Volume 73, No.5: 2021 Siriraj Medical Journal
Original Article
e2Dabdominalsonographyis a simple,noninvasive,
widelyused, andreadily availabledevice inmost hospitals.
Theabdominal sonographicLUSthicknesscan be
usedfor antepartumCSD screening. eoretically, a
thinnerLUS willresult in a more severedegreeofCSD.
this study, the authorsevaluatedonlythemyometrial
layerofthe LUS,whichdirectly represents the uterine
scar’s integrity. eoverallmean sonographic myometrial
LUSthicknesswas 2.6+1.0 mm, which is comparable to
the Tazion, et al study.
Other studies have reported a
thinner sonographic measurement.
e dierences
involving the sonographic LUS thickness may becaused
bythe variation of participants’ characteristics, gestational
age, uterine-closure techniques, scar-brosis formation,
uterine healing process, and the sonographic protocol
used. However, the number of grade 3 CSD found in
this study was 1.8%, whichis comparabletowhat was
reported in those’ studies.
ereis a signicantcorrelationbetweenthe overall
sonographic LUSthickness and the incision-site uterine
wall thickness, and that is consistent with a prior study
which hada high level ofcorrelation. Surprisingly,
one case in the grade 3 group had a sonographic LUS
thickness of 3.4 mm, while the incision-site uterine
wall thickness was only 0.7 mm. isunexpected result
maybecaused bya poor imaging technique used on
the thick abdominal wall; less urine in the bladder; or
abnormal focal myometrial thickening. e authors
intend to use the specic sonographic protocol and
three-point measurement technique to maximize the
correspondence between the sonographic area of interest
and the cesarean scar site, but mislocation may still occur.
With regard to any prediction of scar dehiscence, the
use of a sonographic myometrial LUS thickness of less
than 1.5 mm hadasensitivityof50.0% and a specicity
of 90.8%, which is quite dierent from what Gizzo,etal.
Specically, they reported a high sensitivity of 100% and a
specicity of 85%. A possible reason for the dierences is
the dierent characteristics of the participants, especially
the higher number of previous cesareans. e thicker
sonographic LUS in this study results in a lower number
of positive tests, which can lead to less sensitivity and
more specicity. Ourresults showed a high NPV of99.0%;
thus, when the sonographicLUSthickness is more than
1.5 mm, it is less likely to have CSD.
With regardto the detectionof a thinincision-site
uterine wall thickness, a sonographic myometrialLUS
thickness of less than 1.5mm hadasensitivity of 37.5%.
So, thereis a need toredene the optimum cut-opoint.
Basedon this study,theauthors suggest a cut-o levelat
2.5 mm.
Strengths and limitations
The strengths of this study are that only one
sonographerwas used, so as to minimize interobserver
; all assessors were blindedfrom the sonographic
results; and an ophthalmic calipers was employed for
objective measurement.
elimitationof this studywas thesmallnumberof
cesarean scardehiscence cases. Also, there was a possible
errorduringthe incision-site uterine wall thickness
measurement, as the ophthalmic calipers jaws have to grasp
a certain amount of tissuedeep fromtheincisionaledge,
which may result in abnormally thick uterine walls. ere
are dierenttypes of ophthalmic calipers used for LUS
measurement, such as Castroviejo ophthalmic calipers
or Vernier calipers
, and thismayaect the results.
Further study with more participants and a
longer duration of follow-up should be carried out to
achievethemost accurate method for antepartum CSD
Preoperative abdominal sonography is a simple
tool for CSD prediction. A myometrial LUS thickness of
more than 1.5 mm is associatedwitha lowerlikelihoodof
cesarean scar dehiscence.
is study got funding from HRH Princess Maha
Chakri Sirindhorn Medical Center, Faculty of Medicine,
Srinakharinwirot University (Contract No.256/2019).
Conict of interest: No potential conict ofinterest
regarding thisarticlewasreported.
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