Volume 73, No.6: 2021 Siriraj Medical Journal
Original Article
Nichamon Parkpinyo, M.D., Nalinee Panichyawat, M.D., KorakotSirimai, M.D.
Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University, Bangkok, ailand.
Early Removal of the Etonogestrel Contraceptive
Implant and Associated Factors Among Users at the
Urban Family Planning Clinic in Siriraj Hospital,
Bangkok, Thailand
Objective: To study the rate and reasons for the early removal of etonogestrel contraceptive implants and associated
factors at the family planning clinic in Siriraj Hospital.
Materials and Methods: is retrospective cohort study was conducted between May 2015 and December 2019 and
contained 1,030 women who received the etonogestrel contraceptive implant. e medical records of demographic
characteristics and clinical factors i.e., implant insertion date, implant removal date, reason for implant removal,
contraceptive use before implant insertion and aer implant removal, documented bleeding pattern and acceptability,
were identied.
Results: e mean age of participants was 28.6 ± 6.9 years. About 21% of women (218/1030) prematurely discontinued
their etonogestrel implant. A desire to become pregnant was the most common reason for early removal of the
etonogestrel implant (32%). Meanwhile, the most common side-eect contributing to early removal was unscheduled
bleeding. e associated variables of early etonogestrel implant removal were low BMI (p-value = 0.021) and
unacceptability of bleeding pattern at one year (p-value < 0.001) and two years (p-value < 0.001) aer insertion.
Conclusion: Early etonogestrel implant discontinuation rate was remarkable and the main reasons for it include
a desire to become pregnant and bleeding side eects. Moreover, a lower BMI and unacceptability of bleeding
problems also increased the likelihood of early removal of this contraceptive method.
Keywords: Etonogestrel implant; contraceptive method; one rod contraceptive implant; implant removal; implant
discontinuation (Siriraj Med J 2021; 73: 399-405)
Corresponding author: Korakot Sirimai
E-mail: ksirimai@hotmail.com
Received 18 January 2021 Revised 24 February 2021 Accepted 26 February 2021
ORCID ID: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-7475-7757
Family planning plays an essential role in women’s
health by reducing the mortality rate of unsafe abortions
and undesired pregnancies. Today, various methods of
modern contraception focus on techniques that have
proven to be eective and are widely used.
For example,
long-acting reversible contraceptives (LARCs) are birth
control methods that provide eective contraception
long-term without requiring user action. Contraceptive
methods that fall under LARC include intrauterine devices
(IUDs) and subdermal contraceptive implants.
etonogestrel contraceptive implant (Implanon NXT®)
is a single-rod progestin-only device containing 68 mg
of etonogestrel preloaded in a 4-cm so plastic stick.
Volume 73, No.6: 2021 Siriraj Medical Journal
Parkpinyo et al.
provides protection for three years and its mechanism
is based on ovulation inhibition and an increase in the
viscosity of the cervical mucus.
Although the three-year etonogestrel contraceptive
implant is eective and popular among users, common
side eects include unscheduled bleeding, weight gain,
acne, headache and loss of libido. ese side eects are
all possible reasons for the early discontinuation of this
contraceptive method.
In developing countries, removal
of the etonogestrel implant in the rst year (13%-28% of
all cases depending on the area of study) is common even
though these women are still in need of contraception.
Various studies have noted that women may insist on the
early removal of the etonogestrel implant for a variety
of reasons. For example, some studies have noted that
unscheduled bleeding and other side eects are common
reasons for early removal.
In fact, unscheduled bleeding
was the most frequently cited reason for early removal of
implants in a large multicenter trial in seven countries.
To solve this problem, counseling women on expected
bleeding patterns might improve the longevity of implantable
progesterone contraceptives. Furthermore, a low body
mass index was also associated with early discontinuation
of implants in a prior study,
however, these studies failed
to identify sociodemographic predictors or associated
factors of early discontinuation.
Moreover, most
studies only had a follow-up period of one year.
only a few studies maintaining a three-year follow-up
period in a small population group.
Although there are several studies about long-acting
reversible contraceptives in ailand
, published data
on the discontinuation rate of etonogestrel implants
and associated factors are insucient. Moreover, Siriraj
Hospital provides family planning services and reproductive
healthcare for many women. is study aimed to investigate
the rate and reasons for early removal of etonogestrel
implants and associated factors in large sample size and
long-term period. Accordingly, this study will be expedient
to determine the current practice of etonogestrel implant
discontinuation and ndings from this study will also
be helpful in improving the reproductive healthcare
This retrospective cohort study was conducted
aer the Ethics Committee of SIRB (Si 406/2020(IRB2))
approved the study. is study enclosed women who
received an etonogestrel contraceptive implant removal at
the family planning clinic, Siriraj Hospital between May
2015 and December 2019. In Siriraj Hospital, it is common
platform at our institution to provide contraceptive
counselling and appropriate instruction regarding the
chosen method. e etonogestrel implant available in
ailand during the study period was Implanon NXT®,
a single-rod progestin-only device containing 68 mg of
etonogestrel preloaded in a disposable applicator and
approved by the US FDA for a duration of three years
of use.
