Volume 73, No.6: 2021 Siriraj Medical Journal
Original Article
Napakkawat Buathong, Ph.D.*, Nattapong Pattanalertpaiboon** , Kanokpit Wattanapaiboon**, Jeerapat
Piriyakoontorn**, Chutikarn Thaweechai**, Pratsara Pinkaew**, Phurinut Sriket**, Warat Setasuban**,
Suppanut Komjakraphan**
*Department of Family Medicine and Preventive Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, **Medical Student, Faculty of Medicine, Prince of Songkla University,
Songkhla 90110, ailand.
Job-Seeking Anxiety Resilience and Family
Inuence on Career Decision-Making among Senior
Undergraduate Students in Southern Thailand
during the COVID -19 Pandemic
Objective: A study of job-seeking anxiety, resilience quotient and family inuence on career decision-making is apparently
lacking; especially in regards to the impact of the nancial crisis during the COVID-19 pandemic, and other factors,
such as the political climate currently in ailand. is study aimed to determine job-seeking anxiety, resilience quotient
and family inuence on career decision-making and related factors among senior, undergraduate university students.
Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted in a university in Southern ailand;
from May to October, 2020. Two hundred and seventy-one participants completed questionnaires regarding
personal and parental demographic characteristics, resilience, family inuence scale, job-seeking self-perception
and job-seeking anxiety.
Results: e prevalence of job-seeking anxiety among participants was low (40%), moderate (50%) and high (10%).
In univariate analysis, factors signicantly associated with job-seeking anxiety were: female gender (p=0.03), eects
of the COVID-19 pandemic, economics and the current, political situation ailand (p=0.03), resilience quotient
(p<0.001) and job-seeking self-perception (p<0.001). e predictors of job-seeking anxiety, from multivariate
analysis, were: resilience quotient (β = -1.169, P<0.001) and job-seeking self-perception (β = 2.232, P<0.001).
Conclusion: Our study provided evidences that a signicant proportion of senior, undergraduate students had
experienced job-seeking anxiety, with the protective factor of job-seeking anxiety being individual resilience quotient.
is information could be used as an eective management strategy for providing mental health promotion, and
prevention for senior, undergraduate university students.
Keywords: COVID-19; family inuence; job-seeking anxiety; resilience quotient (Siriraj Med J 2021; 73: 363-372)
Corresponding author: Napakkawat Buathong
E-mail: napakkawatb@gmail.com
Received 9 February 2021 Revised 25 March 2021 Accepted 26 March 2021
ORCID ID: http://orcid.org/0000-0001-6753-8567
Anxiety is a normal, individual response when
experiences trigger or insecure situations occur, unless it
is persistent, overwhelming and unmanageable. Anxiety
disorders can cause distress as well as have debilitating
impacts on daily activities and mental health.
to a report, issued in 2016 by department of mental health
ministry of Public Health of ailand, it was found that
an estimated 140,000 people; above 18 years old, were
diagnosed with anxiety disorders.
Volume 73, No.6: 2021 Siriraj Medical Journal
e last year of study in university appears to be
the most dicult time when students face pressures
from both study and career planing. e discribtion of
a career is the job or profession that someone does for
a long period of their life. erefore, the concerns about
career’s and job-seeking can cause some stress and anxiety
for senior students
, in accordance with establishing
personal goals and self-identity. Besides job-seeking
and self-perception, previous studies have shown that
inuences by family
(i.e., family status, education and
parents’ expectations) and socio-demographic factors
(i.e., gender and academic major) were associated with
job-seeking stress, depression and suicide ideation.
Moreover, in 2019 the youth unemployment rates
increased rapidly from 3.7 to 3.9 percent
, in particular
because of the impact of the nancial crisis caused by
the COVID-19 pandemic. e COVID-19 pandemic
also can be stress factors for public health actions; such
as social distancing, which can increase increase stress
and anxiety, due to the impact on temporality closures
of some business.
