Volume 73, No.5: 2021 Siriraj Medical Journal
Review Article
Atthawit Mongkronwong, M.D.*, Chanatip Nilkarn, M.D.**, Nutthawut Akaranuchat, M.D.***
*Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Prince of Songkla University, Songkhla 90110, ailand,
**Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Prince of Songkla University, Songkhla 90110, ailand, ***Division of Plastic Surgery, Department of
Surgery, Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University, Bangkok 10700, ailand.
What do we know about lymphedema? Review
Lymphedema can cause by a congenital anomaly, an infectious disease, chronic inammation, connective tissue
disease, and cancer. e most common presenting symptoms are swelling of the aected limb, diculty wearing
clothes, and disturbances to daily life activities. Most of the time, patients have a high chance of developing a so
tissue infection that will jeopardize the quality of their life and socioeconomic status. As to management of the
disease, it necessary to make a precise diagnosis and clinico-pathological staging in order to guide the treatment plan
and yield optimum results. Currently, surgical management for lymphedema is based on the use of 1) physiological
treatment, and 2) reductive or ablative procedures. Conservative treatment (especially for complete decongestive
therapy) is still the mainstay for the management of lymphedema.
Keywords: Lymphedema; lymphatic obstruction; lymphatic reconstruction; lymphatic surgery; lymphaticovenous
anastomosis; lymph node transfer (Siriraj Med J 2021; 73: 293-304)
Corresponding author: Nutthawut Akaranuchat
E-mail: nutthawut.joe@gmail.com
Received 23 November 2020 Revised 18 March 2021 Accepted 2 April 2021
ORCID ID: http://orcid.org/0000-0003-1798-8484
e lymphatic system performs three main functions:
1) draining excess uids from body tissues, 2) fat-absorption,
and 3) the production of immune cells. Intercellular uid
is the uid that leaks from the circulatory system, and
90% of it is reabsorbed by the venous circulatory system.
e remaining 10% of this protein-rich uid accumulates
between cells and ows into the lymphatic system (Fig 1);
once this uid enters the lymphatic system, it is termed
“lymph”. It is transported through the collecting lymphatic
vessels and ltered through the lymph nodes, through
which approximately 2-3 liters of circulating lymph passes
daily. e dierence between the accumulated lymphatic
and capillary lymphatic pathways is the presence of
smooth muscle on the lymph vessel walls that results
in compression. Intermittent valve blocking also forces
lymphatic ow in one direction. Consequently, a loss
of drainage ability (whether caused by a blockage of the
lymphatic tract or by the lymphatic system not growing)
causes lymph to accumulate between cells, with a subsequent
swelling of so tissue, inammation, and brosis. is
adverse condition is called “lymphedema”.
Anatomy and pathophysiology of lymphatic system
e lymphatic system is divided into lymph capillaries,
which drain much of the intercellular uid from the dermal
layer. is uid is subsequently passed to pre-collector
and collecting vessels located in the subcutaneous fat
layer before moving into the lymph nodes. e lymphatic
ow is one direction because there is a valve blocking
period (Fig 2).
Volume 73, No.5: 2021 Siriraj Medical Journal
Mongkronwong et al.
e etiology of lymphedema
Primary lymphedema
Primary lymphedema is the type of lymphedema that
occurs from an inherited abnormality (not a consequence
of other conditions). e cause is an abnormal growth of
the lymphatic tract (aplasia, dysplasia, or malformation).
Primary lymphedema can be subdivided into the following
3 groups, based on their etiology and the onset of the
1. Congenital lymphedema (Milroy’s disease)
- The second most common type of primary
lymphedema (10%-25%)
- Occurs within rst 2 years of age
- Usually presents as bilateral extremity edema
- Autosomal dominant, inherited disorder caused
by an inactive mutation of VEGFR-3 tyrosine
kinase (VEGFR, vascular endothelial growth
factor receptor)
2. Familial lymphedema praecox (Meige’s disease)
- e most common form of primary lymphedema
- Incidence is about 1:100,000 in the population,
with a 4:1 female/male ratio
- Typically presents during puberty (adolescence),
and usually as a unilateral edema (especially of
the foot and calf)
- Transfers through autosomal dominant inheritance,
and can associate with multiple anomalies, such
as a double row of eyelashes (distichiasis), vertebral
and cerebrovascular malformations, and hearing
3. Lymphedema tarda
- e rarest form of primary lymphedema (< 10%)
- Usually occurs aer 35 year of age (adulthood)
- Histological ndings of this lymphedema type
are usually tortuous and hyperplastic, with an
absence of competent valves
Fig 1. Lymphatic system
Fig 2. Anatomy of lymphatic system
Volume 73, No.5: 2021 Siriraj Medical Journal
Review Article
Secondary lymphedema
Secondary lymphedema is the type of lymphedema
that occurs from adverse events related to other conditions.
