Volume 73, No.7: 2021 Siriraj Medical Journal
Watcharit Anantakal M.D., Somboon amtakerngkit M.D., Vijarn Vachirawongsakorn M.D., Ph.D.
Department of Forensic Medicine, Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University, Bangkok 10700, ailand.
Comparison of Heart Valve Circumference
Examined Before and After 10% Formalin Fixation
Objective: To compare the heart valve circumference before and aer 10% formalin xation.
Materials and Methods: e study analyzed 63 ai human cadaveric hearts. Each heart valve circumference was
separately measured in the fresh state by specically designed equipment. Aer that, the hearts were xed in 10%
formalin for 3 days. en each heart valve circumference was measured by the same equipment and by the thread
and ruler technique. e results were analyzed using SPSS package to nd the association between the heart valve
circumference before and aer formalin xation.
Results: is study showed that the average circumferences of the heart valve measured in the fresh state were 13.329
cm in the tricuspid valve, 10.617 cm in the mitral valve, 8.416 cm in the pulmonic valve, and 7.122 cm in the aortic
valve. e average circumferences of the heart valve measured aer 10% formalin xation were 11.019 cm in the
tricuspid valve, 8.714 cm in the mitral valve, 6.751 cm in the pulmonic valve, and 6.089 cm in the aortic valve. e
average ratios of the heart valve circumference measured fresh and aer 10% formalin xation were 0.8267 in the
tricuspid valve, 0.8235 in the mitral valve, 0.8050 in the pulmonic valve, and 0.8573 in the aortic valve. ere were
signicant dierences in the heart valve circumference between the fresh state and aer formalin xation (p < 0.001).
Conclusion: is study revealed important information on the dimensional changes of all the formalin-xed heart
valves. We found that the heart valve shrank aer formalin xation, with the formalin-xed hearts an estimated 0.8
times smaller than the fresh cadaveric hearts.
Keywords: Heart valve circumference; formalin xation (Siriraj Med J 2021; 73: 478-484)
Corresponding Author: Vijarn Vachirawongsakorn
E-mail: vijarn.vac@mahidol.ac.th
Received 2 March 2021 Revised 22 April 2021 Accepted 26 April 2021
ORCID ID: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-7782-5209
e number of people with cardiovascular disease
is increasing globally and it is now one of the leading
causes of death worldwide, not only in industrial countries
but also in developing countries, such as ailand.
Valvular heart disease represents an important public
health problem and its rising incidence is leading to an
increased mortality rate among the general population.
Acute rheumatic fever and chronic rheumatic heart
diseases, for example, were responsible for 115 deaths in
2013, leading to a death rate of 0.2 per 100,000 persons
per year in ailand; while the number of deaths had
increased to as many as 226 persons in 2017, leading to
a death rate of 0.3 per 100,000 persons per year.
e heart valves play a signicant role in controlling
blood circulation between the heart chambers and systemic
circulation. e four heart valves are the tricuspid valve
(TV), pulmonic valve (PV), mitral valve (MV), and aortic
valve (AV). e cardiac valves are aected by various
factors, including genetics, aging, sex, and lifestyle, as
well as by infection. Pathological changes of the heart
valves can aect the circulation, such as regurgitation
Anantakal et al.
Volume 73, No.7: 2021 Siriraj Medical Journal
Original Article
and stenosis. People with severe heart valve disease may
need to undergo a surgical procedure to replace the
damaged valve with an articial heart valve.
Knowledge of the cardiac anatomy plays an
important role in cardiothoracic surgery as well as in
understanding the pathophysiology of various cardiac
diseases. Several studies from a variety of countries and
based on dierent ethnicities have been performed to
nd the average heart valve circumference to aid more
accurately estimating the circumference needed for an
articial heart valve.
In general, previous studies took
measurements on formalin-xed hearts. However, it
is well known that formalin xation can shrink fresh
tissues in an unpredictable manner. Consequently, in
this study we thought it would be interesting to study
the comparison between the heart valve circumference
before and aer 10% formalin xation. In addition, this
study aimed to compare dierent methods of measuring
the heart valve circumference.
is study was approved by the Human Research
Ethics Committee of the Faculty of Medicine Siriraj
Hospital, Mahidol University (Si 483/2020(IRB2) on July
20, 2020). is descriptive study included a total of 63
hearts, which were collected from ai adult male and
female cadavers at the Department of Forensic Medicine,
Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital from 1 August 2020
to 31 December 2020. Hearts with disease, trauma, or
postmortem changes were excluded from this study.
e heart samples were collected from dead bodies
with known age, sex, weight, and height. e heart was
removed from the pericardial cavity. e great vessels
connecting the heart with the other organs were separated
and cut without damage to the valvular structure. en,
the heart chamber was cut in a horizontal line through
the le and right ventricle, and blood clots were removed
to show all the heart valves. Measurement of each valve
circumference was performed using specially designed
equipment (Method 1). is cone-shaped equipment
(Fig 1) was fully accredited and designed to directly
measure the exact size of a heart valve circumference.