One of the important factors in coping with both
stress and hardship is resilience. Resilience quotient
(RQ) is dened as: the individual process of adapting
using emotional stability, will power and coping skills
to recover from trauma, tragedy, threats and stressful
Although, the issue of job-seeking has become
the most important concern and cause for anxiety for
university students, few studies in ailand about job-
seeking anxiety related resilience quotient and family
inuence on career decision-making have been published;
especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. erefore,
the purposes of this research were to examine job-seeking
anxiety and to determine the associations between job-
seeking anxiety, resilience quotient and family inuence
on career decision-making among senior, undergraduate
students, in Prince of Songkla University, during the
COVID-19 pandemic in order to provide mental health
promotion and prevention in the future.
A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted,
using online questionnaires, at the Prince of Songkla
University, HatYai Campus, ailand; from May to
October, 2020. e study protocol was approved by the
Oce of Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC)
Prince of Songkla University (REC.63-236-9-2). Action,
informed consent was obtained from participants prior
to enrollment into the study.
e Student Aairs personnel of Prince of Songkla
University, who were instrumental in distributing the
online survey using convenience sampling to 584 senior,
undergraduate students in Hatyai campus (Fig 1) within
13 faculties; classied into 4 groups 1.) Pure Science;
including, the Faculty of Science 2.) Applied Science
and Technology; including, the Faculty of Engineering,
Faculty of Natural Resources, Faculty of Agro-Industry
and Faculty of Environmental Management 3.) Health
Sciences; including, Medical Technology, Faculty of
Traditional ai Medicine and the Faculty of Veterinary
Science 4.) Social Science and Arts; including, Faculty
of Law, Faculty of Economics, Faculty of Liberal Arts,
Faculty of Management Sciences, and International
college. e inclusion criteria were senior students who
were willing to participate in our study, aged above 18,
and had enrolled in the Faculty of Veterinery Science,
in the academic year of 2015, and in other Faculties in
the academic year of 2017; and were able to read and
understand ai. We excluded 313 students, who were
unintened for job seeking, suspended, planned for further
study (n=233), had job commitments to scholarship
(n=29) and informed unwilling to answer (n=51). e
total of 271 participants were enrolled into the study.
Fig 1. Flow diagram of participant enrolment.
Buathong et al.
Volume 73, No.6: 2021 Siriraj Medical Journal
Original Article
All participants completed the seven parts of the
online questionnaires: personal demographic data,
parental demographic data, the eect of the COVID-19
pandemic, economics and the current political situation
in Southern ailand on job-seeking, ai resilience
questionnaires (ai-RQ), Family Inuence Scale (FIS)
for evaluation of familial inuence to job-seeking, Job-
seeking self-perception questionnaires and Job-seeking
anxiety questionnaires, by themselves. All questionnaires
were sent online to senior, undergraduate students by
the Student Aairs department.
e eect of the COVID-19 pandemic, economics
and current political situation in ailand on job-seeking
was used to evaluate the opinion of current conicts and
situations toward job seeking. Which was developed
by the research and measured by a question scoring of
likert scale; 1 to 5. e scores of 1 or 2 were interpreted
as low, 3 as moderate, and 4 or 5 as a high eect. e
Item Objective Congruence (IOC) Index for content
validity assessment was 1.00.
e 20-item, ai-RQ
., which was developed by
the Department of Mental Health, Ministry of Public
Health, ailand, was used to assess personal resiliency
consisting of 3 domains: emotional stability, will power
and coping skills. Each answer was scored on a scale of
1 to 4. e total scores ranged from 20 to 80. e scores
20-54, 55-69, 70-80 indicated low, normal, and high
resilience quotient, respectively. e reliability of the
ai-RQ, assessed by Cronbach’s alpha, was 0.75.
Measurement of family inuence to job-seeking
by Fouad
was conducted by the ai version of the
Family inuence scale (FIS). is consists of 22 questions;
including, 8-items of information support, 5-items on
nancial support, 4-items of family expectations, and
5-items on values and beliefs. Each answer was scored on
a scale of 1 to 5. e family inuence level was classied
as: low (<27), moderate (27-34), and high (>34) by the
total sum. e Cronbach’s alpha of FIS was 0.798.