ese include cancer, infectious diseases, inammation,
obesity, and postoperative tumor extirpation with lymph
node surgery and/or radiotherapy (Table 1).
Epidemiology and risk factors
Worldwide, the most common cause of lymphedema
is lariasis, which results from an infection by the parasitic
worm, Wuchereria bancroi.
However, in developed
countries, its major cause is cancer and post-cancer
treatment (postoperative tumor extirpation with lymph
node surgery and/or radiotherapy).
e etiology of lymphedema induced by cancer
and post-cancer-treatment can be explained by many
mechanisms. For instance, there may be a blockage of
the lymphatic ducts from which the cancer is directly
pressed, or a cancer may have spread directly into the
lymphatic system (lymphangitic carcinomatosis). In
addition, surgery for lymph node removal and radiotherapy
may have injured the lymphatic partway.
Studies have shown that the incidence of upper
extremity lymphedema in breast cancer patients is about
17%. Most patients who undergo axillary lymph node
dissection develop symptoms of lymphedema within 3
years of the surgery.
Other forms of cancer have been
reported to have an overall lymphedema incidence of
Adjuvant radiotherapy aer surgery signicantly
increases the risk of lymphedema. A systematic study
in 2001 found that patients who had a mastectomy
and received radiotherapy at the axilla subsequently
developed lymphedema more frequently than patients who
only underwent surgery (41% versus 17%, respectively).
Other risk factors for lymphedema include older age
and obesity; these populations are at risk of developing
a greater level of lymphatic uid formation and have a
higher chance of presenting with symptoms than the
general population.
In 2010, Helyer et al. studied the relationship between
obesity and the occurrence of lymphedema in breast
cancer patients. ey found that patients with a body
mass index > 30 kg/m
had a higher chance of developing
lymphedema than those with an index < 25 kg/m
ratio, 2.93; 95% CI, 1.03–8.31).
History and physical examination
Patients with lymphedema oen present with unilateral
arm or leg edema, and they usually describe a feeling of
heaviness around the aected limb. Some patients may
present with abnormal skin changes, such as thicker,
stier, and/or orange-peel-like skin (Paul d’orange).
A physical examination can establish the dierence
in circumference of the limbs and size will gradually
grow equally entire the aected limb. In the early stage
of lymphedema, the aected limb can still be depressed
TABLE 1. Causes of lymphedema.
Primary lymphedema
Praecox (adolescence)
Tarda (adulthood)
Secondary lymphedema
Recurrent cellulitis
Connective tissue disease
Infectious disease (lariasis)
Contact dermatitis
Lymphatic drainage (surgery, radiation therapy, burn, etc.)
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when pressure is applied to the skin; however, depression
is no longer possible once nonpitting edema forms
during the late stage of the disease. e specic physical
examination for lymphedema draws upon the “Kaposi-
Stemmer sign”. is is looked for by trying to pinch
the skin on the dorsum of the second toe into a fold
(alternatively, the procedure can be performed on the
index nger of the hand). If a fold cannot be made, the
patient is considered positive for lymphedema (Fig 3).
As to the circumference measurement (Fig 4), the patient
should be in a standard position; the circumference size
is used to calculate the volume of the limb by using the
truncated-cone formula (Fig 5). e volume measurement
obtained by using this anatomical-landmark circumference
method is more accurate than the volume determined
by water displacement.
