Volume 74, No.5: 2022 Siriraj Medical Journal
Anuwat Jiravarnsirikul, M.D., Ngamkae Ruangvaravate, M.D., Chaovaporn Ubolviroj, M.D., Yuwared Chattagoon,
M.D., Sakaorat Petchyim, M.D.
Department of Ophthalmology, Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University, Bangkok 10700, ailand.
Ganglion Cell-inner Plexiform Layer Thickness
Measured by Cirrus High-denition Optical
Coherence Tomography Enhances Glaucoma
Diagnosis in Patients with Moderate or High Myopia
Objective: To assess the diagnostic ability of Cirrus high-denition optical coherence tomography (HD-OCT)
parameters in patients with moderate or high myopia for detecting glaucoma, and to compare the thickness of the
macular ganglion cell-inner plexiform layer (GC-IPL) in glaucomatous and normal eyes in both types of myopia.
Materials and Methods: is prospective study enrolled moderately (spherical equivalent -3.00 to -6.00 diopters)
and highly (spherical equivalent ≤ -6.00 diopters) myopic patients without (controls) and with (study) glaucoma.
Cirrus HD-OCT was used to determine the thickness of the peripapillary retinal nerve ber layer (RNFL) and the
GC-IPL. e area under the receiver operating characteristic curve was analyzed to evaluate the glaucoma detection
capability of each Cirrus HD-OCT parameter.
Results: Seventy eyes (31 moderate myopia, 39 high myopia) were included. e parameters with the best diagnostic
ability were minimum GC-IPL, inferior RNFL and average RNFL thickness in moderately myopic eyes, and average
RNFL, inferior RNFL and inferotemporal GC-IPL thickness in highly myopic eyes. All parameters were thinner in
glaucomatous than in normal eyes in both groups.
Conclusion: Although macular GC-IPL thickness demonstrated high ability to detect glaucoma in patients with
moderate or high myopia, it should be used in combination with other structural imaging and functional assessments
for diagnosing glaucoma.
Keywords: Ganglion cell-inner plexiform layer thickness; glaucoma; myopia; Cirrus high-denition optical coherence
tomography (Siriraj Med J 2022; 74: 284-293)
Corresponding author: Ngamkae Ruangvaravate
E-mail: ngamkae1@gmail.com
Received 15 November 2021 Revised 2 February 2022 Accepted 9 February 2022
ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4342-0174
All material is licensed under terms of
the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
International (CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0)
license unless otherwise stated.
Glaucoma was reported to be the major cause of
irreversible blindness and the second most prevalent cause
of moderate and severe visual impairment.
risk factors lead to the development of glaucoma, and
myopia is one of them.
Globally, myopia prevalence is
increasing, and approximately 5 billion people will be
aected by 2050, especially in East and Southeast Asia. In
addition to uncorrected myopia itself, pathologic ocular
complications from myopia or its comorbidities, such as
myopic macular degeneration, choroidal neovascularization,
and glaucoma, can lead to increased medical and economic
Jiravarnsirikul et al.
Volume 74, No.5: 2022 Siriraj Medical Journal
Original Article
A previous study reported that myopic eyes
had a two to three times higher risk of having glaucoma
and high myopic eyes had a nearly six-fold increased
risk of having primary open-angle glaucoma.
early detection and treatment of glaucoma in myopia
is crucial for preventing disease progression.
Previous study reported that detection of structural
abnormalities, i.e., retinal nerve ber layer (RNFL) defects,
may develop four to six years before the onset of visual
eld abnormalities.
As a consequence, recent advances
in ocular imaging, especially spectral-domain optical
coherence tomography (SD-OCT), which is a frequently
used structural imaging, may greatly contribute to the early
detection and treatment of glaucoma. Previous studies used
peripapillary RNFL thickness as a measurement of RGC
axon loss to detect glaucoma, and since approximately
50% of RGCs are located in the macular region, and
the inner retinal layers are preferentially aected by
glaucomatous damage
, further studies have assessed
macular parameters to aid in glaucoma diagnosis. Previous
studies demonstrated that the thickness of macular
ganglion cell complex (GCC) generated by an RTVue
SD-OCT (Optovue, Fremont, CA, USA), and the thickness
of macular ganglion cell-inner plexiform layer (GC-IPL)
by Cirrus high-denition optical coherence tomography
(HD-OCT) with ganglion cell analysis (GCA) algorithm
(Carl Zeiss Meditec, Jena, Germany) yielded glaucoma
detection ability similar to peripapillary RNFL thickness;
however, they found GC-IPL thickness measurement
not be confounded by the variation in RNFL.