Job-seeking, self-perception questionnaires that
were modied from factors associated with anxiety of
job application questionnaire composed of 15 items. e
reliability of this questionnaire assessed by Cronbach’s
alpha was 0.886.
e questions included 6-items of
personal perceptions, 4-items of experience and abilities
perceptions, and 5-items on job perceptions. Each answer
was scored on a scale of 1 to 5. e scores 15-35, 36-55,
56-75 indicated low, moderate, and high levels, respectively.
e Job-seeking anxiety questionnaire, an instrument
for measuring severity of job-seeking anxiety, consisted
of 25 items; which represented: mood, thoughts, and
physical symptom responses. Each answer was scored
on a scale of 1 to 5. e scores 25-58, 59-91, 92-125
indicated normal to low, moderate, and high levels of
job seeking anxiety, respectively. e Cronbach’s alpha
of this test was 0.9
Statistical analysis
R software version 3.5.1 was used to perform
Descriptive statistics were preformed using
mean and standard deviation (SD). Univariate analyses
for associations of independent variables with job-seeking
anxiety were analyzed using an independent sample
t test, one-way analysis of variance (one-way ANOVA),
Kruskal-Wallis test, Pearson’s correlation and Spearman
correlation. Cohen’s conventions criteria
were used to
evaluate the degree of association, a correlation coecient
of 0.10 (represente a weak or small association), 0.30
(represent a moderate correlation and 0.50 or higher
(represent a strong or large correlation). Signicant
factors obtained from univariate analysis were analyzed
using multiple linear regressions, to examine factors
predicting job seeking anxiety. A p-value of less than
0.05 was considered statistically signicant.
Of the 584, senior undergraduate students in Prince
of Songkla University; who were recruited into our
study, two hundred and seventy-one participants met
the inclusion criterias. Table 1 shows resilience quotient,
family inuence scale, job-seeking self-perceptions and job
seeking anxiety status. e majority of participants had
a moderate level of resilience quotient, family inuence
scale, job-seeking self-perceptions and job seeking anxiety
e mean age (SD) of participants was 21.78 (0.76)
years; range 20-25 years. Most of them were female, lived
in other provinces outside of Songkhla, studied in the
applied Science department; mean GPAX (SD) = 2.86
(0.45), and had no underlying diseases. eir eld of
study coupled with job interest was principally matched.
eir families’ status was mostly co-habiting partner,
and income was approximately between 10,000-39,999
Baht per month. e eect of economics and the current
political situation, including COVID-19, on their job-
seeking anxiety was almost, entirely high. Baseline data
regarding socioeconomic status is presented in Table 2.
Table 2 presents a comparison of the demographic
data, and current political situation as well as eects of
COVID-19, in relation to job-seeking-anxiety. (moods,
cognition and physical symptom responses). Female
gender was signicantly associated with higher job-
Volume 73, No.6: 2021 Siriraj Medical Journal
TABLE 1. Resilience quotient, family inuence scale, job-seeking self-perceptions and job seeking anxiety status of
 ResiliencequotientFamilyinuencescaleJob-seeking
n % n % n % n %
Low 71 26 8 3 45 17 108 40
Moderate 181 67 195 72 174 64 136 50
High 19 7 68 25 52 19 27 10
Mean (S.D.) 58.7 73.54 46.79 65.02
(7.84) (11.74) (10.64) (18.63)
Min - Max 31-80 44-110 19 - 71 30-115
seeking anxiety and physical symptom responses. Past
history of mental illness was only associated with greater
mood responses. Paternal career and family income were
signicantly associated with cognition eects. Economics
and current political situations (as well as those relating
to COVID-19) were signicantly associated with higher
job-seeking anxiety, moods and cognition. By contrast,
age, faculty, hometown, GPAX, eld of study and job
interest match, family status, parental education and
maternal career were not associated with job seeking
anxiety (P > 0.05).