Dierential diagnosis
1. Venous insuciency
Lymphedema has some clinical features that mimic
chronic venous degeneration. To dierentiate them, the
limb that has venous insuciency usually has accompanying
symptoms, such as varicose veins, a reddish-brown
skin color (from hemosiderin deposition), and possibly
ulcerative lesions above the medial malleolus area. e
limb swelling that has caused the venous insuciency
oen presents as pitting edema, which can be reduced
in size by elevation.
2. Deep vein thromboembolism (DVT)
Unilateral limb swelling is also the presenting sign
and symptom of DVT. However, DVT usually presents
during the acute phase with rapid disease progression.
Some patients with DVT may present with severe and
unexplained pain, or a throbbing and cramping pain
(especially at the calf), redness of the skin, and warmth
in the aected limb.
3. Lipedema
is condition is caused by an accumulation of
adipose tissue around the extremities, and it frequently
occurs in young women. Normally, lipedema usually
presents on both side of the extremities. e aected
area is oen painful when pressed, which can be used
to distinguish it from a lymphatic obstruction (Table 2).
1. Lymphoscintigraphy
is investigation is used to assess the lymphatic
drainage of both the supercial and the deep lymphatic
systems, which drain from distal to proximal to the
regional lymph node basin. e test involves injecting a
radioactive substance (Technetium-99m sulfur colloid)
intradermally at the web space of the aected limb; serial
radiographic measurements are subsequently used to
detect the pattern of lymphatic ow over a period from
15 to 240 minutes.
is noninvasive investigative
technique is relatively safe due to the very low radiation
exposure; it also has very good accuracy (sensitivity, 96%;
specicity, 100%).
e common ndings of lymphedema
from lymphoscintigraphy are:
- Not found, or a delayed lymphatic drainage
- An absence of, or a decrease in the number of,
lymph nodes at the regional lymphatic basin
- A reverse ow of radioactive substance in the dermis
(dermal backow)
Fig 4. e truncated-cone formula
Fig 3. Kaposi–Stemmer sign
Fig 5. Anatomical landmark
Volume 73, No.5: 2021 Siriraj Medical Journal
Review Article
2. Computed tomography (CT) scan/magnetic resonance
imaging (MRI)
Both investigative techniques facilitate the evaluation
of the uid accumulation in tissues. e ndings of
lymphedema from a CT-scan or MRI are:
- ickening of the skin layer (skin thickening)
- Swelling of the subcutaneous layer (subcutaneous
- A honey-combed appearance
3. Indocyanine green (ICG) uorescence lymphography
ICG is a near-infrared dye that is injected intradermally
to facilitate the identication of the supercial lymphatic
tract beneath the skin. Aer injection, the substance
binds to albumin before being drained proximally via
the lymphatic channel through the regional node basin.
is method can be used to assess lymphatic leakage,
pumping capacity, and lymph reux into the dermis.
Moreover, ICG lymphography can be utilized to grade
the severity of the disease and guide the selection of an
appropriate choice of treatment.
4. Duplex ultrasound
While not used specically as a diagnostic tool,
it provides benets in terms of excluding deep venous
thromboembolism and venous insuciency, and it is
able to investigate a space-occupying lesion that may be
compressing the lymphatic channel. Many surgeons also
use it to locate and map the supercial lymphatic vessels
and supercial veins before performing a lymphaticovenous
anastomosis procedure.
5. Ankle-brachial pressure index (ABI)
As with duplex ultrasound, ABI is not used for the
diagnosis of lymphedema. However, it is recommended
for patients with a history of, or with suspected, peripheral
arterial disease. Because of the lymphedema, patients
almost always need to do compression therapy, which
might aect their peripheral blood circulation. If the ABI
value is < 0.5, compression therapy is contraindicated
for patients.
Staging of lymphedema
ere are currently many clinical staging systems
for the grading of lymphedema severity. However, the
most commonly used worldwide are the staging system
of the International Society of Lymphology (ISL) and the
Campisi staging system. e details of each are listed in
Tables 3 and 4.
TABLE 2. Key clinical dierences between lipedema and lymphedema of the lower extremities.