Evaluation of RGC loss using various techniques of
structural imaging has been continuously improved to
achieve more accuracy in glaucoma detection, and with
better reproducibility. However, diagnosing glaucoma in
myopic eyes is still dicult since anatomical distortion
of the optic nerve head (ONH) (e.g., tilted disc, large
peripapillary atrophy) can mystify ophthalmologists to
dierentiate between glaucomatous damage and myopia-
related optic disc changes. erefore, objective structural
quantication may have a role in diagnosing glaucoma
in myopia.
Leung, et al. reported that, when using
Cirrus HD-OCT, temporally converged superior and
inferior RNFL bundles were detected in myopic eyes,
which resulted in abnormal RNFL measurement.
Additionally, a previous study concluded that optic disc
and cup margin detection errors were likely to be found
in myopic eyes.
us, particular care must be taken
when interpreting RNFL thickness map and neuroretinal
rim measurement obtained by SD-OCT in myopic eyes.
Analysis of macular parameters has been proposed as
an alternative method for diagnosing glaucoma to avoid
misdiagnosis of glaucoma via the inuence of optic disc
variation in myopia.
e thickness of the GC-IPL is a macular parameter
that has been studied in various research. Choi, et al.
demonstrated that in highly myopic eyes, GC-IPL has a
diagnostic potential for glaucoma that is comparable to
RNFL thickness.
In a previous study, the inferotemporal
GC-IPL thickness was found to have the largest area
under the receiver operating characteristic (AuROC)
curve, suggesting that it might be utilized as an eective
preperimetric glaucoma detection parameter in myopia.
Since the normative databases in SD-OCT do not
include data from highly myopic subjects, diagnosis of
glaucoma in these patients is still somewhat dicult.
Moreover, dierences in the severity of myopia can
aect the GC-IPL thickness measurement. Seo, et al.
concluded that GC-IPL in all sectors were thinner in
high myopes compared to low and moderate myopes.
Akashi, et al. reported that GC-IPL thickness had a high
AuROC curve value for distinguishing highly myopic
glaucomatous eyes from normal eyes in patients with
and without high myopia (spherical equivalent (SE)
≤ -6.00 diopters).
Accordingly, this study aimed to
determine the diagnostic capability of Cirrus HD-OCT
parameters for diagnosing glaucoma in patients with
moderate (SE -3.00 to -6.00 diopters) or high myopia
(SE ≤ -6.00 diopters), and to compare macular GC-IPL
thickness between glaucomatous and normal eyes in
both types of myopia.
is prospective, comparative cross-sectional study
was conducted at Siriraj Hospital, was approved by the
Committee for the Protection of Human Participants
in Research of the Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital,
Mahidol University, Bangkok, ailand [EC 103/2014],
and was registered in the ai Clinical Trials Registry
(identication number TCTR20210726001). is study
followed to the tenets of the Declaration of Helsinki.
Each subject provided a written informed consent before
is study was performed in the ophthalmology
outpatient clinic of Siriraj Hospital during February
2014 to December 2018. Patients aged older than 20
years with SE ≤ -3.00 diopters (D) and best spectacles-
corrected visual acuity of 20/40 or better were eligible
for inclusion. Subjects with retinal or macular pathology,
vision-associated systemic or neurologic diseases, receiving
drugs known to aect the macula (e.g., chloroquine,
ethambutol), previous intraocular surgery or laser within
1 month, inability to cooperate with the examination,
Volume 74, No.5: 2022 Siriraj Medical Journal
and/or having an allergic reaction to the eye drops used
in the study protocol were excluded. Participants visiting
the ophthalmology outpatient clinic who met these
criteria were enrolled in this study with written informed
consent. Only one eye was randomly selected in the nal
analysis if both eyes met all research eligibility criteria.
