Volume 73, No.5: 2021 Siriraj Medical Journal
Nichapat Pahirah, M.D.*, Wipada Laosooksathit, M.D.*, Kittipong Kongsomboon, M.D., Ph.D.**, Maethaphan
Kitporntheranunt, M.D.*
*Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, **Department of Preventive and Social Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Srinakharinwirot University,
Nakhon Nayok, 26120, ailand.
Sonographic Lower Uterine Segment Thickness to
Predict Cesarean Scar Defect in Term Pregnancy
Objective: To study the validity of abdominal sonographic lower uterine segment (LUS) thickness in predicting
intraoperative cesarean scar defect (CSD) and thin incision-site uterine wall thickness in term pregnancy.
Methods: is was a cross-sectional study involving 111 full-term pregnant women who were scheduled for repeat
cesarean delivery from April, 2019 to January, 2020. e abdominal sonographic myometrial LUS thickness was
measured prior to surgery. e cesarean scar was assessed using the morphologic classication system as either
grade 1 (a normally formed LUS), grade 2 (a thin LUS, but without visible content), or grade 3 (a thin LUS with
visible content). en, the ophthalmic calipers was used to measure the incision-site uterine wall thickness. e
correlations between the abdominal sonographic measurements and intraoperative ndings were reported. e
sensitivity, specicity, positive predictive value (PPV), and negative predictive value (NPV) were calculated.
Results: ere were two cases (1.8%) of grade 3 CSD. e overall correlation between the abdominal sonographic
and intraoperative incision-site uterine wall thickness showed r=0.559 with p value < 0.001. e sonographic cut-o
value of 1.5 mm could predict CSD and a thin incision-site uterine wall thickness with sensitivity, specicity, PPV,
NPV of 50.0%, 90.8%, 9.1%, 99.0%, and 37.5%, 94.6%, 54.5%, 90.0%, respectively. A receiver operating characteristic
curve was generated to determine the optimum cut-o value at 2.5 mm with a sensitivity of 76.5% and a specicity
of 73.3%. e area under the curve was 0.8 (a 95% condence interval, 0.718-0.885).
Conclusion: Abdominal sonography is a valuable tool for the preoperative predicting of CSD. A myometrial LUS
thickness of more than 1.5 mm is associatedwitha lowerlikelihoodof cesarean scar dehiscence.
Keywords: Sonography; lower uterine segment; cesarean scar; term pregnancy (Siriraj Med J 2021; 73: 330-336)
Corresponding author: Maethaphan Kitporntheranunt
Email: mtp_swu@hotmail.com
Received 1 December 2020 Revised 29 March 2021 Accepted 1 April 2021
ORCID ID: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-5794-9810
Uterine rupture is a devastating complication of
cesarean scar defect (CSD). Several factors inuence
cesarean scar healing, such as the suturing technique, the
suture materials, the anatomical site, and the apposition
of the myometrium.
e prevalence of a niche in a
cesarean scar at six-weeks postpartum was 64.5% and
continued rising.
Previous studies demonstrated CSD
by using various methods, such as vaginal sonography
3-dimensional (D) abdominal sonography
, and pelvic
magnetic resonance imaging.
But these methods are
inconvenient, expensive, and require expertise on the
part of the operators. Two-dimensional (2D) abdominal
sonography is a simple, less invasive, more aordable
and readily available method.
ere was a high relationship between the sonographic
LUS thickness and the risk of CSD.
Earlier researchers
measured the entire layer of the LUS, including the
Pahirah et al.
Volume 73, No.5: 2021 Siriraj Medical Journal
Original Article
bladder wall, uterine scar brosis, the myometrial layer,
and the chorio-amniotic membranes, without a good
Sen, et al.
reported that a cut-o value
of 2.5 mm full LUS thickness is associated with uterine
dehiscence. Recent studies focused only the myometrial
layer of the LUS, with a higher accuracy in detecting
ere still is no consensus on using antepartum
LUS thickness to evaluate CSD.