Lipedema Lymphedema
Almost always female patients Both males and females
Spares the foot Foot involved
Usually bilateral Usually unilateral
Negative Kaposi–Stemmer sign Positive Kaposi–Stemmer sign
No pitting No pitting when it becomes chronic
Tender Usually not tender
Soft Firm/tense
TABLE 3. International Society of Lymphedema (ISL) stagings.
ISL stage Description
0 Subclinical state; swelling is not evident despite impaired lymph transport
I Accumulation of tissue uid (higher protein content), which subsides with limb elevation
IIa Limb elevation alone rarely reduces swelling, and pitting is manifest
IIb (late stage) Limb may or may not be pitted as fat and tissue brosis is more evident
III Lymphostatic elephantiasis; the tissue is hard (brotic), and pitting is absent. Skin (changes)
thickening, hyperpigmentation, increased skin folds, fat deposits, and warty overgrowths develop
Volume 73, No.5: 2021 Siriraj Medical Journal
Mongkronwong et al.
Lymphedema management
Chronic lymphedema is an irreversible process if le
untreated. e mainstay of treatment is a conservative
protocol. If the clinical status does not improve within
6 months of the commencement of therapy, surgical
management is recommended.
e conservative treatment protocol consists of general
measures of self-care, compression therapy, and
1. Self-care
is aims to reduce swelling and slow the progression
of disease. e measures are comprised of the following.
1.1 Self-monitoring. e size of the swollen arm or leg
should be monitored, with observations made of the
feeling of the skin, the skin color, and changes in skin
1.2 Limb elevation. is helps to reduce swelling of
the aected limb in the early stages of the disease. e
patient should be advised to avoid postures that cause
the limbs to fall with gravity, such as standing for long
periods of time or sitting cross-legged.
1.3 Diet and exercise. Being obese is not only a risk factor
for lymphedema, but it also greatly hampers compression
therapy. e patient should therefore be advised to
exercise regularly, control food intake, and wear a pressure
garment. A study on breast cancer patients with upper
extremity lymphedema, divided the patients into two
groups: rst, those who are advised to control food
and lose weight. Second, a group that provides general
dietary recommendations. At 12 weeks of follow-up,
the rst group showed a signicant loss weight of arm
(P-value = 0.02) and a signicant decrease in swelling
and arm volume (P-value = 0.03).
For exercise by liing
weights in patients with undergoing axillary lymph
node dissection without lymphedema. e study did
not nd that liing weights made the lymphedema more
Additionally, in the lymphedema group, the
liing of weights reduced the pain and swelling in the
aected arm, with the incidence of swelling declining
from 29% to 14%.
1.4 e avoidance of skin infection. Regular skin and
nail care can help to prevent the cracking that leads to
skin infections. If there are piercings or abrasions on the
skin, an antibiotic cream or ointment should be applied.
e use of a sunscreen should also be recommended if
the aected limb is likely to be exposed to the sun. In
addition, as exposure to extremely hot environments
(such as saunas and hot springs) can cause swelling,
the patient should be advised to avoid such situations.
1.5 e avoidance of local limb concussion. Wearing
tight-tting clothing or performing local constriction
procedures (such as the measurement of blood pressure)
exacerbates lymphedema by stimulating the production
of lymph while causing a narrowing of lymphatic ducts.
is diers from the use of a compression garment
(discussed below): it provides a rm and even pressure
from the distal to proximal limb, thereby improving
the ow of lymph.
2. Compression therapy
2.1 Stockings and sleeves. Wearing arm or leg restraints,
such as a compression sleeve, is an appropriate treatment
for the early stage (ISL I) and should be employed in
conjunction with skin care, exercise, and elevation.
As the compression apparatus typically has a pressure
range of 20-50 mmHg, it is able to stimulate lymphatic
return by exerting greater force on the distal than the
proximal limb. e rmness of the particular material
to be selected depends on the condition of the patient’s
arteries and, more importantly, the patient’s ability to
tolerate the proposed compression garment. Evaluation
TABLE 4. Campisi stagings.
