 0.244
female 25 (64.1) 21 (51.22)
Abdominal pain, n (%)
no 5 (12.82) 5 (12.2) 1.000
present 34 (87.18) 36 (87.8)
Fever, n (%)
no 18 (46.15) 15 (36.59) 0.385
present 21 (53.85) 26 (63.41)
Jaundice, n (%)
no 8 (20.51) 15 (36.59) 0.112
present 31 (79.49) 26 (63.41)
ALP, median (range) 174 (64, 1309) 196 (62, 503) 0.434
SGOT median (range) 118 (24, 4289) 99 (16, 1065) 0.713
SGPT median (range) 143 (23, 1782) 137 (13, 782) 0.906
GGT median (range) 353 (9, 2344) 462 (31, 1396) 0.201
TB median (range) 2.40 (0.210, 10.80) 2.70 (0.20, 16) 0.721
DB median (range) 1.70 (0.10, 8.60) 1.50 (0.10, 12) 0.743
Categorized by ASGE guideline
Low likelihood, n (%) 1 (2.56) 1 (2.43)
Intermediate likelihood, n (%) 15 (38.46) 18 (43.9)
High likelihood, n (%) 23 (58.97) 22 (53.65)
Common bile duct sludge is known to cause similar
complications to choledocholithiasis such as cholangitis,
common bile duct obstruction and gall stone pancreatitis.
So we also analyzed choledocholithiasis and/ or common
bile duct sludge in the study. Radial EUS was found to
have high sensitivity and specicity for the detection of
choledocholithiasis, at 90.2% and 97.4% respectively, and
also for choledocholithiasis and/or common bile duct
sludge, at 92.7% and 100%, respectively. Radial EUS
had a lower sensitivity, 72.5%, but still a high specicity,
95%, for detecting only common bile duct sludge. e
amount of sludge in the common bile duct varied for
each patient and may have aected the performance of
the radial EUS.
ere was no signicant dierence in the baseline
characteristics between patients with choledocholithiasis
Abbreviations: ALP: alkaline phosphatase, SGOT: serum glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase, SGPT: serum glutamic-pyruvic transaminase,
GGT: gamma glutamyl transferase, TB: total bilirubin, DB: direct bilirubin
Volume 73, No.6: 2021 Siriraj Medical Journal
Original Article
and without choledocholithiasis, particularly in terms of
clinical symptoms (abdominal pain, fever and jaundice)
and blood chemistry including the liver function test.
It seems that the predictors were not so useful in this
For patients with intermediate likelihood and high
likelihood of choledocholithiasis according to the ASGE
guideline 2010
classication, ERCP was positive for
choledocholithiasis 54.5% (18/33) and 48.9% (22/45),
respectively. e accuracy of the predictors from this
guideline was also low for our patients in both groups.
EUS ndings were more accurate than the predictors.
Although this study was prospective in design, it
only had a small number of patients, making it dicult to
suggest the applicability of the ndings with any strength. A
further large study may conrm the ndings of this study.
Endoscopic Ultrasound with a radial echoendoscope
was highly accurate and a safe endoscopic procedure for
the detection of choledocholithiasis when performed by
experienced endosonographers. For patients in both the
intermediate likelihood and the high likelihood groups, EUS
showed benet and allowed patients to avoid unnecessary
Endoscopic Retrograde cholangiopancreatography and
its related complications.
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