All recruited patients underwent a complete ophthalmic
examination, which consisted of assessment of visual
acuity (VA), refractive error measured by autorefractor
(ARK-530A; NIDEK, Aichi, Japan) and recorded as
spherical equivalents (SE), intraocular pressure (IOP)
measurement obtained with Goldmann applanation
tonometry, slit-lamp and dilated fundus examination,
gonioscopy, axial length obtained using a biometer (IOL
Master 500; Carl Zeiss Meditec), OCT RNFL and GC-IPL
parameter measurement by Cirrus HD-OCT soware
version (Carl Zeiss Meditec), and visual eld test
by Humphrey visual eld analyzer (Carl Zeiss Meditec)
using the 24-2 Swedish interactive threshold algorithm
(SITA) strategy.
Enrolled subjects were classied into either the
moderately or highly myopic groups. Moderate and high
myopia were dened as SE -3.00 D to -6.00 D and ≤ -6.00
D, respectively. Within each of those two groups, patients
were further subdivided into either glaucoma (study) or
normal (control) groups. Using the reference standard
glaucomatous eyes were dened as eyes with glaucomatous
optic neuropathy with corresponding abnormal visual
eld tests. Glaucomatous optic neuropathy was dened
as enlarged cupping ≥ 0.5 vertical cup/disc (C/D) ratio
or an asymmetrical vertical C/D ratio greater than 0.2.
Glaucomatous visual eld defect was dened as any
one of the following: a cluster of ≥ 3 non-edge adjacent
points in one hemield of pattern deviation plot with
a probability < 5%, and including at least 1 point with
a probability < 1%; a pattern standard deviation (PSD)
showing a probability < 5%; or, a glaucoma hemield
test (GHT) showing outside normal limits. Normal
subjects were moderately and highly myopic patients
who visited ophthalmology outpatient clinic with mild
cataract, dry eyes or eye check up and without glaucoma,
which dened as those with an IOP ≤ 21 mmHg, no
glaucomatous optic neuropathy, and without detectable
visual eld defect. e visual eld of the normal group
must not meet any of the aforementioned criteria for
glaucomatous visual eld defect and a GHT showing
within normal limits, a mean deviation (MD) and PSD
within the 95% condence limit. OCT measurements
are not considered as part of the examinations to include
a patient in the normal control group.
Cirrus HD-OCT measurement
Two scans were obtained through a dilated pupil, one
peripapillary RNFL scan and one macular scan (optic disc
cube 200x200 protocol and macular cube 512x128 protocol,
respectively). Macular scan measured GC-IPL thickness
within a 6x6x2 mm cube centered at the fovea using the
GCA algorithm, and the measurements were generated
into the minimum, average, and 6 sectorial parameters
(Inferotemporal, inferior, inferonasal, superonasal, superior
and superotemporal). e optic disc cube protocol measured
peripapillary RNFL thickness through a 6x6x2 mm
cube, aer which the measurements were analyzed into
the average and the 4 quadrant thicknesses (temporal,
superior, nasal, and inferior). Scans with a signal strength
lower than 6 on either macular GC-IPL or peripapillary
RNFL scan, visible eye movement, decentration, artifacts
from blinking, and/or image distortion from anatomical
abnormalities were discarded. Measurement values were
analyzed via comparison with the device’s normative
database, and the results were visually described as a
color-coded signicance map with the colors green, yellow,
and red indicating normal, borderline, and abnormal,
respectively. ere was no cuto point of OCT value to
dene glaucoma, but it was used in combination with
structural and functional tests to enhance glaucoma
Statistical analysis
Patient characteristics are reported as mean plus/
minus standard deviation (SD) for normally distributed
continuous data, and as frequency and percentage for
categorical variables. Peripapillary RNFL and GC-IPL
thicknesses were compared between the glaucoma and
normal groups using unpaired t-test, and were compared
among 4 groups using 1-way analysis of variance (ANOVA)
by Tukey HSD or Games-Howell. e ability of a factor
to detect glaucoma was assessed by the AuROC curve.