Campisi stage Description
Ia No overt swelling despite impaired lymph drainage
Ib Reversible swelling with limb elevation
II Mild, persistent swelling with elevation
III Persistent swelling, with recurrent lymphangitis
IV Fibrotic change with column-like limb
V Elephantiasis with limb deformation, including widespread lymphostatic warts
Volume 73, No.5: 2021 Siriraj Medical Journal
Review Article
of the patient’s treatment should therefore be undertaken
early, aer 4-6 weeks’ usage of the compression sleeve.
Further reviews should be conducted every 3-6 months if
the condition has stabilized. In addition, the compression
device should be replaced every 3-6 months, or even
earlier if it appears to be starting to slacken.
2.2 Multilayer lymphedema bandaging. An elastic
bandage is used to treat intermediate-stage lymphedema
(ISL II), which is when the limb is so large that stockings
or compression sleeves cannot be worn. e bandage is
used in conjunction with skin care, limb elevation, and
short-stretch bandages. Force is applied to the limbs by
the elastic bandage only when the aected muscles are
contracted; the pressure that is generated compresses the
lymphatic vessels and increases lymph ow, resulting in
decreased swelling. e appropriate ankle sub-bandage
pressure is 45 mmHg. During the rst week of treatment,
the bandage should be changed every day; aer that,
changing it 2-3 times a week is acceptable.
e contraindications to the use of multilayer lymphedema
bandaging are:
- ABI < 0.5
- Uncontrolled heart failure
- Severe peripheral neuropathy
2.3 Intermittent pneumatic compression device. e
ecacy of intermittent pneumatic compression is still
controversial. It involves the placement of cus around
an aected limb; they are then lled with air. In turn, the
cus squeeze the limb, compressing it from the distal to
the proximal region while applying a pressure of 30-60
mmHg. It is recommended that an intermittent pneumatic
compression device be used for 30-120 minutes per day,
with a newer generation, multichambered device being
e contraindications to the use of intermittent pneumatic
compression are:
- Untreated, nonpitting, chronic lymphedema
- Deep vein thrombosis
- Pulmonary embolism
- Acute cellulitis
- Uncontrolled heart failure
- ABI < 0.5
- Active tumor at the aected region
3. Physiotherapy
3.1 Manual lymphatic drainage. is massage technique
aims to stimulate uid ow in the lymphatic system. e
force produced by the massage causes the lymph to ow
from the distal to the proximal. Aer the massage, the
patient still needs to wear a pressure garment during
daily activities. A massage of at least one hour per day
is recommended. Although the efficacy of manual
lymphatic drainage has not yet been clearly identied,
this technique is still recommended as a component of
complete decongestive therapy (discussed below) during
the treatment phase.
e contraindications to manual lymphatic drainage are:
- Acute cellulitis in the position to be massaged.
- Unstable hypertension
- Uncontrolled heart failure
- Tumor at the aected part
3.2 Complete decongestive therapy. is multi-modality
treatment aims to reduce the swelling of the limbs in
two phases:
3.2.1 Treatment phase. is comprises 1) skin and
nail care, 2) exercise, 3) manual lymphatic drainage or
massage, and 4) compression (bandage therapy). Patients
must perform these procedures ve days a week for 2-4
weeks. During the treatment phase, it is recommended that
the patients take circumference and volume measurements
themselves once weekly to facilitate the assessment of
the treatment outcomes.
3.2.2. Maintenance phase. e treatment in this
period consists of wearing a compression garment (during
the day), bandaging (at night), maintaining skin care,
and exercise. Lymphatic squeezing can be performed
on its own aer the patient has received appropriate
training. During the maintenance phase, patients should
measure the circumference and volume every 6 months
to monitor the treatment progress.
e absolute contraindications to complete decongestive
therapy are:
- Infection
- Active cancer
- Heart attack
- Acute deep vein thrombosis
e relative contraindications to complete decongestive
therapy are:
- High blood pressure that has not been controlled
- Diabetes
- Asthma
- Paralysis
Volume 73, No.5: 2021 Siriraj Medical Journal
Mongkronwong et al.
4. Pharmacotherapy
The use of medications to treat edema is not
recommended. Some studies investigated the use of
diuretics to reduce limb swelling, but the results were not
as good as expected. Apart from diuretics, coumarin (a
benzopyrone) has been reported to reduce the incidence of
cellulitis or lymphangitis.