Table 3 demonstrates correlation between resilience
quotient, family inuence scale, job-seeking self-perception
and job-seeking anxiety. Resilience quotient were signicantly
associated with job-seeking anxiety with high degree
of negative correlation. (r>0.5). Although, signicantly
factors positively correlated with job-seeking anxiety with
low degree of association were the family’s information
support, values and beliefs (r<0.30). Family expectations
was only associated with cognition with low degree of
association (r<0.30). Furthermore, the family’s nancial
support and summary of family inuence scale were not
associated with job-seeking anxiety. Personal, experience
and abilities and job perceptions, which represented
job-seeking self-perception, were signicantly, positively
correlated with job-seeking anxiety and its consequences.
Table 4 shows predictors for job-seeking anxiety.
Gender, economics and the current political situation
(Including eects from COVID-19), resilience quotient
and job-seeking self-perception were entered into multiple
linear regression to analyze with job-seeking anxiety.
e nal model presents the associations of resilience
quotient and job-seeking self-perception on job-seeking
anxiety. ese factors explained 41.7% of the variance of the
job-seeking anxiety score. Job-seeking self-perception was
the strongest predictor for job-seeking anxiety (β=2.232,
is study aimed to explore job-seeking anxiety
in senior, undergraduate student, and identify each
sociodemographic factor related to job-seeking anxiety.
Anxiety levels can be classied using class interval scales
as low, moderate and high. e prevalence of job-seeking
anxiety was similar to the study by Ua-ariyapanichkul
et al
, which also studied senior university students. We
found that most participants had moderate to high level
of job-seeking anxiety (60%). is nding showed that
job-seeking anxiety was a problem aer graduation, for
university students.
In regards to sociodemographic factors, females were
considered a signicant variable to job-seeking anxiety.
is nding was similar to previous study performed by
Fengsu Hou et al
that females were experiencing more
severe stress and anxiety symptoms than male gender
especially in Covid-19 situation. Moreover, resulting
from gender dierences in regards to a comparison of
lay-o rates in ailand (Q2 of 2019 and 2020) were
2.3% in women and 1.5% in men
that might result in
an anxious with job seeking.
Particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic, the
nancial situation has become a crisis. In consequence,
unemployment rates sharply increased in double-time
in Q2 of 2019 and 2020
, causing anxiety in senior,
university students. In this study, the perspectives on
COVID eects were mostly in the high level (82.29%).
Buathong et al.
Original Article
Volume 73, No.3: 2021 Siriraj Medical Journal
TABLE 2. Comparison of the demographics data and current conict situation (COVID-19) in relation to job-seeking-anxiety and its eects (moods, cognition and physical
symptoms responses).
Job-seeking anxiety
Total Overall Moods Cognition Physical symptoms
(N=271) % Mean (SD) Statistic P* Mean (SD) Statistic P* Mean (SD) Statistic P* Mean (SD) Statistic P*