All statistical analyses were performed using PASW
Statistics soware version 26. A p-value < 0.05 indicates
statistically signicant.
Seventy eyes were included and categorized into
4 groups, as follows: moderately myopic normal group
(n=16), highly myopic normal group (n=16), moderately
myopic glaucomatous group (n=15), and highly myopic
glaucomatous group (n=23). Patient demographic and
baseline characteristics compared between glaucomatous
and normal eyes in the moderate and high myopia groups
Jiravarnsirikul et al.
Volume 74, No.5: 2022 Siriraj Medical Journal
Original Article
are presented in Table 1. e mean age of the moderately
myopic group was 47.55±14.51 years (range from 22 to
68 years), and 19 were female (61.29%). e mean age of
the highly myopic group was 45.69±15.02 years (range
from 21 to 70 years), and 22 were female (56.41%). No
signicant dierences were found in age, VA, IOP, or
SE between normal and glaucomatous eyes in both the
moderate and high myopia groups.
Cirrus HD-OCT measurement
Macular GC-IPL and peripapillary RNFL thicknesses
as evaluated by Cirrus HD-OCT compared between
glaucomatous and normal eyes in the moderate and high
myopia groups are demonstrated in Table 2. No patients
were excluded for poor quality scans. In both groups, all
of the RNFL thickness parameters, except for the nasal
region in both groups (moderate myopia p=0.700, and
high myopia p=0.831) and the temporal region in the
highly myopic group (p=0.118), were signicantly thinner
in glaucomatous than in the normal eyes (all p<0.05).
Comparison of macular GC-IPL thickness between
glaucomatous and normal eyes in both the moderate
and high myopia groups revealed statistically signicant
dierences in minimum, average, and all sectors of
macular GC-IPL thickness (all p<0.05), except for the
superonasal GC-IPL sector in both the moderate and
high myopia groups (p=0.282 and 0.614, respectively),
and the superior GC-IPL sector in the high myopia
group (p=0.443).
Diagnostic ability
All of the AuROC values of macular GC-IPL and
peripapillary RNFL thickness in both the moderate
and high myopia groups were above 0.5 (Table 3). In
the moderately myopic group, the best parameters for
distinguishing glaucomatous eyes from normal eyes were
minimum GC-IPL, inferior RNFL, and average RNFL
thicknesses (AuROC: 0.963, 0.925 and 0.919, respectively)
(Fig 1). In the highly myopic eyes, average RNFL, inferior
RNFL, and inferotemporal GC-IPL thicknesses (AuROC:
0.980, 0.962 and 0.905, respectively) demonstrated the
best diagnostic ability for dierentiating glaucoma from
normal eyes (Fig 2).
TABLE 1. Patient demographic and baseline characteristics compared between normal and glaucomatous eyes in
the moderate and high myopia groups.
Moderately myopic group (n = 31) Highly myopic group (n = 39)
Normal Glaucoma P value* Normal Glaucoma P value
(n =16) (n =15) (n =16) (n =23)
Female, n (%) 11 (68.8) 8 (53.3) 0.38 12 (75) 10 (43.5) 0.10
Age, years 43.56 (13.47) 51.80 (14.80) 0.53 42.50 (15.19) 47.91 (14.83) 0.82
VA, logMAR 0.07 (0.09) 0.11 (0.11) 0.85 0.09 (0.10) 0.10 (0.10) 1.00
IOP, mmHg 15.69 (1.85) 14.33 (2.38) 0.55 14.56 (2.94) 13.65 (2.48) 0.82
SE, D -4.39 (0.87) -4.57 (0.99) 1.00 -7.61 (1.14) -8.40 (4.79) 0.95
AL, mm 25.51 (0.89) 25.14 (1.25) 0.95 26.42 (0.81) 27.69 (1.49) <0.01
MD, dB -0.87 (1.49) -5.10 (4.20) <0.01 -1.35 (0.99) -6.27 (3.56) <0.01
PSD, dB 1.47 (0.25) 5.25 (3.65) <0.01 1.67 (0.56) 5.60 (3.64) <0.01
Data are given as mean (SD).