However, recent studies have
found that the use of this drug resulted in a reduction in
the volume of swollen limbs compared with a placebo,
with an incidence of hepatic toxicity of approximately
So, e use of medications to treat edema is still
not recommended.
5. Experimental therapy
Low-level laser therapy (or cold laser therapy)
has been investigated in patients with lymphedema
aer mastectomy. e therapy is believed to reduce
brosis, stimulate macrophages in the immune system,
and result in the formation of new lymphatic vessels
(lymphangiogenesis). e results of one study showed that
1 in 3 patients who underwent laser therapy demonstrated
a reduction in the volume of their swollen arm at their
3-month follow-up visit.
Moreover, low-level laser
therapy produced a better limb-swelling reduction than
pneumatic compression therapy aer 12 months of
6. Surgical management
Surgery is an ideal treatment option for patients
with localized disease, a failed conservative treatment,
recurrent cellulitis or lymphangitis, leakage of lymph to
externally, or a signicantly diminished quality of life.
Preoperative assessment
1. Assess degree of lymphedema
Evaluation of the degree of lymphedema is based
on the dierence in the circumference and volume of
the aected limb relative to the contralateral, normal
2. Lymphedema staging
Assessment of the stage of the disease is undertaken
in order to select a suitable treatment option. e most
commonly used staging system is the ISL system.
3. Venous duplex ultrasound
In patients who plan to undergo surgery, venous
duplex ultrasound might be required to rule out
venous thrombosis, venous insuciency, and valvular
Surgical treatment
Surgical treatment can be divided into two broad
approaches: reductive or ablative procedures, and
physiological treatment.
1. Reductive or ablative procedures
1.1 Direct excision. In 1912, Dr. Charles wrote a
book entitled “Elephantiasis Scroti”, which describes
how to treat lymphedema around the scrotum. e
principle of the surgery is to remove the swollen tissue
of the scrotum and then cover the wound with a skin
gra from the thigh.
In 1940, Dr. Macey from the Mayo Clinic applied the
Charles procedure to surgery on extremities lymphedema.
e benet of this surgical technique is that it totally
removes the swelling and brotic tissues. Nevertheless,
there are still many postoperative complications, such
as surgical site infection, hematoma, gra loss, and
scars. erefore, the procedure is usually recommended
only for late-stage lymphedema patients, or for patients
with wounds on the aected limb that are signicantly
disturbing their quality of life.
1.2 Liposuction. is treatment involves the insertion
of a steel canula into the subcutaneous layer; the cannula
is connected to a vacuum that suctions the brofatty
tissue via negative pressure. O’Brien et al.
that this treatment reduced the volume of the swelling
by 20% - 23%. e advantages of this treatment are,
rstly, it only leaves a very small incisional scar and,
secondly, patients recover rapidly (approximately 48
hours). e disadvantage, however, is that there may
be injury to the lymphatic tract during the liposuction
procedure; consequently, it is recommended that the
canula is kept parallel to the limbs to reduce injuries.
Another consideration is that, aer liposuction, patients
need to permanently wear compression devices.
2. Physiological treatment
This treatment principle aims to creates a new
lymphatic channel in order to increase the ability of
the lymph to ow. ese surgical procedures are only
suitable for the early stages of lymphedema (ISL stages
I or II)
, being ineective in late-stage patients. e
physiological treatment procedures are comprised of 4
main types, as described below.
2.1 Flap interposition. e procedure uses a ap with
good blood vessels and lymphatic vasculature obtained
from another site of the body. e ap is placed in the
Volume 73, No.5: 2021 Siriraj Medical Journal
Review Article
area where the lymphatic ow is blocked or disrupted,
and then anastomosis of the blood vessels and lymphatic
vessels is performed.
In 1935, Gills and Fraser
were the rst doctors
to use this procedure to treat a patient with leg edema.
Flaps taken from the arms were pasted to the thighs
and body of the patient; the aps became bypasses that
allowed lymphatic uid to cross the obstructed areas.
