Volume 73, No.5: 2021 Siriraj Medical Journal
Pornpimol Ruangvutilert, M.D., Ph.D., anapa Rekhawasin, M.D., Chayawat Phatihattakorn, M.D., Dittakarn
Boriboonhirunsarn, M.D., Ph.D.
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University, Bangkok, ailand.
Accuracy of Third Trimester Ultrasound for
Predicting Large-for-Gestational Age Newborn in
Women with Gestational Diabetes Mellitus
Objective: To determine the accuracy of ultrasonography during 32-36 weeks of gestation for predicting a large-
for-gestational-age (LGA) newborn in women with gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM).
Materials and Methods: Women with singleton pregnancy, aged ≥ 18 years old and diagnosed with GDM were
recruited. ey underwent ultrasonography at 32-36 weeks’ gestation for fetal biometry, namely, biparietal diameter
(BPD), head circumference (HC), abdominal circumference (AC), and femur length (FL). Estimated fetal weight
(EFW) was derived from these 4 parameters by Hadlock formula. Delivery of an LGA newborn in women with the
ultrasound nding of LGA fetus was the primary outcome of interest along with determination of predicting factors.
Results: Of 345 studied women, 107 (31%) had an LGA newborn. EFW of ≥ 90
percentile at third trimester
ultrasonography was found in 13 women, all of whom had an LGA newborn. It had a positive predictive value
(PPV), specicity, sensitivity and negative predictive value (NPV) of 100%, 100%, 12.1% and 71.7% respectively to
predict LGA at birth. Considering each fetal parameter individually, AC ≥ 90
percentile and HC ≥ 90
had odds ratios (OR) with 95% condence intervals of the newborn being LGA of 6.5 (3.3-12.8) and 2.0 (1.0-4.0)
respectively while EFW ≥ 85
percentile had the highest OR of 9.3 (1.1-77.9). Lowering cuto values of EFW to
and 70
percentile increased the sensitivity and NPV for prediction of LGA at birth while reducing the PPV
and specicity slightly.
Conclusion: EFW derived from the third trimester ultrasonography in women with GDM had high PPV and
specicity with low to moderate sensitivity and NPV to predict an LGA newborn in women with GDM.
Keywords: Estimated fetal weight; third trimester ultrasound; large-for-gestational age newborn; gestational diabetes
mellitus (Siriraj Med J 2021; 73: 322-329)
Corresponding author: Chayawat Phatihattakorn
E-mail: naeobgyn@gmail.com
Received 19 January 2021 Revised 22 February 2021 Accepted 24 February 2021
ORCID ID: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-7433-5386
Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is a condition
diagnosed during pregnancy associated with a lack of
tolerance to increased blood glucose level.
7% of all pregnancies are aected, with a worldwide
incidence of more than 200,000 pregnancies annually.
During the past decade, the incidence of GDM in Siriraj
Hospital, a ailand national tertiary center, has increased
from 2-3% to 10-15%.
GDM can cause adverse maternal and fetal/
neonatal outcomes such as the need for cesarean delivery,
cephalopelvic disproportion, postpartum hemorrhage,
Ruangvutilert et al.
Volume 73, No.5: 2021 Siriraj Medical Journal
Original Article
pregnancy-induced hypertension, large-for-gestational age
(LGA) fetus, shoulder dystocia, neonatal hypoglycemia,
and jaundice.
e incidence of LGA fetus in women
with GDM was reported in the range of 15-20%.
ability to diagnose LGA fetus in GDM women in advance
would improve the management and outcomes of both
women and their babies.
Ultrasonography in the third trimester was proven
to be useful for predicting the actual birth weight.
Ultrasonography has been reported to help guide
management and improve pregnancy outcomes in
women with GDM.
However, to our knowledge, no
study has addressed the accuracy of the third trimester
ultrasound at 32-36 weeks’ gestation, which is the period
just aer the maximal fetal growth rate, for predicting
an LGA newborn in these women.
e current study was performed to determine the
accuracy of ultrasound during 32-36 weeks’ gestation
for predicting LGA newborn in women with GDM.
is prospective cohort study was performed at
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Faculty of
Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University, Bangkok,
ailand during January 2017 to January 2018. Women
aged ≥ 18 years with a singleton pregnancy at 32-36
weeks’ gestation, diagnosed with GDM, and without
known fetal anomalies were included. e study was
approved by the Siriraj Institutional Review Board (SIRB)
(Si 007/2017). Written informed consent was obtained
from all women.