Abbreviations: VA; visual acuity, IOP; intraocular pressure, SE; spherical equivalent, AL; axial length, MD; mean deviation, PSD; pattern
standard deviation
* Value for comparison of normal and glaucomatous eyes in moderately myopic group
Value for comparison of normal and glaucomatous eyes in highly myopic group
Volume 74, No.5: 2022 Siriraj Medical Journal
TABLE 2. Peripapillary RNFL and macular GCIPL thickness as measured by Cirrus HD-OCT compared between
normal and glaucomatous eyes in the moderate and high myopia groups.
Moderately myopic group (n = 31) Highly myopic group (n = 39)
Normal Glaucoma P value* Normal Glaucoma P value
(n =16) (n =15) (n =16) (n =23)
RNFL thickness parameters, μm
Average 97.31 (8.13) 72.73 (14.00) <0.001 89.81 (7.07) 70.96 (7.38) <0.001
Superior 119.75 (16.18) 89.13 (18.50) <0.001 103.50 (16.74) 81.39 (14.03) <0.001
Nasal 68.63 (9.17) 63.20 (11.01) 0.700 65.63 (12.38) 61.48 (12.01) 0.831
Inferior 120.19 (20.87) 77.67 (21.23) <0.001 114.13 (15.86) 74.13 (15.02) <0.001
Temporal 80.50 (11.17) 61.27 (17.26) 0.001 75.69 (8.06) 65.74 (13.65) 0.118
Macular GC-IPL parameters, μm
Average 80.88 (6.64) 71.33 (8.02) 0.004 75.88 (4.26) 67.17 (9.13) 0.004
Minimum 79.44 (6.73) 61.87 (8.73) <0.001 73.19 (7.48) 58.52 (12.06) <0.001
ST 80.50 (6.28) 71.33 (8.73) 0.019 76.25 (4.12) 67.78 (10.99) 0.015
S 81.69 (7.29) 70.40 (9.83) 0.047 77.44 (4.79) 71.13 (16.82) 0.443
SN 83.00 (7.04) 75.60 (10.31) 0.282 78.19 (5.91) 73.22 (14.42) 0.614
IN 82.00 (6.19) 71.93 (8.56) 0.001 74.56 (6.06) 67.04 (6.53) 0.007
I 78.50 (6.97) 66.47 (8.08) 0.001 73.50 (4.18) 61.04 (10.37) <0.001
IT 79.88 (6.87) 66.00 (9.51) <0.001 75.69 (5.00) 62.96 (8.49) <0.001
Data are given as mean (SD).
Abbreviations: ST; superotemporal, S; superior, SN; superonasal, IN; inferonasal, I; inferior, IT; inferotemporal
* Value for comparison of normal and glaucomatous eyes in moderately myopic group
Value for comparison of normal and glaucomatous eyes in highly myopic group
is study aimed to demonstrate the diagnostic
performance of OCT parameters, including peripapillary
RNFL and macular GC-IPL thickness obtained by Cirrus
HD-OCT, to detect glaucoma in moderately and highly
myopic patients. We found the capability of macular
GC-IPL thickness parameters for discriminating between
glaucomatous and normal eyes to be high and comparable
to peripapillary RNFL thickness in both myopia severity
Diagnosing glaucoma in myopic patients can be a
challenge due to anatomical variations in the optic disc
and retina, such as tilted disc, nasal elevation, temporal
attening, rotation, posterior staphyloma, and large
peripapillary atrophy, can make it dicult for clinicians
to distinguish between structural damage from glaucoma
and anatomical changes due to myopia.
In addition
to the diculties in making a clinical diagnosis by direct
visualization of ONH or optic disc photographs, structural
evaluation via peripapillary RNFL parameters obtained by
SD-OCT can also demonstrate inaccuracies of measurement.
Hwang, et al. reported that neuroretinal rim measurement
errors were observed in myopic patients when using
Cirrus HD-OCT.
Leung, et al. concluded that increasing
Jiravarnsirikul et al.