(df) (df) (df)
Gender t (269) 0.03 t (269) 0.18 t (269) 0.11 t (269) 0.013
Male 75 27.68 61.0 (19.10) 19.0 (6.28) 17.8 (6.26) 24.2 (8.99)
Female 196 72.32 66.5 (18.30) 20.2 (5.81) 19.2 (6.12) 27.2 (8.80)
Age t (269) 0.63 t (269) 0.72 t (269) 0.69 t (269) 0.63
<22 years old 101 37.27 65.7 (19.20) 20.0 (5.88) 19.0 (6.53) 26.7 (8.75)
>22 years old 170 62.73 64.6 (18.30) 19.7 (6.01) 18.7 (5.98) 26.2 (9.07)
Group of Faculty F (4,266) 0.42 F (4,266) 0.6 F (4,266) 0.27 F (4,266) 0.4
Pure Science 10 3.69 65.7 (19.40) 20.2 (6.71) 19.4 (7.43) 26.1 (3.17)
Applied Science 146 53.87 63.3 (18.50) 19.5 (5.84) 18.2 (5.94) 25.7 (0.75)
Health Science 12 4.43 66.6 (23.40) 21.4 (7.24) 20.4 (7.48) 24.8 (3.42)
Social Science 103 38.01 67.2 (18.10) 20.2 (5.91) 19.5 (6.20) 27.5 (0.82)
and Arts
Hometown t (269) 0.77 t (269) 0.37 t (269) 0.64 t (269) 0.76
Songkhla 104 38.38 64.6 (16.90) 19.4 (5.91) 18.6 (5.99) 26.6 (7.98)
Other 167 61.62 65.3 (19.70) 20.1 (5.98) 19.0 (6.31) 26.2 (9.51)
GPAX F (4,266) 0.70 F (4,266) 0.71 F (4,266) 0.68 F (4,266) 0.65
<2.5 63 23.25 64.8 (18.30) 19.6 (5.58) 19.0 (6.26) 26.3 (8.75)
2.5-2.99 104 38.38 65.3 (17.60) 19.6 (5.60) 19.0 (5.73) 26.7 (8.71)
3-3.49 78 28.78 63.6 (18.70) 20.0 (6.23) 18.2 (6.15) 25.4 (8.66)
>3.5 26 9.59 68.7 (23.20) 21.0 (7.41) 19.9 (7.81) 27.8 (11.14)
Underlying disease t (269) 0.35 0.71 0.26 0.16
No underlying disease 238 87.82 64.6 (18.90) 19.9 (6.03) 18.7 (6.29) 26.1 (9.01)
Underlying disease 33 12.18 67.8 (16.60) 19.5 (5.39) 20.0 (5.21) 28.4 (8.27)
Volume 73, No.3: 2021 Siriraj Medical Journal
TABLE 2. Comparison of the demographics data and current conict situation (COVID-19) in relation to job-seeking-anxiety and its eects (moods, cognition and physical
symptoms responses). (Continue)
Job-seeking anxiety
Total Overall Moods Cognition Physical symptoms
(N=271) % Mean (SD) Statistic P* Mean (SD) Statistic P* Mean (SD) Statistic P* Mean (SD) Statistic P*
(df) (df) (df)
Field of study and M 0.97 0.22 0.71 0.52
Job interest match
Yes 169 62.36 65.0 (18.70) 20.4 (6.04) 18.6 (6.01) 25.9 (9.07)
No 102 37.64 65.1 (18.70) 19.5 (5.89) 18.9 (6.29) 26.6 (8.89)
Family status t (269) 0.56 0.7 0.77 0.46
Cohabiting partner 192 70.85 64.6 (18.30) 19.8 (5.96) 18.8 (6.16) 26.1 (8.83)
Other 79 29.15 66.0 (19.50) 20.1 (5.97) 19.0 (6.26) 27.0 (9.23)
Father's education F (6,264) 0.53 1.00 0.31 0.32
Uneducated 5 1.85 71.2 (12.10) 20.4 (5.03) 21.6 (3.71) 29.2 (5.67)
Primary school 61 22.51 61.3 (17.00) 19.5 (5.88) 17.3 (5.35) 24.5 (8.4)
Secondary school 71 26.20 66.0 (19.20) 19.6 (5.63) 19.3 (6.03) 27.1 (9.09)
Vocational education 54 19.93 64.3 (19.60) 20.0 (6.08) 18.9 (6.57) 25.44(9.02)
Bachelor's degree 73 26.94 67.0 (19.20) 20.1 (6.40) 19.5 (6.82) 27.4 (9.19)
Master's degree and 7 2.58 67.3 (14.10) 20.4 (6.27) 17.6 (4.58) 29.3 (9.67)
higher education
Father's career F (5,265) 0.20 0.59 0.048 0.39
Employee/laborer 52 19.19 60.7 (15.30) 19.2 (5.52) 17.2 (5.11) 24.3 (7.33)
Government and state 64 23.62 66.7 (18.50) 20.2(6.01) 19.5 (6.75) 27.0 (8.90)
Agriculturist 57 21.03 66.7 (20.00) 20.4 (6.30) 19.3 (6.31) 27.1 (9.43)
Business owner 64 23.62 63.3 (19.30) 19.1 (5.84) 18.0 (5.96) 26.1 (9.43)
Other/ unemployment 34 12.55 69.0 (19.20) 20.6 (6.20) 20.9 (6.22) 27.6 (9.42)
Buathong et al.