Next, each heart was xed in 10% formalin solution
for three days. A thread was used to hold the heart
within the formalin to maintain the normal shape of
the heart. e circumference of all the formalin-xed
heart valves was observed again and measured with the
same equipment (Method 2). Subsequently, the heart
chambers were routinely opened to expose the opened
valve annulus, then the thread was placed along the
boundary of each valvular annulus and measured with
a ruler (Fig 2) (Method 3). All the data were recorded
in millimeters to 2 decimal points.
All the data were collected in Excel 2016 and analyzed
using the SPSS package (PASW 18.0 for Windows).
Quantitative data according to the average and the standard
deviation of the data were calculated. To determine
whether the fresh and formalin-xed heart samples, as
well as the measurements obtained by the direct and
thread and ruler techniques, were statistically dierent
(p < 0.05), and ANOVA or non-parametric Freidman
tests were performed on the data. Lastly, assessment
of the intra-observer and inter-observer variability in
the measurements was also conducted with intra-class
correlation coecients.
Fig 1. Specially designed cone-shaped equipment.
Fig 2. Measuring the heart valve circumference; (A) by specially
designed equipment in the fresh state; (B) by specially designed
equipment aer formalin xation; (C) by the thread and ruler method
aer formalin xation.
Volume 73, No.7: 2021 Siriraj Medical Journal
In this study, 63 hearts were examined to observe the
normal values regarding the heart valve circumferences.
e males included in this study were aged between 14
and 64 years old, and the females between 16 and 68 years
old. In the study sample, the mean age of the male and
female cadavers was 34.31 ± 14.2 years old and 41.58 ±
15.85 years old, respectively. A summary of the descriptive
data from the heart valve circumference of the mixed
group (both male and female) is provided in Table 1. All
the measurements were found to be normally distributed.
is study showed that the average circumference of
the tricuspid valve was the highest, while the average
circumference of the aortic valve was the lowest. Among
the measurements of the heart valve circumference, this
study indicated that the heart valves aer 10% formalin
xation were smaller than those before xation.
Dierences between the measurements were also
explored. Comparisons of the measurements taken before
and aer 10% formalin xation with the dierent methods
are shown in Table 2. e circumference ratios of all the
valves aer 10% formalin xation compared with those
before 10% formalin xation were less than 1 throughout
all the valves (p < 0.001 by t-test). e average ratios of
heart valve circumference measured by the specially
designed equipment before and after 10% formalin
xation were 0.8267 in the tricuspid valve, 0.8235 in the
mitral valve, 0.8050 in the pulmonic valve, and 0.8573
in the aortic valve (Table 2).
Different plots were conducted to explore the
agreement between Method 2 and Method 3 (Fig 3). A
Bland-Altman plot was used in this study since neither
of the two methods are reference techniques. Almost all
the measurement values were within a 95% condence
interval of the mean dierence, implying that the variability
of the measurements was low. In addition, intra-class
correlation coecients (ICCs) were determined to identify
the relationship between the direct measurement and
the measurement by the thread and ruler method. is
study showed excellent reliability between the two types
of measurement. e ICC of the tricuspid valve was
0.952, the mitral valve was 0.958, the pulmonic valve
was 0.947, and the aortic valve was 0.956 (Fig 3).
e reliability of this study, particularly the intra- and
inter-observer variations, was also evaluated to exclude
the bias of heart valve circumference measurement by
human error. Measurements were performed on 15
samples using all the measurement methods and the
results compared with previous results. Based on Kappa
statistics, the average values of ICC were more than
0.9 for both the intra- and inter-observer reliabilities.
erefore, this study showed excellent reliability of all
the measurements.
TABLE 1. Descriptive statistics for all the heart valve circumferences; Method 1 = Measurement with specially
designed equipment before 10% formalin xation; Method 2 = Measurement with specially designed equipment aer
10% formalin xation; Method 3 = Measurement with the thread and ruler technique aer 10% formalin xation.
