Volume 74, No.4: 2022 Siriraj Medical Journal
the tri-weekly group (stage III and stage IVA 35.9%).
Moreover, positive pelvic and paraaortic lymph nodes
were more frequent in the weekly group (70.6%) than
in patients in the tri-weekly group (61.3%). is also
could be a reason why the weekly group had poorer
tumor control.
Our study had some strengths. First, it included real-
world data from a multi-centered study from university
hospitals in ailand, meaning it was more generalized
than a single-institute study. Second, we used advanced
statistical analysis to match patients who showed well-
balanced baseline characteristics. ird, this study had
adequately long-term follow-up time. However, there
were several limitations of this study as well. First, our
data came from the two-dimensional brachytherapy
era. Nowadays, many hospitals use three-dimensional
brachytherapy, which likely leads to more local control
of the primary site. erefore, the benet of tri-weekly
chemotherapy might be less than that seen in this study.
Also, our sample size was not large enough to detect any
actual dierence.
In summary, the tri-weekly chemotherapy regimen
showed a non-statistically potential benet over the
weekly regimen in terms of local control and overall
survival but with more neutrophil toxicity. Further
evidence with adequate sample size could validate this
result. In the meantime, individual judgment using this
data can be discussed with patients.
Lalita Chunkoh as the main patient-data collector
at SI, RA and CU Hospitals; Ladathip Suwan as the
patient-data collector and supervisor of data collection
at RA Hospital; Buntipa Netsawang as the supervisor of
patient-data collection at CU Hospital; Siriporn Wong as
an additional patient-data collector at CU Hospital; Dr.
Poompis Pattaranutaporn as the supervisor of laboratory
data collection at RA Hospital.
Conict of interest: None to declare
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