Original Article
Volume 73, No.3: 2021 Siriraj Medical Journal
TABLE 2. Comparison of the demographics data and current conict situation (COVID-19) in relation to job-seeking-anxiety and its eects (moods, cognition and physical
symptoms responses). (Continue)
Job-seeking anxiety
Total Overall Moods Cognition Physical symptoms
(N=271) % Mean (SD) Statistic P* Mean (SD) Statistic P* Mean (SD) Statistic P* Mean (SD) Statistic P*
(df) (df) (df)
Mother's education F (6,264) 0.09 0.19 0.06 0.26
Uneducated 4 1.48 65.5 (17.20) 20.8 (5.85) 17.8 (6.4) 27.0 (7.53)
Primary school 65 23.99 59.7 (18.40) 18.5 (5.93) 17.1 (5.61) 24.1 (9.06)
Secondary school 70 25.83 66.7 (20.40) 20.3 (6.00) 19.4 (6.27) 27.1 (9.99)
Vocational education 44 16.24 67.7 (15.30) 20.6 (5.52) 19.4 (5.78) 27.8 (6.42)
Bachelor's degree 79 29.15 65.2 (18.00) 19.7 (6.13) 19.1 (6.32) 26.5 (8.74)
Master's degree or higher 9 3.32 75.3 (21.40) 23.3 (5.34) 22.9 (7.93) 29.1 (11.25)
Mother's career F (5,265) 0.15 0.26 0.08 0.41
Employee/laborer 57 21.03 60.8 (16.40) 18.6 (18.61) 17.5 (5.83) 24.7 (8.12)
Government and state 50 18.45 70.1 (17.10) 21.1 (21.14) 20.8 (6.39) 28.1 (8.47)
Agriculturist 42 15.50 65.5 (19.10) 20.2 (20.19) 18.8 (5.76) 26.5 (9.71)
Business owner 68 25.09 64.9 (20.80) 20.0 (20.03) 18.5 (6.57) 26.4 (9.76)
Other/ unemployment 54 19.93 64.6 (18.40) 19.4 (19.43) 18.8 (5.90) 26.4 (8.47)
Family income (baht) F (4,266) 0.15 0.2 0.03 0.53
<10,000 41 15.13 68.0 (21.30) 20.8 (6.77) 19.7 (6.64) 27.4 (9.83)
10,000-39,999 159 58.67 63.3 (18.50) 19.5 (5.76) 18.1 (5.96) 25.7 (8.95)
40,000-69,999 39 14.39 70.1 (18.60) 21.2 (5.85) 21.2 (6.49) 27.7 (9.15)
70,000 32 11.81 63.4 (14.60) 18.7 (5.76) 18.2 (5.64) 26.5 (7.40)
Economic and current F (3,267) 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.15
situation (COVID-19)
Low (1-2) 10 3.69 51.8 (17.10) 14.8 (5.47) 15.5 (5.17) 21.5 (7.60)
Moderate (3) 38 14.02 61.6 (15.10) 19.2 (4.65) 17.0 (4.60) 25.5 (8.61)
High (4-5) 223 82.29 66.2 (19.00) 20.2 (6.08) 19.3 (6.36) 26.7 (9.01)
df = Degree of freedom. * P was based on an independent sample t test (t), one-way ANOVA (F), or Mann-Whitney U test (M) as appropriate.
Volume 73, No.3: 2021 Siriraj Medical Journal
TABLE 3. Mean, standard deviation and bivariate correlation of study variables.