First, medical records of women who had an
etonogestrel implant inserted during the study period
were identied. e investigators did not exclude women
based on the indication of implant use. Regarding
preciseness, two investigators reviewed each medical
chart and discrepancies noted were normalized through
discussion amongst all investigators. e authors recorded
the following parameters from each medical record:
sociodemographic characteristics, reproductive and
obstetric history, utilization past contraceptive history,
implant insertion & removal date, reason for requesting
removal, documented bleeding pattern and acceptability.
Bleeding patterns, which were recorded at the one year,
two year, and three year visit was assorted as either
regular bleeding or unscheduled bleeding. Documented
bleeding complaints were ascertained by reviewing the
charts and classied as acceptable or unacceptable.
e primary outcome was an early removal rate of
the etonogestrel implant. “Early removal” was dened
as removal of etonogestrel implant within 36 months of
insertion. Furthermore, a medical record documented
implant removal as early discontinuation either at our
institution or any other outside clinic within 36 months
aer implant insertion. Last but not least, secondary
outcomes and associated factors for early removal were
also documented.
e data was analyzed using the SPSS soware
package (SPSS version 18.0; IBM). e demographic data
and descriptive statistics were presented as percentage
and Mean ± SD while the association between variables
and implant discontinuation status was identied by a
Chi-square test and Fischer’s exact test. A p-value <0.05
was considered statistically signicant.
A total of 1,030 women with records of etonogestrel
implant insertion during the study period were assembled.
e mean age of the participants was 28.6 ± 6.9 years
and the majority of women in this study were married
and/or parous women. e mean BMI was 23.2 ± 4.7 kg/
. and the most recently used method of contraceptives
was oral contraceptive pills (35.3%). Also, at least 15%
of the women had never used any contraceptive method
(Table 1).
Volume 73, No.6: 2021 Siriraj Medical Journal
Original Article
TABLE 1. Sociodemographic characteristics of participants.
About 21% of women (218/1,030) recorded early
etonogestrel implant discontinuation (within three years
following implant insertion (Table 2)). Among them
who had early implant removal, the most commonly
cited reason was an intention of becoming pregnant
(32.1%), bleeding disturbances (22.5%) and weight gain
(12.8%) (Table 3). e “others” parameter in Table 3
includes loss of libido, mood changes, desire for male
contraception and a desire for tubal sterilization. For
most women in early removal group, the contraceptive
method post etonogestrel implant removal was oral
contraceptive pills. Moreover, 44% of the women who
had used etonogestrel implants until the end desired to
have it reinserted aer removal.
e authors conducted contemplation to explore
the factors associated with etonogestrel implant removal
before three years. e associated variables of early
etonogestrel implant removal were BMI (p-value =
0.021) and acceptability of bleeding patterns at one year
(p-value < 0.001) and two years (p-value < 0.001) aer
insertion (Table 4). Gravidity, parity and marital status
had no relation or impact on the decision to have the
etonogestrel implant removed. As mentioned previously
about BMI, the authors noticed that a low BMI was
associated with early removal of etonogestrel implants
(OR = 1.71; p-value < 0.05).
Characteristics n (%) (N=1030)
Nulligravid 113 (11)
Gravidity = 1 558 (54.2)
Gravidity≥2 359(34.8)
Nulliparous 155 (15)
Parity = 1 617 (60)
Parity≥2 258(25)
< 25 kg/m
693 (67.3)
337 (32.7)
Marital status
Married 933 (90.6)
Single 69 (6.7)
Divorced 28 (2.7)
Recent contraceptive method
Hormonal method
Oral contraceptive pills 364 (35.3)
DMPA 168(16.3)
3-year Implant 70 (6.8)
5-year Implant 42 (4.1)
Emergency contraceptive pills 28 (2.7)
Progestin only pills 6 (0.6)
Non-hormonal method
Male condom 141 (13.7)
Cu-IUD 24 (2.3)
Withdrawal 17 (1.6)
Others 16 (1.6)
Never use 154 (15.0)
Volume 73, No.6: 2021 Siriraj Medical Journal
Parkpinyo et al.
Our study shows important data and useful insights
about the patterns of etonogestrel implant use and reasons
for early removal among users in ailand. e study
also provides the trends in usage as information from
all users requesting removal was collected and not just
from those who requested early removal of the device.
e population in this study was on average around
twenty-eight years of age and had a normal BMI which
is representative of the ai population.
In our study, 21% of etonogestrel implant users had
their implant removed within three years of insertion.
e result was lower than studies in other developing
is discrepancy might be due to sample
size, timing of the study, socio-cultural dierences, and
the government’s role in minimizing early removal of
etonogestrel implant. e desire to become pregnant was
the most common reason for early removal of implants
in this study (32%), which infers that counseling services
given to patients about the contraceptive method and its
duration during inception is very essential. Moreover,
side-eects were cited as the most common reasons for
early removals, especially unscheduled bleeding. is has
also been found in other studies.
In comparison to
ai population-based study, Assavapokee N et al. found
that the discontinuation rate of etonogestrel implant
within 3 years was 16.9% and unscheduled bleeding was
the main reason for early implant removal.
