Volume 73, No.12: 2021 Siriraj Medical Journal
Chutasmit et al.
due to our cross-sectional design, we could not ensure
timely association or if some variables occurred before
or aer detection of abnormal retinal vessels. erefore,
our results assumed association between these variables
and ROP occurrence. Hence, PNA of abnormal ndings
occurred around 50 days when most clinical stability was
already established or had subsided. is was assumed to
occur before any ndings of ROP. Second, our patients
were mainly inborn infants where physicians, caregivers,
devices, and monitoring equipment were available. Our
incidence rate may not reect the true incidence rate in
the country, especially in rural areas where resources are
limited, especially in coverage of the screening program.
In conclusion, during the past 10 years, our incidence
of ROP at any stage in infants born <33 weeks or with
a BW <1,500 g was 14% and 2.1% for threshold ROP
requiring treatment. Lower GA and positive-culture
septicemia were found to be associated with occurrence
of threshold ROP.
We gratefully give thanks to Professor La-Ongsri
Atchaneeyasakul for her contribution in performing eye
examination throughout the study period.
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