Heart valve Mean Standard Minimum Maximum
(n = 63) (cm) deviation (cm) (cm) (cm)
Type Method
Tricuspid Valve (TV) 1 13.33 0.92 11.00 15.00
2 11.02 1.10 8.60 13.70
3 10.81 1.02 8.50 13.50
Mitral valve (MV) 1 10.62 1.13 8.20 13.50
2 8.71 0.99 7.00 12.00
3 8.65 0.91 7.20 12.20
Pulmonic Valve (PV) 1 8.42 1.01 6.80 10.70
2 6.75 0.80 5.00 8.70
3 6.66 0.70 5.30 8.10
Aortic Valve (AV) 1 7.12 0.79 5.50 9.00
2 6.09 0.70 4.90 8.30
3 6.00 0.69 5.00 7.80
Anantakal et al.
Volume 73, No.7: 2021 Siriraj Medical Journal
Original Article
TABLE 2. Descriptive data of the proportions among the dierent measurement methods.
Ratio of Mean of 95% Condence
Different Mean Standard Standard Sig. Mean Interval of the
Methods Deviation Error (2-tailed) Difference Difference
Lower Upper
/ TV
0.83 0.06 0.01 0.00 -0.17 -0.19 -0.16
/ TV
0.81 0.06 0.01 0.00 -0.19 -0.20 -0.17
/ MV
0.82 0.07 0.01 0.00 -0.18 -0.20 -0.16
/ MV
0.82 0.06 0.01 0.00 -0.18 -0.20 -0.17
/ PV
0.81 0.07 0.01 0.00 -0.20 -0.21 -0.18
/ PV
0.80 0.07 0.01 0.00 -0.20 -0.22 -0.19
/ AV
0.86 0.07 0.01 0.00 -0.14 -0.16 -0.13
/ AV
0.85 0.07 0.01 0.00 -0.15 -0.17 -0.14
Fig 3. Dierences between Methods 2 and 3: (A) Tricuspid valve; (B) Mitral valve; (C) Pulmonic valve; (D) Aortic valve; ICC: Intra-class
correlation coecient.
Volume 73, No.7: 2021 Siriraj Medical Journal
It is well known that tissues shrink aer formalin
xation. With reference to previous studies, however, a
variable reduction in the percentage of tissue shrinkage
was observed.
Most of these works used dierent so
tissues as their samples and they reported dierent results.
Pritt et al. reported that there was no signicant change
in 96% of the breast tumor size between the fresh and
xed states.
Also, Jonmarker et al. found no signicant
decrease in prostate tissue diameter aer formalin xation,
but observed a signicant weight loss.
In contrast, a
dierent result was found by Hsu et al. in their study,
whereby they found that the measured dimensions of the
oral cavity mucosa and tongue muscle shrank by 30.7%
aer formalin xation.
It was also reported that the mean
diameter of breast cancer tissues decreased by 4.5% aer
formalin xation.
Lastly, the average shrinkage of the
maximum diameter of head and neck cancer samples
was 4.4% in the study by Chen et al.
In our study,
the average heart valve circumference aer formalin
xation was 15-20% smaller than that before formalin
xation. Regarding the variable shrinkage reported in
the aforementioned works, it is worth mentioning that
possibly the constitution and type of tissue (e.g., amount
of elastic tissue or fat) may have had an eect on the
overall degree of shrinkage.
Many studies have been carried out in formalin-
xed hearts rather than fresh human hearts.
Formalin is widely used to preserve tissues for routine
histological examination. e most common formula is
10% formalin, consisting of 3.7% formaldehyde in water
with 1% methanol.
When using to preserve tissues, the
process includes a two-phase xation. e rst phase is
the alcohol xation phase, described as alcohol-induced
dehydration and hardening of the tissue. Shrinkage of
the tissue occurs during this phase. Subsequently, this is
followed by the cross-linking phase formed by a cross-
linking of formaldehyde and peptide. ere are two factors
that inuence formaldehyde xation: penetration and
e former is the potential of the solution to
penetrate the tissue, while the latter is the ability of the
formaldehyde to form cross-linking. e completion of
formalin xation is dependent on many factors, such
as the temperature, pH, time, type of tissue, and the
concentration of formaldehyde.
erefore, it can
be assumed that the average heart valve circumference
varies among dierent studies using dierent xative
methods, as we found in this study.
