Volume 74, No.3: 2022 Siriraj Medical Journal
Original Article
dose of HD depends on dialyzer mass transfer-area
coecient (KoA), HD treatment time, and operating
parameters, especially blood ow rate (Qb) and dialysate
ow rate (Qd).
High-eciency dialysis requires dialyzer
with high KoA, Qb > 300 ml/min and Qd ≥ 500 ml/min.
Increasing Qd from 500 ml/min to 800 ml/min has been
recommended to maximize dialysis eciency in high-
eciency HD. Previous studies
in early generation
dialyzers showed that increasing Qd from 500 ml/min to
800 ml/min alter the dialyzer KoA and results in a larger
increase in urea clearance than the predicted assuming
a constant KoA, which was explained by a better ow
distribution through the dialysate compartment and
a decrease in dialysate-side boundary layer resistance.
Recent studies
of newer dialyzers with improved
dialysate ow distribution designs (such as hollow ber
undulations, spacer yarns, and changes in ber packing
density) have been accompanied by an increase in urea
clearance of the dialyzer, and revealed that dialysate
ow rate beyond 500 - 600 ml/min does not signicantly
increase delivered Kt/V. However, these studies were
performed in single-use dialyzers.
In chronic hemodialysis, reuse of dialyzers has
been widely practiced in developing countries, including
ailand. In our hemodialysis unit, patients who were
treated with high-eciency high-ux dialysis usually
increasing Qd to 800 ml/min in order to maximize
the dialysis dose and the dialyzer was reused 15 times.
ere is limited data on the eect of Qd in high-ux
high-eciency dialysis with a reused dialyzer related to
delivered dose and hemodialysis adequacy. Increasing
the dialysate ow rates results in a higher dialysis cost,
require more water treatment, and leads to a higher risk
of exposure to dialysis water impurities. e objectives
of this study were to: 1) evaluate the eect of Qd of 800
ml/min and 500 ml/min on delivered dialysis dose in
high-eciency high-ux dialysis patients who used a
reused dialyzer; 2) to determine dialysis eciency and
HD adequacy of a reused dialyzer.
Study design
We performed a single-center prospective randomized-
controlled crossover study in maintenance HD patients
conducted at Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University, ailand
between June 2018 - April 2020. Inclusion criteria for
the study were age above 18, 4-hour three time weekly
high-ux dialysis with a stable spKt/V (±5%) for at least
two months, and the reuse of a dialyzer. e exclusion
criteria were pregnancy, hepatitis B virus infection and
being seropositive for HIV.
Before the intervention in each patient, bolus dose
and maintenance dose of heparin were adjusted according
to activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT) level
(at baseline, 3, 60, 180 and 240 minutes) to maintain
a ratio of 1.8-2.5 for the duration of HD and at least
1.4 at the end of dialysis to prevent dialyzer clots and
achieve reuse. Automatic dialyzer reprocessing machine
(Meditop KIDNY- KLEEN®) was used to reprocess
dialyzers and disinfected with peracetic acid, and measure
blood compartment volume or total cell volume (TCV)
of reused dialyzers. Percentage of TCV (%TCV) of a
reused dialyzer was dened as the percentage of blood
compartment volume measured by automatic dialyzer
reprocessing machine divided by the priming volume value
of the new dialyzer that provided by the manufacturer
(Supplement Table 1). Reused dialyzers were discarded
if its TCV less than 80% of baseline value or if it failed
a leak test.
Patients were randomly assigned (using online soware
www.randomization.com) to be dialyzed according to an
AB or BA schedule, where A represents 15 consecutive
dialysis treatments with a Qd of 800 ml/min, and B
represents 15 consecutive dialysis treatments with a Qd
of 500 ml/min. e blood ow rate and dialyzer were
kept constant for a given patient. e intervention of A
and B began during a mid-week dialysis session with a
new dialyzer followed by sessions with a reused dialyzer
for a total of 15 times. e delivered dialysis dose was
measured (during both A and B) at mid-week HD sessions
with a new dialyzer and again at every mid-week HD
session corresponding to the reused dialyzer no. 4, 7, 10,
13, and 15 (total of six measurements in each dialyzer).
e delivered doses of dialysis were assessed by spKt/V
(the Daugirdas second generation equation), equilibrated
Kt/V (eKt/V) estimated by the rate equation
, and online
clearance monitoring Kt/V (Kt/V
calculated by serial measurements of ionic dialysance
of sodium (as a surrogate for eective urea clearance)
made throughout HD treatment by using HD machines
equipped with an online conductivity monitor and soware
dose-calculation tool DCTool (Fresenius Medical Care,
Germany). Volume distribution of urea (V) will be
calculated by the system from the weight, height, age
and sex using the formula developed by Watson.
Data collection
Baseline data included patient’s age, sex, height,
body weight, dialysis vintage, comorbidities, medical
history, vascular access, and HD treatment parameters,
which consist of dialysis dose, Qb, Qd, post-HD body
weight (W), ultraltration (UF), total processed blood