Volume 74, No.5: 2022 Siriraj Medical Journal
Napakorn Sangchay, M.D., Ph.D.*, Veronika Dzetkuličová, Ph.D.**, Micol Zuppello, Ph.D.***, Jirapa Chetsawang,
M.D., Ph.D.*
*Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine, Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University, Bangkok, ailand, **Department of Anatomy, Faculty of
Medicine, Masaryk University, Czech Republic, ***Institute of Clinical Sciences, College of Medical and Dental Sciences, University of Birmingham,
Edgbaston, Birmingham, UK.
Consideration of Accuracy and Observational
Error Analysis in Pelvic Sex Assessment: A Study
in a Thai Cadaveric Human Population
Objective: In situations where skeletal human remains are recovered, pelvic bone morphology has been demonstrated
to have an essential role in forensic sex identication. Determination of sex is one of the four pillars used to
construct a biological prole of unidentied skeletal remains. Such analysis has mainly been conned to direct
visual inspection or morphometric analysis of pelvic elements available. is study evaluates the identication
accuracy and classication error established based on a morphometric sex determination of this bone either by
direct observation or digital image analysis.
Materials and Methods: We used morphometric analysis of human pelvic bone from modern ai samples to
clarify the eect of variation in pelvic morphometric parameters on prediction accuracy. A total number of 408
pelvic bones (Male, n=249 and Female, n=159) were examined. Pelvic morphometric variables were measured in
multiple regions for each bone.
Results: We found statistically signicant dierences in the pelvic morphometric parameters measured between
the two sexes with considerably accurate classication and unavoidable errors by all means of analytical assessment.
Conclusion: Our ndings suggest that it is not only variation of pelvic morphometric parameters between the two
sexes in this population, but also the selection of analytical approach that can impact prediction accuracy and thus
may contribute to the eect on the determination of sex. Ethical approval was not required for this study.
Keywords: Morphometric analysis; forensic anthropology; sex estimation; technical error of measurement (Siriraj
Med J 2022; 74: 330-339)
Corresponding author: Jirapa Chetsawang
E-mail: napakorn.sac@mahidol.ac.th
Received 3 February 2022 Revised 31 March 2022 Accepted 2 April 2022
ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7776-6456
All material is licensed under terms of
the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
International (CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0)
license unless otherwise stated.
Forensic examiners must establish a biological
profile when identifying unknown human remains,
including sex, age, stature, and ancestry. is information
can be compared with antemortem records and other
information contributing to the identication process.
Analysis of skeletal remains should be organized promptly
to assess sex. Skeletal sex estimation is crucial for forensic
anthropologists and forensic osteologists in developing
a biological profile since sex assessment serves as a
foundation for developing other aspects of a biological
As part of a signicant step to establishing a
biological prole and personal identication, this process
requires experience and needs accurate decision-making.
Sangchay et al.
Volume 74, No.5: 2022 Siriraj Medical Journal
Original Article
e manifestations of sex characteristics within bones
are dierent in both sexes under genetic inuence and
hormonal regulations.
They make up their skeletal
components and these distinctive skeletal traits can be
used to dierentiate males from females.
A reliable
and less subjective technique for assessing sex should be
conducted and documented to emphasise the identication
Accurate and valid assessments of sex are used
in field and laboratory settings for determining sex
from skeletal remains.
Many studies have focused on
gross skeletal features, utilizing cranial or postcranial
In general, the selection of pelvic bone from
unidentied human remains is preferable to estimate
sex because of a high level of certainty and validity due
to the sexual dimorphism demonstrated within this
Studies have examined the utility of human
pelvic bone to estimate sex, and in many cases, these lack
intra- and inter-observer comparisons of observational
e estimation of sex can be established by
visual assessment based on observing sexual dimorphic
is method to estimate sex from theos
pubisevaluates the dierent degrees of morphological
traits to dierentiate between the two sexes. It can be
performed by using various morphologic characteristics,
such as the subpubic concavity and the medial aspect of
the ischio-pubic ramus.
Alternatively, several morphological features of
the pelvic complex can indicate the biological sex of
individuals, including the size and shape of the os pubis,
greater sciatic notch, obturator foramen, the existence
or absence of the preauricular sulcus and evidence of
parturition scars. However, sex estimation utilizing
gross pelvic morphology requires complete or nearly
complete skeletal elements. When the pelvic complex
is less damaged, this method is achievable. However,
morphological assessment becomes more challenging
when these bones appear fragmented or severely damaged
by taphonomic factors. For these reasons, an alternative
method for sex estimation utilizing digital images of
the specic characteristics from pelvic bone should be
Despite the acceptable accuracy, an estimation of
sex utilizing gross morphology has several limitations.
This method creates both intra- and inter-observer
errors causing variation between observers and is non-
reproducible. e decision-based observational method
is highly subjective. It can be especially problematic
when it appears to be undetermined or unclassied.
Accordingly, sex estimation using pelvic morphometrics
by direct measurements has been introduced to increase
the certainty and accuracy.
is method of sex estimation from the pelvis is
problematic because it is regionally dependent.
pelvic elements are required when determining the sex
of unknown skeletal remains using either the non-metric
method or metric analysis. is means that the degree of
certainty in establishing sex from severely damaged pelves
due to taphonomic causes is reduced. Consideration of an
alternative pelvic landmark to establish sex identication
is essential, especially when encountering fragmented
pelvic bones. A morphologic analysis is mainly focused
on the pubic region. Such analysis relies on either the
presence or absence of morphological traits or the degree
of expression.