Various techniques have been conducted using a
variety of methods, such as the thread and ruler method,
the direct measurement, echocardiography, and computer
soware. Currently, there is no standard method to
measure heart valve circumference. With reference to
previous studies
, the thread and ruler technique
was the most popular practice to evaluate the heart valve
circumference. Because none of the above-mentioned
studies provided data on direct measurement, no
comparisons can be made. In this study, we measured
the heart valve circumferences by the direct measurement
using a specially designed instrument and by the thread
and ruler technique. e results showed that there was
excellent reliability between the two types of measurement.
us, we recommend the direct measurement method
for assessing the heart valve circumference because of
its easy manipulation.
e next issue we considered was that of the variation
in heart valve circumference. Westaby et al.
reported a
wide individual variation in heart valve circumference and
identied that the size of the heart valve circumference
was unrelated to the body habitus. Many studies have
performed detailed analyses of the heart valve circumferences
in various populations (Table 3). However, the data
in the previous studies showed some dierent results
compared with this study. Before formalin xation,
the average heart valve circumference in this study was
slightly higher than in almost all the previous studies
but lower than that reported by Tei et al.
and coincided
with those reported by Jatene et al.
and Alison et al.
Nevertheless, the average heart valve circumference
aer formalin xation was slightly lower or similar to
the above-mentioned studies. Why there was such a
dierence between our study and previous studies might
be explained by the dierent socio-economic status and
population groups from which the hearts were obtained
as well as by the factors aecting formalin xation, as
mentioned above.
To the best of our knowledge, this study is the rst
study to investigate the eects of formalin xation on
heart valve samples. Previous studies were conducted
using formalin-xed hearts and these may be dierent
from the values from fresh hearts. In this study, an eort
was made to describe this nding, which might be used
to compare the valve orice size before and aer formalin
xation. us the data from this study can be taken as
a useful guide in medical practice, especially being a
reference in the diagnosis and treatment of valvular
heart disease. is study should help in the choice of
prosthetic replacement as well. It is realistic to use a
mean circumference of each heart valve as a guide for
valve surgery. e measurements that we have taken will
help a surgeon to estimate the correct size of prosthesis
to t accurately in the valve orice in a person. Further
Anantakal et al.
Volume 73, No.7: 2021 Siriraj Medical Journal
Original Article
TABLE 3. Comparison with the previous studies’ heart valve measurements.
Nationality Heart status Measurement Heart Circumference
Study Method valve (cm)
Mean S.D.
India Fresh Thread TV 10.37 -
PV 6.82 -
MV 8.29 -
AV 7.54 -
Deopujari et al.
India Fresh Thread MV 8.27 1.25
Jatene et al.
Brazil Fresh Thread AV 7.38 1.01
Udhayakumar and Sri Lanka Fresh Thread AV 6.47 0.70
Alison et al.
U.S. Living Echocardiograph MV 10.70 1.46
Tei et al.
U.S. Fresh Ruler TV 13.50 0.80
MV 11.40 0.70
Formalin-xed Ruler TV 12.20 0.80
MV 10.70 0.50
Gupta et al.
India Formalin-xed Imageanalysis MV 9.11 0.44
Nayak et al.
India Formalin-xed Thread MV 7.92 0.50
Westaby et al.
U.S. Formalin-xed Ruler TV 11.63 1.39
PV 7.63 0.93
MV 9.79 1.23
AV 7.28 0.92
Garg et al.
India Formalin-xed Thread PV 6.50 0.59
Lama et al.
Nepal Formalin-xed Thread TV 11.22 0.20
MV 9.22 1.49
The present study Thailand Fresh Equipment TV 13.33 0.92
PV 8.42 1.01
MV 10.62 1.13
AV 7.12 0.79
Formalin-xed Equipment TV 11.02 1.10
PV 6.75 0.80
MV 8.71 0.99
AV 6.09 0.70
Thread TV 10.81 1.02
PV 6.66 0.70
MV 8.65 0.91
AV 6.01 0.69
Volume 73, No.7: 2021 Siriraj Medical Journal
studies concerning a survey of a larger sample size and
comparisons with radiological and echocardiographic
examinations should be conducted.
We would like to thank the sta of the Forensic
Pathology Unit, Department of Forensic Medicine, Faculty
of Medicine Siriraj Hospital for supporting this project.
Also, we greatly appreciate the help of Mr. Suthipol
Udompunthurak for his support with the statistical
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