In 1974, Goldsmith et al.
reported the use of a
greater omental ap to treat patients with lymphedema.
e ap was inset in a subcutaneous layer, thereby allowing
lymph in an arm or leg to drain into the lymphatic system.
Twenty-two patients from their study reported satisfactory
results. Nonetheless, this surgery is not popular because
it has a relatively high number of complications, such as
intestinal obstruction, blood clots, atherosclerosis, and
2.2 Lymphatic bypass procedure. e principle of
this surgery is to create a link between distal lymphatic
vessels and lymphatic vessels above the point of an
obstruction. Alternatively, a bypass from the obstructed
lymphatic channels into the venous system is created.
Before surgery, the functional lymphatic vessels
should be identied by specic dyes transported through
the lymphatic channels
, for example, isosulfan blue or
indocyanin green.
e indications for this surgery are:
- No response to conservative treatment
- Recurrence of skin infection
- Disease signicantly aecting the quality of life and
daily activities
e limitations of lymphatic bypass surgery are:
- Tissue brosis
- Late stage lymphedema
- Inferior surgical outcomes for venous hypertension
or venous insuciency patients
- Recurrence of cancer
- Patients unable to take care of themselves aer
- Uncooperative patient
2.2.1 Lymphatic-lymphatic bypass. An attempt
was made to bypass the problematic lymphatic tract by
connecting the distal lymphatic vessels to the proximal
lymphatic vessels above the area of obstruction.
In 1990, Baumeistier and Suida
performed a
series of lymphatic reconstructions to manage arm
lymphedemas by using lymphatic vessels from thighs.
Lymphatic vessels were harvested from the patients’
thighs and then implanted in the subcutaneous fat layer
between the upper arm and shoulder area, above the
clavicular bone. In the case of lower extremity lymphedema,
the surgery was performed by harvesting contralateral,
normal lymphatic vessels and moving them to the groin
of the aected leg. e procedure was performed on 55
patients. e treatment outcome was reductions of up
to 80% in the volume of the aected areas during the
3-year follow-up period.
2.2.2 Lymphovenous bypass and lymphaticovenous
anastomosis. In 1962, Jacobson et al. attempted to connect
lymphatic vessels to veins by conducting an experimental
study in an animal model. Aer that, Yamada et al. applied
the technique to treat lymphedema patients by using a
saphenous vein connection to an obstructed lymphatic
tract. However, some concern had been expressed about
using a high-pressure gradient large vein, which might
cause problems if there is a poor lymphatic ow.
Consequently, Yamada et al. modied the protocol
so that venules with a diameter of 0.8 mm or less were
e outcomes of lymphaticovenous anastomosis
were studied in 100 patients with lymphedema of the
arms or legs. e results showed clinical improvements
for 96% of the patients, and a volume reduction for 74%
of the cases. e overall lower-limb-volume reduction
at 12 months was 42%; the decline was greater for early-
stage patients (61%) than late-stage patients (17%).
e eect of lymphaticovenous bypass surgery has
been studied at the cell level by skin biopsy. e ndings
revealed a decline in the white-blood-cell and CD4 +
values of the aected limb, and tissue brosis.
Fluorescence lymphangiography is currently been
used to identify the location of the lymphatic tract in
real time.
It is also used to stage the disease. With
the early stage, the lymphatic tract is seen to have a
clear linear pattern. In contrast, the late stage shows
a diuse stain of substance due to obstruction and a
reversed lymphatic ow. If good lymphatic vessels are
identied, lymphaticovenous anastomosis is performed.
e supercial lymphatic vessels are localized again using
isosulfan blue dye during surgery conducted under a
surgical microscope.
2.3 Vascularized lymph node transfer (VLNT). e
procedure involves harvesting a free lymph node ap
from outside the aected region, implanting it into the
aected limb, and anastomosing it to recipient vessels
via a microsurgical technique (without connecting the
Volume 73, No.5: 2021 Siriraj Medical Journal
Mongkronwong et al.
lymphatic tract). Two mechanisms explain the eect
of VLNT:
- Bridging mechanism. The transplanted lymph
node ap secretes vascular endothelial growth factor
C (VEGF-C), which stimulates the formation of a
new lymphatic tract.