Resilience quotient (RQ) Family inuence scale (FIS) Job-seeking self-perceptions Job-seeking anxiety
Mean RQ total Information Financial Family Values FIS total Personal Experience Job Job-seeking Moods Cognition Physical Job-
(SD) score support support expectation and Score perceptions and abilities perception perceptions symptoms seeking
Beliefs perceptions total score anxiety
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14)
(1) 58.70
(7.84) -
(2) 28.48 r = 0.265
(5.34) P < 0.001 -
(3) 17.67 r = 0.152 r = 0.504
(2.77) P = 0.12 P < 0.001 -
(4) 13.89 r = -0.059 r = 0.250 r = 0.384
(3.20) P = 0.332 P < 0.001 P < 0.001 -
(5) 13.50 r = -0.129 r = 0.198 r = 0.191 r = 0.473
(5.31) P = 0.033 P = 0.001 P =0.002 P < 0.001 -
(6) 73.54 r = 0.082 r = 0.731 r = 0.656 r = 0.691 r = 0.717
(11.74) P = 0.181 P < 0.001 P < 0.001 P < 0.001 P < 0.001 -
(7) 16.27 r = -0.261 r = -0.157 r = -0.086 r = 0.067 r = 0.046 r = -0.053
(4.26) P < 0.001 P = 0.010 P = 0.158 P = 0.272 P = 0.449 P = 0.388 -
(8) 13.34 r = -0.271 r = -0.143 r = -.0120 r = 0.128 r = 0.025 r = -0.047 r = 0.629
(3.52) P < 0.001 P = 0.018 P = 0.048 P = 0.036 P = 0.681 P = 0.438 P < 0.001 -
(9) 14.00 r = -0.321 r = -0.231 r = -0.113 r = 0.140 r = 0.205 r = -0.001 r = 0.505 r = 0.572
(4.26) P < 0.001 P < 0.001 P = 0.064 P = 0.021 P = 0.001 P = 0.991 P < 0.001 P < 0.001 -
(10) 46.79 ρ = -0.318 ρ = -0.200 ρ = -0.120 ρ = 0.131 ρ = 0.108 ρ = 0.035 ρ = 0.860 ρ = 0.851 ρ = 0.808
(10.64) P < 0.001 P = 0.001 P = 0.048 P = 0.032 P = 0.077 P = 0.569 P < 0.001 P < 0.001 P < 0.001 -
(11) 19.84 r = -0.511 r = -0.197 r = -0.084 r = 0.061 r = 0.153 r = -0.024 r = 0.398 r = 0.475 r = 0.539 ρ = 0.545
(5.95) P < 0.001 P = 0.001 P = 0.167 P = 0.318 P = 0.012 P = 0.699 P < 0.001 P < 0.001 P < 0.001 P < 0.001 -
(12) 18.82 r = -0.556 r = -0.181 r = -0.048 r = 0.146 r = 0.173 r = 0.024 r = 0.331 r = 0.295 r = 0.468 ρ = 0.421 r = 0.704
(6.18) P < 0.001 P = 0.003 P = 0.436 P = 0.016 P = 0.004 P = 0.688 P < 0.001 P < 0.001 P < 0.001 P < 0.001 P < 0.001 -
(13) 26.36 r = -0.467 r = -0.177 r = -0.116 r = 0.051 r = 0.125 r = -0.037 r = 0.273 r = 0.225 r = 0.292 ρ = 0.305 r = 0.564 r = 0.740
(8.94) P < 0.001 P = 0.003 P = 0.057 P = 0.404 P = 0.039 P = 0.542 P < 0.001 P < 0.001 P < 0.001 P < 0.001 P < 0.001 P < 0.001 -
(14) 65.02 r = -0.576 r = -0.208 r = -0.098 r = 0.092 r = 0.166 r = -0.017 r = 0.368 r = 0.358 r = 0.467 ρ = 0.460 r = 0.824 r = 0.912 r = 0.905
(18.63) P < 0.001 P = 0.001 P = 0.107 P = 0.130 P = 0.006 P = 0.777 P < 0.001 P < 0.001 P < 0.001 P < 0.001 P < 0.001 P < 0.001 P < 0.001 -
Note: solid numbers, in bold, are statistically signicant (P<0.05
Buathong et al.
Volume 73, No.6: 2021 Siriraj Medical Journal
Original Article
Likewise, the COVID-19 pandemic represented as a
positive variable on job-seeking anxiety.
Next, overall grade point average representing the
average value of the accumulated nal grades earned in
courses over time at university. is factor showed to
be non relevant in job-seeking anxiety, which was also
indicated in a previous study; explaining that not all the
subjects were concordant to career options. Furthermore,
academic major’s and matching between elds of study
and job interest was considered insignicant, due to
more career options being available nowadays. is
can makes it unnecessary to apply for a job related to a
particular eld of study.