Volume 74, No.5: 2022 Siriraj Medical Journal
Original Article
TABLE 3. e AuROC value (SE) for each Cirrus HD-OCT parameter, which indicates the strength of that parameter
for distinguishing between normal and glaucomatous eyes, in the moderate and high myopia groups.
Moderately myopic group Highly myopic group
(n = 31) (n = 39)
RNFL thickness parameters, μm
Average 0.919 (0.057) 0.980 (0.018)
Superior 0.892 (0.058) 0.855 (0.064)
Nasal 0.648 (0.108) 0.548 (0.093)
Inferior 0.925 (0.045) 0.962 (0.027)
Temporal 0.850 (0.077) 0.795 (0.076)
Macular GC-IPL parameters, μm
Average 0.842 (0.073) 0.887 (0.058)
Minimum 0.963 (0.031) 0.897 (0.065)
ST 0.810 (0.086) 0.891 (0.057)
S 0.838 (0.075) 0.760 (0.079)
SN 0.756 (0.091) 0.758 (0.082)
IN 0.823 (0.077) 0.832 (0.074)
I 0.881 (0.059) 0.904 (0.054)
IT 0.894 (0.055) 0.905 (0.053)
Data are given as AUROC (SE).
Abbreviations: ST; superotemporal, S; superior, SN; superonasal, IN; inferonasal, I; inferior, IT; inferotemporal
Fig 1. e area under the receiver operating characteristic
(AuROC) curve for the 3 best parameters by Cirrus
HD-OCT for distinguishing between normal and
glaucomatous eyes in the moderate myopia group.
Abbreviations: RNFL; peripapillary retinal nerve ber
layer, GCIPL; macular ganglion cell-inner plexiform
Volume 74, No.5: 2022 Siriraj Medical Journal
severity of myopia associated with temporally converged
superotemporal and inferotemporal bundles of RNFL,
which led to abnormal measurement of RNFL.
et al. reported that in healthy eyes, false-positive OCT
RNFL ndings were inuenced by smaller disc areas
and longer axial lengths, and these factors are usually
found in myopic eyes.
In contrast to the limitations of RNFL measurement
for diagnosing glaucoma in myopic patients, macular
parameters, which are less aected by the optic nerve
head variations found in myopia, have good diagnostic
ability and their application has been reported in several
Kim, et al. reported the eectiveness of
using GCC thickness, composed of inner plexiform layer,
ganglion cell layer, and RNFL, measured by RTVue SD-
OCT for diagnosing glaucoma in myopic eyes to be similar
to the diagnostic results obtained from using peripapillary
RNFL thickness.
Previous study found that global loss
volume from GCC algorithm was the best parameter for
dierentiating between highly myopic glaucoma and
nonglaucoma subjects.
Despite its advantages, recent
study showed the RNFL in myopic eyes to be thinner
than the RFNL in normal eyes
, so the results of macular
GCC thickness may be confounded by these variations
of RNFL in myopic subjects.
When excluding RNFL measurement, another macular
parameter, GC-IPL thickness, was introduced. Previous
study reported that in highly myopic subjects, macular
GC-IPL thickness demonstrated a similar capability to
identify glaucoma as the RNFL thickness. In the highly
myopic group (SE -6.00 to -20.00 D), they found the SD-
OCT parameters with the highest AuROC values to be
inferior RNFL and inferotemporal GC-IPL thicknesses
(AuROC: 0.906, 0.852, respectively). In the non-highly
myopic eyes (SE -0.25 to -6.00 D), the best AuROC values
were average RNFL (AuROC: 0.920) and minimum
GC-IPL thicknesses (AuROC: 0.908).