Gestational age was based on either crown-rump
length in the rst trimester or last menstrual period
correlating with BPD in the second trimester. Screening
for GDM with 50-g glucose challenge test (50-g GCT) was
performed in pregnant women with any of the following
risk factors: age ≥ 30 years old, BMI >25 kg/m
, family
history of diabetes mellitus, history of GDM in previous
pregnancy, history of dead fetus in utero (DFIU), fetal
anomaly or a macrosomic baby in a previous pregnancy
Women with an abnormal 50-g GCT (≥ 140 mg/dl)
underwent a 100-g oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT).
According to Carpenter-Coustan criteria, GDM was
diagnosed when two or more values were abnormal.
e women underwent ultrasound scanning using
a machine with a 2-5 MHz curvilinear transabdominal
transducer (Voluson E8; GE Healthcare, Zipf, Austria).
Fetal biometry, namely, biparietal diameter (BPD), head
circumference (HC), abdominal circumference (AC),
and femur length (FL), were measured by an experienced
physician. With inappropriate fetal position or acoustic
shadows, remeasurement was performed aer a short
break until standard planes were achieved in all pregnant
women. ree measurements were obtained for each
parameter and the averages were used to calculate the
estimated fetal weight (EFW) by Hadlock formula.
EFW percentile was determined and was classied as
small-for-gestational age (SGA) if the EFW was ≤ 10
percentile, LGA if the EFW was ≥ 90
percentile, and
appropriate-for-gestational age (AGA) if the EFW was
in the range between these two limits. Birth weight
was classied as LGA (≥ 90
percentile) or SGA (≤ 10
percentile) status based on 2004-2008 WHO Global
Survey on Maternal and Perinatal Health (WHOGS)
Macrosomia was dened when birth weight was
4,000 grams or more.
Body mass index (BMI) was categorized into four
groups according to the 2009 Institute of Medicine
(IOM)/National Research Council (NRC) guidelines
as follows: underweight (BMI < 18.5 kg/m
), normal
(BMI 18.5-24.9 kg/m
), overweight (BMI ≥ 25.0-29.9
), and obese (BMI ≥ 30.0 kg/m
). Recommended
total weight gain in each group is 13-18 kg, 11-16 kg,
7-11 kg, and 5-9 kg, respectively.
Overweight and obese
groups were dened as high BMI.
GDM management started wth proper exercise
and diet adjustment. Insulin would be added in cases
uncontrollable by these two strategies. Glycemic follow-
up checks were performed using either fasting blood
sugar (FBS) (normal value: < 95 mg/dl) with two-hour
postprandial (2-h PP) blood sugar (normal value:
< 120 mg/dl) or 2-h PP alone. GDM diagnosed before 24
weeks of gestation was dened as early GDM, and GDM
diagnosed aer 24 weeks was dened as late GDM.
Maternal complications, including gestational
hypertension, preeclampsia, shoulder dystocia, 3
or 4
degree laceration of birth canal, postpartum hemorrhage,
and preterm delivery were recorded. Neonatal outcomes,
including birth weight, birth asphyxia, subgaleal hematoma,
hypoglycemia, polycythemia, jaundice, respiratory distress
syndrome, and NICU admission, were also studied.
Statistical analysis
SPSS Statistics version 21 (SPSS, Inc., Chicago, IL,
USA) was used for statistical analyses. Sample size was
calculated based on the study of Scifres et al.
, showing
that the accuracy of third trimester ultrasound was 22.6%
for predicting LGA newborn in women with GDM. With
the error of 30% and loss of data of 10%, the required
total sample size was 360.
Demographic data were summarized using descriptive
statistics. Data are presented as number and percentage
Volume 73, No.5: 2021 Siriraj Medical Journal
for categorical variables, and mean ± standard deviation
for continuous variables. Student’s t-test or Chi-square
test was used to compare patient data between groups.
Results of multivariate analysis are shown as adjusted odds
ratio and 95% condence interval. Sensitivity, specicity,
positive predictive value (PPV), negative predictive value
(NPV), and cut-o value of third trimester ultrasound
for predicting LGA newborn in women with GDM
were also calculated. P-value of < 0.05 was considered
statistically signicant.
Of the 360 pregnant women initially recruited, 15
women were lost to follow-up and 345 women were
included in the nal analysis. e demographic and
clinical characteristics of the women are shown in Table 1.
Forty percent of the women had a high BMI. Almost
two-thirds of women were diagnosed with GDM before
24 weeks’ gestation. Approximately 90% of women did
not need insulin therapy. e three most common risk
factors for GDM were age ≥ 30 years old, BMI > 25 kg/
and family history of diabetes mellitus.