So, the objective of
this study was to assess the validity of 2D abdominal
sonography in predicting CSD and the thin incision-site
uterine wall thickness in term pregnancy.
is cross-sectional study was conducted at HRH
Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn Medical Center,
Srinakharinwirot University, ailand from April, 2019 to
January, 2020. e study was approved by the Institute’s
Ethical Review Board (SWUEC/F 386/2018) and registered
to ai Clinical Trials Registry number 20190718001.
Participants were the singleton term pregnant women
with at least a prior cesarean section, aged 18 years and
up, and who were scheduled for repeat cesarean delivery
between 38 and 40 weeks of gestation. e exclusion
criteria were women who had labor symptoms, abnormal
placentation, leiomyoma at the LUS, and prior classical
uterine incision. Consent was obtained from all the
participants. eir maternal age, gestational age, body
mass index, parity number, miscarriage number, and
number of previous cesarean sections were recorded.
Preoperative LUS sonography
Two-dimension abdominal sonography was
performed by a well-trained sonographer (NP) within
24 hours before the operation. An Accuvix XG (Samsung
Medison Co Ltd., Seoul, Korea) ultrasound machine was
used in the study. e participants were prepared in a
supine position with a full bladder. e convex probe
(frequency of 1-4 MHz) was placed at the suprapubic area
in the midsagittal plane. A two-layer structure between
the urinary bladder and uterine cavity was identied,
consisting of a hyperechogenic layer (bladder wall)
and a hypoechogenic layer (myometrium).
e area
of interest was magnied to occupy up to two-thirds of
the screen. For the myometrial-thickness measurement,
the rst marker was placed at the interface between the
urinary bladder wall and the myometrial layer. e
second marker was placed at the interface between the
myometrial layer and the amniotic membranes (or fetal
scalp) (Fig 1).
e same procedures were repeated at
1 cm laterally apart from the rst measurement on both
sides. ree values were calculated into an average value.
e thin sonographic myometrial LUS was dened as
having thickness < 1.5 mm.
Intraoperative LUS assessment
In the operative eld, cesarean scar morphology
was classied into three groups by direct visualization
(Fig 2): grade 1= normal-formed LUS; grade 2= thin
LUS without visible content; and grade 3= thin LUS
with visible content or an absence of LUS continuity.
e cesarean scar dehiscence was dened as cesarean
scar morphologic grade 3. en, a low-transverse uterine
incision was made until the amniotic membrane was
exposed. e CASTROVIEJO ophthalmic calipers was
applied to the upper uterine ap at the midpoint of the
uterine incision site for measurement, and reapplied at
1 cm apart on both sides (Fig 3). e average value of the
incision-site uterine wall thickness was calculated. A thin
LUS was dened as a uterine wall thickness equal to or
less than 1.0 mm.
All obstetricians were trained for the
caliper measurement and blinded from the preoperative
results. If this procedure could not be accomplished,
they were excluded from the study.
Fig 1. e longitudinal abdominal sonogram showing
the myometrial LUS thickness measurement.
Abbreviation: LUS: lower uterine segment
Volume 73, No.5: 2021 Siriraj Medical Journal
Pahirah et al.
Fig 2. e Intraoperative cesarean scar morphology:
grade 1 normal LUS (A) and grade 3 thin LUS
with visible content (B)
Abbreviation: LUS: lower uterine segment
2A 2B
Fig 3. e intraoperative incision-site uterine wall thickness measurement
using the CASTROVIEJO ophthalmic calipers.
Statistical analysis
e sample-size calculation was done by using a
prevalence of CSD at 8.5%
with an expected sensitivity
of 90%, a condence interval at 95%, and an allowable
number of errors of 15%. e number of participants
needed in this study was 92 pregnant women.
e baseline characteristics were analyzed using
descriptive statistics - namely, mean ± standard deviation
(SD), median with an interquartile range, and percentage,
as appropriate. e calculation for sensitivity, specicity,
positive predictive value (PPV), and negative predictive value
(NPV) were made. e authors used the Chi-square test to
nd the relationship between the two parameters. A p-value
of less than 0.05 was consideredstatisticallysignicant.