Seol, et al. found
GC-IPL thickness at inferotemporal sector to be the
best parameter for detecting preperimetric glaucoma
in both the non-highly myopic (SE -0.50 to -6.00 D;
AuROC: 0.747) and highly myopic groups (SE ≤ -6.00
D; AuROC: 0.737).
ese results are consistent with
our ndings. In our study, minimum GC-IPL, inferior
RNFL, and average RNFL thicknesses (AuROC: 0.963,
0.925, and 0.919, respectively) were the parameters
with the best diagnostic performance in the moderately
myopic group. In the highly myopic group, average RNFL,
inferior RNFL, and inferotemporal GC-IPL thicknesses
(AuROC: 0.980, 0.962, and 0.905, respectively) were the
best parameters for detecting glaucoma.
e parameters that demonstrated the greatest
AuROC in the moderately myopic eyes (mean SE: -4.48
± 0.92 D) in our study were similar to those identied
in the non-highly myopic group (mean SE: -2.46 ± 1.69
D) in previous study
; however, greater AuROC values
were found in our study. Since increasing severity of
myopia temporally converges the inferior and superior
RNFL bundles and brings them closer to the macula
using macular parameters may be an appropriate tool
for detecting glaucomatous damage in eyes with a higher
severity of myopia. Moreover, previous study reported
the glaucoma diagnostic ability of macular GCA to be
Fig 2. e area under the receiver operating characteristic
(AuROC) curve for the 3 best parameters by Cirrus
HD-OCT for distinguishing between normal and
glaucomatous eyes in the high myopia group.
Abbreviations: RNFL; peripapillary retinal nerve ber
layer, GCIPL; macular ganglion cell-inner plexiform
Jiravarnsirikul et al.
Volume 74, No.5: 2022 Siriraj Medical Journal
Original Article
inuenced by the angular distance between the RNFL
defect and the fovea, which means that defects located
far from the fovea may be dicult to detect with GCA
In the moderately myopic group, the AuROC
for minimum GC-IPL thickness was the highest in our
study, and higher than that reported from previous study,
and this may be due to a greater degree of myopia, as
discussed above.
In the high myopia group, we found average RNFL,
inferior RNFL, and inferotemporal GC-IPL thickness
to have the greatest AuROC values, which is consistent
with previous studies.
However, among all of the
SD-OCT parameters, the RNFL parameters showed
the best AuROC values. Despite the higher degree of
myopia, it remains unclear why the RNFL parameters
have superior diagnostic ability. Of interest, recent studies
reported several factors specic to highly myopic eyes
that may reduce the reliability of GC-IPL measurements.
Kim, et al. reported that in eyes with myopic tilted disc,
increasing degree of optic disc torsion corresponded
with distortion of the posterior pole contour
, which
may imply that GC-IPL measurement in high myopes
could be inuenced by anatomical misalignment in the
macular area. Furthermore, although GC-IPL thickness
assessments in highly myopic eyes demonstrated satisfying
long-term reproducibility, various factors, such as retinal
thinning caused by chorioretinal atrophy and posterior
staphyloma from myopia-related changes, may signicantly
inuence reproducibility.
In addition to thinning of the
macular region from stretching of the posterior globe,
abnormal macular thickening or macular retinoschisis
may also develop in highly myopic eyes.
ese factors
will eventually confound GC-IPL evaluation, so caution
must be exercised when interpreting GC-IPL thickness
in high myopia.
The current study demonstrated that all of the
parameters obtained by SD-OCT were thinner in
glaucomatous than in normal eyes in both moderately
and highly myopic patients. Among the normal eyes,
RNFL and GC-IPL thickness parameters were both lower
in high myopes than in moderate myopes. In contrast
to our ndings, Seo, et al. reported that temporal RNFL
thickness analyzed by Cirrus HD-OCT was signicantly
greater in highly myopic normal eyes than moderately
myopic normal eyes, which could be attributed to the
temporalization of RNFL when the degree of myopia
and axial length increase.