Participations who had history of mental illness
was found to be marginal signicant to job seeking
anxiety. e relatively, small amount of participants in
this study might lead to the diculty in identifying these
predictors. Otherwise, the results were possibly associated
to job-seeking anxiety. Similarly to a previous study,
psychological abnormalities appeared to be a clearly
positive factor on job-seeking anxiety, and depression
in university students.
When considering family inuence: we found that
family’s information support, values and beliefs were
associated to an increase in job-seeking anxiety. Surprisingly,
parental expectations did not have an inuence on child
anxiety, likewise to a previous study
, in believing
expectations decreased by child’s age. Moreover, the
ages of last years undergraduate students were mature
enough and reasonable for self-judgment. In the same
way, no dierences were found on indices of family
status in these ages.
A signicant eect of family income on job-seeking
anxiety was found. Meanwhile, the cognition part of
job-seeking anxiety seemed to be related with senior
university students whose fathers were unemploymed
was especially found. Eventually, University students
who suered from nancial stress were also pressured
to apply for a job.
e results of this study showed a certainity in the
negative correlation between anxiety and each part of
Resilience Quotient. Previous studies revealed that the
score of Resilience Quotient was strongly, inversely
related to scores of anxiety
using emotional stability,
will power and coping skills.
Self-perceptions in the meaning of understanding
their personal, job, and experiences and abilities in job-
seeking positively correlated with anxiety states. In other
words, anxious participants were more conservative in
their estimations of their action capabilities, which was
concordant in a previous study.
Meanwhile, gender, Job-seeking self-perceptions,
Resilience quotient (RQ), Economics and current situations
(COVID-19) were associated with job-seeking anxiety.
However, the only eect of the Job-seeking self-perceptions
and Resilience quotient (RQ) could predict job-seeking
anxiety. ese ndings were similar to the study of
Sood S, et al.
that resilience and psychological well-
being associated with perceived distress of university
Students During COVID-19. Self-esteem and anxiety
of job applications by Tiensirirerk P
, that showed the
similarity between self-estreem and resilience quotient
as protective factors for anxiety.
ere were some limitations of this study. First,
response rates using online-survey were slightly low as
they were indicated in the research by Fincham J
, in that
response rates for an online survey were approximately
25-30%. e response rates varied depending on types
and time of surveys. Besides, this data was collected
during the semester and during the COVID-19 situation.
Another diculty was being unable to encourage and
identify non-response groups for reanswering.
TABLE 4. Predictors of job-seeking anxiety.
β Standarderror p-value 95%CI
Resilience quotient (RQ) 0.332 -1.169 0.12 <0.001 -1.39, -0.94
Job-seeking self-perceptions 0.417 2.232 0.35 <0.001 1.55, 2.92
Constant 103.008 9.28 <0.001 84.74, 127.25
* is model was adjusted for gender, economics and current the political situation (Including COVID-19).
Volume 73, No.6: 2021 Siriraj Medical Journal
In addition, small sample sizes were also limited by
the large amount of the excluded group, who planned
for further study. We suggest examining their anxiety
level and impact of job-seeking anxiety on this decision-
making. All variables were collected using self-report
questionnaires, without clinical interviews, and use of a
cross-sectional study, which might not be able to detect
changes of anxiety over time. erefore, a longitudinal
study is also suggested to clarify this.
In conclusion, we recommend that the Student Aairs
Department create an eective management strategy, for
providing mental health promotion and prevention for
university students. As roles of universities on resilience
and mental health promotion were remarkably mentioned
in previous studies, elimination of any discrimination
towards gender, religion, race and other identities should
be done. Not only settings in the university, but also the
quality of teaching and mentoring should be emphasized, so
as to promote a mentally healthy environment aerwards.
We would like to extend our sincere thanks to the
Student Aairs personnel of Prince of Songkla University,
who were instrumental in distributing the online survey
to senior, undergraduate students. We are also grateful
to all participants for contributing their valuable time
and honest information.
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