Fetal parameters at 32-36 weeks’ gestation are
shown in Table 2. BPD, HC and FL of ≥ 90
each accounted for 35.9-38.0% of women, and 20.3%
of women had AC of ≥ 90
percentile. EFW of ≥ 90
percentile (LGA) was present in 13 (3.8%) fetuses.
Maternal and neonatal outcomes are described in
Table 3. Forty-two percent of women were delivered
vaginally while primary cesarean section was performed
in 36.5%. irty-one percent of the neonates were LGA
babies. e percentage of macrosomic newborns was
TABLE 1. Baseline demographic and clinical characteristics of study women (N = 345)
Characteristics n (%)*
Age (years), mean ± SD 34.4 ± 10.7
BMI (kg/m
), mean ± SD 24.7 ± 5.0
BMI classication
Normal (18.5-24.9 kg/m
) 207 (60.0)
Overweight (≥ 25 kg/m
) 83 (24.1)
Obese (≥ 30 kg/m
) 55 (15.9)
Nulliparity 141 (40.9)
GA at GDM diagnosis (weeks), mean ± SD 17.9 ± 9.1
Early GDM diagnosis 218 (63.2)
Well-controlled GDM
Yes 290 (84.1)
No 55 (15.9)
GDM control
Diet 308 (89.3)
Diet with insulin 37 (10.7)
Risk factors for GDM
Age ≥ 30 years 286 (82.9)
BMI > 25 kg/m
138 (40.0)
Family history of diabetes mellitus 124 (35.9)
History of GDM in previous pregnancy 17 (4.9)
History of DFIU in previous pregnancy 6 (1.7)
History of fetal anomaly in previous pregnancy 9 (2.6)
History of giving birth to macrosomic newborn 7 (2.0)
*unless stated otherwise
Abbreviations: SD = standard deviation; BMI = body mass index; GA = gestational age; GDM = gestational diabetes mellitus; DFIU = dead
fetus in utero
Ruangvutilert et al.
Volume 73, No.5: 2021 Siriraj Medical Journal
Original Article
TABLE 2. Fetal parameters at 32-36 weeks’ gestation (N=345)
Parameters Mean ± SD
Percentile, n (%)
BPD (mm) 83.5 ± 4.2 26 (7.5 %) 74 (21.4 %) 119 (34.5 %) 126 (36.5 %)
HC (mm) 303.0 ± 15.1 34 (9.9 %) 74 (21.4 %) 106 (30.7 %) 131 (38.0 %)
AC (mm) 295.8 ± 20.1 23 (6.7 %) 103 (29.9 %) 149 (43.2 %) 70 (20.3 %)
FL (mm) 62.6 ± 3.5 17 (4.9 %) 61 (17.7 %) 143 (41.4 %) 124 (35.9 %)
EFW (g) 2179.6 ± 375.0 56 (16.2 %) 201 (58.3 %) 75 (21.7 %) 13 (3.8 %)
Abbreviations: BPD = biparietal diameter; HC = head circumference; AC = abdominal circumference; FL = femur length; EFW = estimated
fetal weight
TABLE 3. Maternal and neonatal outcomes (N = 345)
Outcomes n (%)*
GA at delivery (weeks), mean ± SD 38.0 ± 1.2
Birth weight (grams), mean ± SD 3,148 ± 466
Delivery route
Spontaneous vaginal delivery 139 (40.3)
Instrument-assisted delivery 6 (1.7)
Primary cesarean section 126 (36.5)
Repeat cesarean section 74 (21.4)
LGA newborn 107 (31.0)
Macrosomia 10 (2.9)
Birth asphyxia 10 (2.9)
NICU admission 4 (1.2)
*unless stated otherwise
Abbreviations: GA = gestational age; LGA = large-for-gestational age; NICU = neonatal intensive care unit
Univariate analysis for factors associated with LGA
newborn in GDM is shown in Table 4. Women with
high BMI and women with any fetal parameter of ≥ 90
percentile at 32-36 weeks’ gestation were signicantly
more likely to deliver an LGA baby. All the 13 fetuses
with EFW of ≥ 90
percentile at 32-36 weeks’ gestation
were LGA at birth, resulting in PPV and specicity of
100%. However, the NPV and sensitivity were 71.7%
and 12.2% respectively.