- Pumping mechanism. e dierence in the pressure
gradient between arterial anastomosis and venous
anastomosis acts like a pump suctioning excess
lymph back to the systemic circulation system (like
lymphatic-venous drainage).
In 1982, Clodius et al.
reported the results of 2
cases of VLNT to manage lower extremity lymphedema,
with the lymph node ap being obtained from the groin.
Although the swelling rapidly subsided during the early
post-operation period, the edema had returned by the
6-month follow-up session.
In 2006, Becker et al.
reported the long-term
eects of free lymph node ap transfers using inguinal
lymph nodes to manage 24, post-mastectomy, upper
extremity lymphedema patients, sixteen of who had
postoperative lymphoscintigraphic evaluations. e
results showed that 5 out of the 16 patients (who had
lymphoscintigraphy) had functional lymph nodes and
lymphatic tract regeneration.
In 2012, Saaristo et al.
performed vascularized
lymph node transfer in conjunction with autologous
breast reconstruction in 9 patients with post-mastectomy
lymphedema. ere was an improved lymphatic circulation
in 5 out of 6 patients, and 3 out of the 9 patients no longer
needed to use a pressure garment aer the surgery.
Additionally, an increase in endogenous lymphatic vessel
growth factors was demonstrated, suggesting that new
lymphatic regeneration in the axilla had been stimulated.
e indications for vascularized lymph node transfer are:
- Segmental dermal backow or a non-functioning
lymphatic vessel detected by lymphoscintigraphy
- ISL stage II with repeated cellulitis
- No acute cellulitis
- Follow up > 12 months
ere are two principles for lymph node implantation: 1)
orthotopic (anatomical) placement, and 2) heterotopic
(nonanatomical) placement.
2.3.1 Anatomical placement. e lymph nodes
are implanted in the area where the obstruction occurs,
such as the axilla or groin.
e advantages of anatomical placement are:
- Removal of the brosis that caused the lymphatic
tract obstruction
- Nearby tissue can be sewn or closed without any
skin graing
- Less postoperative scarring
2.3.2 Nonanatomical placement. e lymph nodes
are implanted in the distal limb, with the transplanted
lymph node acting like a lymphatic pump.
e advantages of nonanatomical placement are:
- Avoidance of surgery in the area of brosis
e disadvantages of nonanatomical placement are:
- Bulkiness of lymph node ap in the distal limb
- Oen need to do skin graing
If a scar cannot be properly removed, it is recommended
that the lymph nodes be implanted in an area that will
produce less scarring. Many studies have demonstrated
that VLNT can relieve symptoms in 100% of cases, reduce
the volume in 91% of cases, and allow 78% of patients
to stop using pressure garments.
As to complications, lymphatic leakage develops
in 15% of cases, postoperative infection arises in about
8%, and a need to reoperate occurs with 3% of patients.
2.4 Lymphatic microsurgical preventive healing approach
(LYMPHA). is procedure aims to connect lymphatic
vessels to a branch of the axillary vein simultaneously
with axillary lymph node dissection. One study found
that, aer 4 years of follow-up, only 3 (4%) out of 74
patients continued to have lymphedema in the arm that
had been operated on.
However, this new technique
needs further long-term studies to prove its ecacy
and to determine any adverse outcomes, such as cancer
Lymphedema is a condition caused by an obstruction
in the lymphatic system arising from a congenital anomaly,
infectious disease, chronic inammation, connective
tissue disease, or cancer. Patients who are faced with
this disease usually have a poor quality of life due to
infection and limits to their ability to perform daily
activities. Consequently, it is critical to provide early
diagnosis and treatment as these are key to managing
and conquering the lymphedema. A multidisciplinary
team approach yields the best solutions and long-term
outcomes for patients.
Volume 73, No.5: 2021 Siriraj Medical Journal
Review Article
What is already known on this topic?
Lymphedema is a congenital and acquired disease
with can cause swelling of the limbs. e most common
symptoms are limb swelling and recurrent cellulitis of
the limbs.
What this study adds?
It reviews the related clinical presentations, physical
examinations, radiological studies, and new treatment
Potential conicts of interest
e authors declare that there are no conicts of
interest related to this study.
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