120 pregnantwomenwere enrolled in this study. Nine
were excluded from the study (two women had labor pain
and seven couldn’t go through the intraoperative assessment).
Thebaseline characteristicsof the 111participants
arepresentedin Table1.
erewasa statistically signicant correlationbetween
the sonographic LUS thickness and the cesarean scar
morphology ingrade 1, grade2, andall grades (Table 2).
ere were two cases in the grade 3 CSD group that did
not correlate with the incision-site uterine wall thickness.
A cut-off level at 1.5mm for the abdominal
sonographicmyometrialLUS could predict uterine
dehiscence(grade 3 morphology) and a thin incision-site
uterine wall thickness with validity, as shown in Table 3.
Based on our data, areceiveroperatingcharacteristicgraph
wasgenerated (Fig 4). e authors suggested that using
a cut-o point at 2.5mm sonographic LUS thickness
could predict an intraoperative thin-incision site with
a sensitivity of 76.5% and a specicity of 73.3%.
e CSDisan abnormalndingmanifestedduring
a repeatcesareansection. e CSD spectrum can present
withscar dehiscence orauterinescarruptureduringlabor.
is devastating complication can be prevented. To do
so, a good screeningtool for the early detection of CSD
is needed.
Volume 73, No.5: 2021 Siriraj Medical Journal
Original Article
TABLE 1. Patient’s characteristics (n=111).
Characteristics Values
Age (years) (mean±SD) 29 ± 6
Gestational age (weeks) (mean±SD) 38.5 ± 0.6
BMI (kg/m
) (number (%))
< 18.5 9 (8.1)
18.5 - 22.9 45 (40.5)
23.0 - 24.9 13 (11.7)
25.0 - 29.9 29 (26.1)
> 30 15 (13.5)
Parity (number (%))
1 93 (83.8)
2 16 (14.4)
> 3 2 (1.8)
Miscarriages (number (%))
0 80 (72.1)
1 28 (25.2)
> 2 3 (2.7)
Number of previous cesarean sections (number (%))
1 101 (91.0)
> 1 10 (9.0)
Data are presented as mean ± standard deviation (SD), or number (%)
Abbreviation: BMI, body mass index
TABLE 2. e correlations between the abdominal sonographic LUS thickness and the incision-site uterine wall
thickness in each cesarean-scar morphologic grading.
LUS thickness (mm) measured by
Cesarean scar Ophthalmic Correlation
morphology Number Sonography calipers coefcient P-value
Grade 1 55 3.1 ± 1.0 3.3 ± 0.8 r = 0.559* 0.001
Grade 2 54 2.3 (1.8-2.9) 2.3 (1.7-2.3) r = 0.407** 0.002
Grade 3 2 Case A= 1.4 Case A=1.2 - -
Case B= 3.4 Case B=0.7
Overall 111 2.6 ± 1.0 2.5 ± 1.1 r = 0.559* 0.001
Data are presented as mean±standard deviation or median (interquartile range).
*Pearson correlation, **Spearman correlation
Abbreviation: LUS, lower uterine segment.
Volume 73, No.5: 2021 Siriraj Medical Journal
Pahirah et al.
TABLE 3. e validity of the abdominal sonographic LUS thickness to detect cesarean scar dehiscence (grade 3
morphology) and thin incision-site uterine wall thickness.
thickness(mm) Total Sensitivity Specicity PPV NPV
<1.5 >1.5 number (%) 95%CI (%) 95%CI (%) (%)
Cesarean scar Yes 1 1 2 50.5 40-59 90.8 85-96 9.1 99.0
dehiscence No 10 99 109
Total number 11 100 111
Thinincision-site Yes 3 5 8 37.5 4-71 92.2 87-94 27.3 95.0
uterine wall No 8 95 103
Total number 11 100 111
Abbreviations: LUS: lower uterine segment; CI: condence interval; PPV: positive predictive value; NPV: negative predictive value
Fig 4. Receiver operating characteristic curve showing the optimal cut-o value for thin LUS (2.5 mm): the area under the curve was 0.8
(95% CI, 0.718-0.885).