Volume 73, No.5: 2021 Siriraj Medical Journal
TABLE 4. Univariate analysis for factors associated with LGA newborn in GDM
No LGA newborn LGA newborn
Variables (N=238) (N=107) p-value*
n (%) n (%)
BMI 0.038
Normal (18.5-24.9 kg/m
) 150 (72.5) 57 (27.5)
Overweight (≥ 25 kg/m
) 58 (69.9) 25 (30.1)
Obese (≥ 30 kg/m
) 30 (54.5) 25 (45.5)
Gestational weight gain 0.345
Below recommended range 99 (69.7) 43 (30.3)
Within recommended range 78 (72.9) 29 (27.1)
Above recommended range 61 (63.5) 35 (36.5)
Nulliparity 98 (69.5) 43 (30.5) 0.863
Multiparity 140 (68.6) 64 (31.4)
Early GDM 154 (70.6) 64 (29.4) 0.383
Late GDM 84 (66.1) 43 (33.9)
GDM control 0.116
Well-controlled 33 (60.0) 22 (40.0)
Poorly-controlled 205 (70.7) 85 (29.3)
BPD ≥ 90
percentile 66 (52.4) 60 (47.6) <0.001
< 90
percentile 172 (78.5) 47 (21.5)
HC ≥ 90
percentile 69 (51.9) 64 (48.1) <0.001
< 90
percentile 169 (79.7) 43 (20.3)
AC ≥ 90
percentile 19 (26.0) 54 (74.0) <0.001
< 90
percentile 219 (80.5) 53 (19.5)
FL ≥ 90
percentile 72 (55.4) 58 (44.6) <0.001
< 90
percentile 166 (77.2) 49 (22.8)
EFW ≥ 90
percentile 0 (0.0) 13 (100) <0.001
< 90
percentile 238 (71.7) 94 (28.3)
*p-value < 0.05 indicates statistical signicance
Abbreviations: LGA = large-for-gestational age; GDM = gestational diabetes mellitus; BMI = body mass index; BPD = biparietal diameter;
HC = head circumference; AC = abdominal circumference; FL = femur length; EFW = estimated fetal weight
e comparison between groups was performed using Chi-square test.
Ruangvutilert et al.
Volume 73, No.5: 2021 Siriraj Medical Journal
Original Article
Multivariate analysis for factors independently
associated with LGA newborn in GDM is shown in
Table 5. AC and HC of ≥ 90
percentile were independent
predictors of LGA newborn with adjusted odds ratio (OR)
of 6.5 and 2.0 respecitvely. We determined the adjusted
OR of EFW of ≥ 85
percentile because EFW ≥ 90
percentile would produce a “zero” value in calculation
formula. EFW of ≥ 85
percentile was the strongest factor
of LGA newborn with the adjusted OR of 9.3.
EFW of ≥ 90
percentile resulted in 100% positive
predictive value and 100% specicity for identication
of fetuses at risk to be born LGA. However, as this cuto
accounted for 3.8% of the fetuses measured at the third
trimester, the benet was limited. In addition, a number of
the actual LGA neonates would be missed. erefore, we
tried lower cuto percentiles in an attempt to increase the
sensitivity of third trimester ultrasonography to predict
LGA babies. Table 6 shows performance using various
cutos. Using cuto levels at 80
and 70
could increase the sensitivity while slightly reducing the
PPV and specicity.
Regarding dierent timing of ultrasonography, no
dierence of performance in predicting an LGA baby
was observed between examination at 32-34 weeks’ and
34-36 weeks’ gestation.
Variables Adjusted OR (95% CI) p-value*
Normal (18.5-24.9 kg/m
) 1 0.253
Underweight (<18.5 kg/m
) 0.8 (0.4-1.6) 0.53
Overweight and obese (≥25 kg/m
) 1.6 (0.7-3.5) 0.20
BPD ≥ 90
percentile 1.3 (0.6-2.7) 0.406
HC ≥ 90
percentile 2.0 (1.0-4.0) 0.048
AC ≥ 90
percentile 6.5 (3.3-12.8) <0.001
FL ≥ 90
percentile 1.7 (0.9-3.0) 0.059
EFW ≥ 85
percentile 9.3 (1.1-77.9) 0.038
TABLE 5. Multivariate analysis for factors independently associated with LGA newborn in GDM
*p-value < 0.05 indicates statistical signicance
Abbreviations: BMI = body mass index; BPD = biparietal diameter; HC = head circumference; AC = abdominal circumference; FL = femur
length; EFW = estimated fetal weight
TABLE 6. Estimated fetal weight (EFW) cuto percentile for predicting LGA newborn in GDM
Abbreviations: LGA = large-for-gestational age; GDM = gestational diabetes mellitus; PPV = positive predictive value
Cutoffpercentile PPV(%) Specicity(%) Sensitivity(%) NPV(%)
EFW ≥ 90
percentile 100 100 12.1 71.7
EFW ≥ 80
percentile 90.3 98.7 26.2 74.8
EFW ≥ 70
percentile 88.0 97.5 41.1 78.6
Volume 73, No.5: 2021 Siriraj Medical Journal
is prospective cohort study demonstrated that
EFW obtained by ultrasound in the third trimester is
useful for predicting LGA newborn in women with
GDM, especially when all parameters (BPD, HC, AC,
and FL) were measured to calculate EFW. Considereing
these parameters individually, HC ≥ 90
percentile and
AC ≥ 90
percentile were able to predict LGA newborn,
with AC being the stronger associating parameter.