Of all the demographic characteristics and clinical
factors that we studied; one-year and two-year acceptability
of bleeding problems and BMI were the most cited
factors associated with early removal of the etonogestrel
TABLE 2. Duration of etonogestrel implant use at the time of removal.
TABLE 3. Reasons for early removal of etonogestrel implant.
Duration n (%) (N=1030)
Early removal 218 (21.2)
< 6 months 17 (1.7)
6 months to 1 year 54 (5.2)
> 1 year to < 2 years 69 (6.7)
≥2yearsto<3years 78(7.6)
Noearlyremoval(≥3years) 812(78.8)
Reason n (%) (N=218)
Wish to become pregnant 70 (32.1)
Bleeding disturbance 49 (22.5)
Weight gain 28 (12.8)
Acne 23 (10.6)
Separation 23 (10.6)
Dizziness 16 (7.3)
Headache 14 (6.4)
Insertion site problem 5 (2.3)
Others 26 (11.9)
Volume 73, No.6: 2021 Siriraj Medical Journal
Original Article
TABLE 4. Bivariate comparison of characteristics by etonogestrel implant discontinuation status.
Characteristics Early removal No early removal p-value
(N = 218) (N = 812)
Gravidity 0.255
Nulligravid 30 (13.8) 83 (10.2)
Gravidity = 1 110 (50.4) 448 (55.2)
Gravidity≥2 78(35.8) 281(34.6)
Parity 0.669
Nulliparous 37 (17.0) 118 (14.5)
Parity = 1 128 (58.7) 489 (60.2)
Parity≥2 53(24.3) 205(25.3)
BMI 0.021
< 18.5 kg/m
41 (18.8) 97 (12.0)
18.5-24.9 kg/m
105 (48.2) 450 (55.4)
72 (33.0) 265 (32.6)
Marital status 0.065
Married 189 (86.7) 744 (91.6)
Single 22 (10.1) 47 (5.8)
Divorced 7 (3.2) 21 (2.6)
Bleeding problem
1-year after insertion
Bleeding pattern 0.539
Regular bleeding 18 (12.1) 84 (10.3)
Unscheduled bleeding 131 (87.9) 728 (89.7)
Acceptability <0.001
Acceptable 135 (90.6) 797 (98.2)
Not acceptable 14 (9.4) 15 (1.8)
2-year after insertion
Bleeding pattern 0.196
Regular bleeding 6 (10.3) 109 (16.9)
Unscheduled bleeding 52 (89.7) 536 (83.1)
Acceptability <0.001
Acceptable 53 (91.4) 635 (98.4)
Not acceptable 5 (8.6) 10 (1.6)
3-year after insertion
Bleeding pattern 1.000
Regular bleeding 0 (0) 185 (23.9)
Unscheduled bleeding 0 (0) 590 (76.1)
Acceptability 1.000
Acceptable 0 (0) 743 (95.9)
Not acceptable 0 (0) 32 (4.1)
Volume 73, No.6: 2021 Siriraj Medical Journal
Parkpinyo et al.
implant. First-year unscheduled bleeding was found
in 89% of women in this study, which emphasizes the
importance of counseling patients about expected side-
eects and appropriate management before oering
the contraceptive choice. Acceptance of potential side-
eects before choosing the contraceptive method may
decrease the early discontinuation rate. Only a few women
reported acne, weight increase, dizziness, and headache
as reasons for early removal of the etonogestrel implant.
e side-eects found in our study are corresponding
to the potential side-eects of the etonogestrel implant.
In this study, the author observed that Low BMI was
associated with early removal of etonogestrel implants.
ere are studies support that the lower basal BMI may
account for the higher percentage of irregular bleeding.
Moreover, obese women were 2.6 times less likely to have
implant removal for bleeding as compared with normal
weight women. It could be hypothesized that the eect
of higher endogenous estrogen levels in women with
higher BMI stabilizes the endometrium.
Moreover, we also noticed in this study that almost
half of the women who had used etonogestrel implants
until the end desired to have it reinserted aer removal,
demonstrating acceptability and satisfaction of this method.
As we know that etonogestrel implants oer the benets
of long action of use and reversibility. In this study, we
gured out that the most common reasons for intending
to use an etonogestrel implant was the desire for a long-
acting contraceptive method that did not require frequent
In conclusion, the study revealed that early etonogestrel
implant discontinuation rate is signicant and that the
main reasons for early removal was a wish to become
pregnant and/or bleeding side eects. e study also
suggests that a lower BMI and unacceptability of bleeding
problems increases the likelihood of early removal of
this contraceptive method.
e author would like to express their gratitude to
all the sta of the family planning clinic, Siriraj Hospital
for their assistance in data collection and Dr. Saowaluck
Hunnanggul from the Clinical Epidemiology Unit for
assistance in statistical analysis.
Conict of interests: e authors declare that they have
no conict of interests.
Ethical issues: is study was conducted aer obtaining
necessary permissions from the Ethics Committee of SIRB
(Siriraj Institutional Review Board: 406/2563(IRB2)).
All ethics were respected in this study.
Financial support: e authors received no external
funding for this research.
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