Abbreviations: LUS: lower uterine segment; CI: condence interval
Volume 73, No.5: 2021 Siriraj Medical Journal
Original Article
e2Dabdominalsonographyis a simple,noninvasive,
widelyused, andreadily availabledevice inmost hospitals.
Theabdominal sonographicLUSthicknesscan be
usedfor antepartumCSD screening. eoretically, a
thinnerLUS willresult in a more severedegreeofCSD.
this study, the authorsevaluatedonlythemyometrial
layerofthe LUS,whichdirectly represents the uterine
scar’s integrity. eoverallmean sonographic myometrial
LUSthicknesswas 2.6+1.0 mm, which is comparable to
the Tazion, et al study.
Other studies have reported a
thinner sonographic measurement.
e dierences
involving the sonographic LUS thickness may becaused
bythe variation of participants’ characteristics, gestational
age, uterine-closure techniques, scar-brosis formation,
uterine healing process, and the sonographic protocol
used. However, the number of grade 3 CSD found in
this study was 1.8%, whichis comparabletowhat was
reported in those’ studies.
ereis a signicantcorrelationbetweenthe overall
sonographic LUSthickness and the incision-site uterine
wall thickness, and that is consistent with a prior study
which hada high level ofcorrelation. Surprisingly,
one case in the grade 3 group had a sonographic LUS
thickness of 3.4 mm, while the incision-site uterine
wall thickness was only 0.7 mm. isunexpected result
maybecaused bya poor imaging technique used on
the thick abdominal wall; less urine in the bladder; or
abnormal focal myometrial thickening. e authors
intend to use the specic sonographic protocol and
three-point measurement technique to maximize the
correspondence between the sonographic area of interest
and the cesarean scar site, but mislocation may still occur.
With regard to any prediction of scar dehiscence, the
use of a sonographic myometrial LUS thickness of less
than 1.5 mm hadasensitivityof50.0% and a specicity
of 90.8%, which is quite dierent from what Gizzo,etal.
Specically, they reported a high sensitivity of 100% and a
specicity of 85%. A possible reason for the dierences is
the dierent characteristics of the participants, especially
the higher number of previous cesareans. e thicker
sonographic LUS in this study results in a lower number
of positive tests, which can lead to less sensitivity and
more specicity. Ourresults showed a high NPV of99.0%;
thus, when the sonographicLUSthickness is more than
1.5 mm, it is less likely to have CSD.
With regardto the detectionof a thinincision-site
uterine wall thickness, a sonographic myometrialLUS
thickness of less than 1.5mm hadasensitivity of 37.5%.
So, thereis a need toredene the optimum cut-opoint.
Basedon this study,theauthors suggest a cut-o levelat
2.5 mm.
Strengths and limitations
The strengths of this study are that only one
sonographerwas used, so as to minimize interobserver
; all assessors were blindedfrom the sonographic
results; and an ophthalmic calipers was employed for
objective measurement.
elimitationof this studywas thesmallnumberof
cesarean scardehiscence cases. Also, there was a possible
errorduringthe incision-site uterine wall thickness
measurement, as the ophthalmic calipers jaws have to grasp
a certain amount of tissuedeep fromtheincisionaledge,
which may result in abnormally thick uterine walls. ere
are dierenttypes of ophthalmic calipers used for LUS
measurement, such as Castroviejo ophthalmic calipers
or Vernier calipers
, and thismayaect the results.
Further study with more participants and a
longer duration of follow-up should be carried out to
achievethemost accurate method for antepartum CSD
Preoperative abdominal sonography is a simple
tool for CSD prediction. A myometrial LUS thickness of
more than 1.5 mm is associatedwitha lowerlikelihoodof
cesarean scar dehiscence.
is study got funding from HRH Princess Maha
Chakri Sirindhorn Medical Center, Faculty of Medicine,
Srinakharinwirot University (Contract No.256/2019).
Conict of interest: No potential conict ofinterest
regarding thisarticlewasreported.
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