e present study found that EFW of ≥ 90
at 32-36 weeks’ gestation yielded a PPV of 100%, a
specicity of 100%, a NPV of 71.7%, and a sensitivity
of 12.2% in prediction of LGA at birth. Previous studies
reported lower PPV and specicity with higher NPV
and sensitivity,
whereas the most recent study showed
high specicity and low sensitivity, which is similar to
our study.
e disparity in ndings may be due to
dierences in study population, risk factors, and GDM
screening method. Inclusion criteria and the reference
growth chart used in other studies were dierent from
ours. Specically, one study included only women with
early GDM and pregestational diabetes,
and another
used a United States National Reference for Fetal Growth
that was published in 1996.
e study period during
gestation also varied, with one study performing ultrasound
during a gestational age range from 28 to 32
In addition, the previously cited studies used
EFW percentile cutos of 70
, 75
, and 80
whereas the 90
percentile was used in this study.
e birth weight percentile used in this study was
based on 2004-2008 WHO Global Survey on Maternal
and Perinatal Health (WHOGS) data,
which recruited
pregnant women across most countries worldwide,
including ai women. is study, in addition, could be
more applicable in clinical practice in comparison to the
previous study
as the ultrasound was performed during
32-36 weeks’ gestation, just aer maximal acceleration
of fetal growth.
Among various formulas, Hadlock I and III perform
best in estimating fetal weight, with Hadlock I having
a lower mean absolute percentage error (MAPE).
Accordingly, Hadlock I formula was used in this study.
e present study reveals EFW as the best predictor
of LGA newborn in women with GDM. Among all
parameters evaluated in this study for estimating fetal
weight, AC was found to be the strongest individual
predictor of LGA newborn. is nding was similar to
that from a previous study which found that AC was the
parameter with highest sensitivity. is may be explained
by fat accumulation and liver glycogen storage when
fetal weight increases in late pregnancy.
is study suggests that the third trimester ultrasound
for fetal biometry should be performed in all women with
GDM to identify fetus at risk to be LGA at birth. EFW
using all parameters (AC, HC, BPD, and FL) provided
high PPV and high specicity. However, measuring only
AC may be acceptable when measuring all parameters
is not feasible due to improper fetal position or dicult
maternal habitus.
Despite a high PPV and a high specicity, EFW ≥ 90
percentile had a low sensitivity and low NPV to predict
LGA at birth. Lowering to 80
and 70
percentile cuto
values improved the sensitivity and NPV with a slightly
reduced PPV and specicity. Concerning gestational
age at examination, performance of ultrasonography
to predict an LGA neonate was comparable between
performing at 32-24 and 34-36 weeks’ gestation.
e strengths of the study include its prospective
cohort design, and the fact that the reference of EFW was
derived from an international standard. A few limitations
were also appreciated. Women’s glycemic control was
only assessed from the values of FBS and 2-h PP blood
sugar at antenatal visits, so blood sugar level trends
and uctuations were not examined. Moreover, GDM
management during the remaining time before birth
could aect the fetal growth.
is study may guide physicians to give special
attention for fetuses diagnosed with LGA from ultrasound
at a hospital in rural areas for delivery or referral planning
in advance.
Estimated fetal weight derived from the fetal biometry
measured in the third trimester had a high PPV and
specicity with a low to moderate sensitivity in predicting
LGA at birth.
e authors are grateful to medical personnel of the
Maternal-Fetal Medicine Unit, Department of Obstetrics
and Gynecology, Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital,
Mahidol University for assistance with study.
Conict of interest declaration
All authors declare no conicts of interest.
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