Further studies that include
more normal subjects in both groups may conrm these
hypotheses. inning of RNFL and GC-IPL thicknesses in
higher severity myopia could be artifactual ndings due
to the ocular magnication eect. A recent study showed
that the signicant negative correlation found between
OCT parameters (GC-IPL and RNFL thicknesses) and
axial length was the result of ocular magnication eect
since the area scanned by OCT was greater in elongated
erefore, further study using magnication
correction factors is needed to remedy this limitation,
and to avoid misdiagnosis of glaucoma in patients with
Since the prevalence of myopia is increasing globally,
and especially in Asia
, data collection from various
population groups is needed to construct normative
databases for myopia, which will enhance our ability to
diagnose glaucoma in myopic patients. Previous studies
were mainly conducted in Korean, Japanese, and Chinese
14,18-20,22, 23,26
To the best of our knowledge, this
is the rst study to investigate the common structural
imaging parameters and their diagnostic abilities in
dierent severities of myopia in ai population. ese
results from dierent ethnic groups provide clinically
useful data that can be used to develop myopia-specic
normative databases for general population. One of the
strengths of this study is that we enrolled normal subjects
in both myopia severity groups so that AuROC values
could be generated to satisfactorily detect glaucoma among
myopic patients. However, according to the Hodapp,
Parish, and Anderson criteria
, the glaucomatous eyes
included in this study were classied as having early to
moderate defects, which means that our ndings may
not be applicable to eyes with greater or lesser severity of
glaucoma damage. Future study evaluating the diagnostic
performance of these parameters for dierentiating
dierent severities of glaucoma is warranted.
There are certain limitations to this study that
should be mentioned. First, the study population size
was relatively small, and this may have given our study
insucient statistical power to identify all statistically
signicant dierences and associations between groups.
Additional studies in a larger number of participants
may be needed conrm and/or improve the validity
of our results. Second, GC-IPL thinning in myopic
glaucoma patients was not necessarily detected by
HD-OCT measurement. Because the Cirrus HD-OCT
equipment utilized in this research assessed macular
GC-IPL thickness inside a 6x6x2 mm cube centered at
the fovea, the presence of any glaucomatous defect away
from this area might not be detected by this algorithm,
as shown in Fig 3. Measurement of a larger eld of the
macula may optimize the glaucoma diagnosis, even in
patients with myopia.
Volume 74, No.5: 2022 Siriraj Medical Journal
Fig 3. An example of a moderate myopia patient, and a high myopia patient.
Moderately myopic patient (A-D). Right eye; SE -5.00 D, AL 26.68 mm, HVF MD -2.00 dB.
(A) Red-free fundus photograph showed multiple RNFL defects (arrow heads). Generalized RNFL thinning in the inferior retina was
observed as the choroidal vessels became clearly visible, so the RNFL defect was more easily detected in the superior hemield than in the
inferior hemield.
(B) Detection of inferior defect on GCIPL thickness map indicated that the superior defect was located away from the macular area, thus
the scanned area of the GCIPL thickness map was unable to include the superior defect into the analysis.
(C) e GCIPL deviation map was consistent with the thickness map.
(D) HVF pattern deviation map showed inferior arcuate scotoma and early superior nasal step both of which correspond with the RNFL
defects. Of note, GCA could not detect abnormality in the superior hemield despite mild inferior eld loss.
Highly myopic patient (E-H). Right eye; SE -6.00 D, AL 27.23 mm, HVF MD -7.20 dB.
(E) Red-free fundus photograph showed multiple RNFL defects (arrow heads) in both the superior and inferior hemields.
(F) e GCIPL thickness map was able to detect both superior and inferior hemield defect, and the inferior defect was much more severe
than superior defect.
(G) e ndings of the GCIPL deviation map were consistent with those of the GCIPL thickness map.
(H) HVF pattern deviation map showed double arcuate scotomas, and severe defect was found in the superior visual eld, which corresponds
with the observed RNFL defects and GCA.
Macular GC-IPL thickness demonstrated high
ability to detect glaucoma in patients with moderate or
high myopia and thus can enhance glaucoma diagnosis
in both groups of myopic patients. However, it should
be utilized in conjunction with a comprehensive clinical
examination, additional structural imaging modalities,
and functional assessments to elucidate a more precise
diagnosis of glaucoma in myopia.
e authors gratefully acknowledge the patients
that generously agreed to participate in this study, and
Assistant Professor Chulaluk Komoltri, DrPH (Biostatistics)
from the Oce for Research and Development, Faculty
of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University, for
assistance with statistical analysis.
Conict of interest declaration
All authors declare no personal or professional
conicts of interest, and no nancial support from the
companies that produce and/or distribute the drugs,
devices, or materials described in this report.
Funding disclosure
is was an unfunded study.
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