When comparing anterior and posterior
regions of the pelvic bone, it is clear that the pubis, being
located anteriorly, has a high possibility of being exposed
to postmortem changes. As a result, it can be impossible
to establish sex. In terms of pelvic anthropometric sex
assessment, this method relies on measuring observational
characteristics. It utilizes individual measurements or
combinations of measurements to dierentiate the two
sexes. e accuracy rate of prediction depends on the
selection of skeletal landmarks utilized in this analytical
method. e posterior region of the pelvic bone is more
robust than the anterior border, and measurements of
skeletal landmarks from this area are achievable.
Metric sex estimation using the pelvic bone is more
precise than visual morphological analyses and can
exceed an accuracy rate of 90%. However, this approach
requires a complete or nearly complete pelvic complex to
assess all the landmarks proposed by current literature.
e ischio-pubic index provided the most accurate sex
estimation of 96.5%.
Supportive results of the ischio-
pubic index as a sex indicator from pubic measurements
were analyzed and achieved 90% accuracy.
It is necessary to consider that either the non-metric
or metric analytical methods using pelvic elements depend
upon identiable morphologic features, which in turn
depend upon the bones being intact or nearly intact.
Currently, sex estimation methods are mainly established
from the pelvis samples from specic (black and white
American) skeletal collections, whereas morphological
traits for Asian and other ethnic groups are limited.
Several authors suggested that population-specific
databases and classication analysis for sex estimation
in heterogeneous populations are crucially required.
is research will focus on the prediction accuracy
and intra- and inter-observer observational errors from
three dierent sex estimation methods, including estimating
sex from gross morphological sex characteristics, digital
images, and a measured analytical approach in a modern
ai population utilizing human pelvic dry bones.
Volume 74, No.5: 2022 Siriraj Medical Journal
e study was conducted on 408 human pelvic bone
samples from the Siriraj Bone collection, Department of
Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine Siriraj hospital, Mahidol
University. For each bone, three gross morphologies
based on the Phenice method, including the presence of
ventral arc, inferior pubic ramus and subpubic concavity,
were used to determine sex. Subsequently, three digital
images were taken from each bone to determine an inter-
observer accuracy and error of sex assessment using the
Phenice criteria. Pelvic morphometric parameters (Fig
1) were measured from each bone. e usefulness of
iliac associated bony landmarks for assessing sex was
examined. is was done by analysing sex discriminant
functions for sex indicators of those measurements taken
from prominent posterior foci to the anterior iliac bony
landmarks. e parameters measured in this method are
located on the anterior and posterior border of the ilium,
including ASIS, AIIS, PSIS, and PIIS. Additional parameters
were measured from those two iliac borders to other
skeletal landmarks: the pubic tubercle and ischial spine.
Pelvic landmarks and morphometric measurements were
described as shown in Table 1. e mean and standard
deviations were calculated for each parameter. Statistical
analyses using paired student’s t-tests were performed
to evaluate the dierences between each group. e null
hypothesis was rejected where the dierence between
groups was 0. A p-value of <0.05 was interpreted as
being statistically signicant. Inferential statistics were
used to determine discriminant function analysis (total
analytical sample) and evaluate the probability of sex
prediction and classication accuracy for those variables
that revealed statistically signicant dierences. e best
discriminant functions were compared and selected
based on positive prediction accuracy.
Observational error and reliability analysis
Intra-observer error of measurement evaluation
(Table 3).
Two measures were used in this observational
study to investigate intra-observer measurement error
rates between two separate measurements taken by the
same investigator. e measurements were taken by
the researcher who did this study, who rst measured
morphometric characteristics from pooled human pelvic
samples, then took a second measurement. e interval
between the rst and second measurements was two weeks.
To quantify intra-observer error, researchers measured
pelvic bone-related data. Six variables were measured:
PL, IL, vertical and horizontal Acetabular diameters, and
obturator foramen diameters. e statistical dierence
between the two measurements was analysed using the
student t-test.
Inter-observer error of measurement evaluation
(Table 3).
Two observers conducted two sets of measurements
independently to investigate an inter-observer technical error
of measurement between two independent investigators.
e researcher who conducted this current investigation
and analysed bone samples was the rst witness. Each of
the six parameters was assessed. e second observer was a
ten-year anatomical academic sta member who evaluated
the pelvic parameters using the same pelvic samples. e
objective of this study was to quantify the inter-observer
measurement error and the repeatability. e instructions
and descriptions for data collection were supplied to the
second observer. Before conducting the inter-observer
inquiry, the observers were given denitions for six criteria.
A brief session was provided to measure the variables with
the anthropometric tools. For non-bias considerations,
Fig 1. Diagrams illustrating pelvic morphometric landmarks and dimensional measurements.
Sangchay et al.
Volume 74, No.5: 2022 Siriraj Medical Journal
Original Article
the measurement was carried out without knowing the
sample’s demographic characteristics. e statistical
dierence between the two observers was investigated
using a paired student t-test. e intra-observer error
rates for two measures and the inter-observer error rates
for two observers were calculated for the conventional
morphometric measurement. Repeatability between
observations/observers was assessed, calculating the
technical error of measurement (TEM), relative technical
error of measurement (rTEM) and coecient of reliability
(R). ese values indicate the repeatability between two
TEM is calculated as follows,
(D = dierence between the two observers or measurements
1 and 2, and N = the total number of tested samples.
Subsequently, the relative TEM (rTEM) was calculated
using the formula as shown below:
rTEM= (
/ mean ) × 100
An agreement threshold between observations is accepted
at a 5% cut o value.
is study assesses the coecient of
reliability (R) to determine a repeatability in anthropometric
It was calculated using the formula as
shown below:
R= 1 − (
e value of coecient of reliability (R) ranges from
0 to 1. Levels of reliability coecient (R) are accepted
when the values were > 0.95.
e relationship between pelvic morphometric
variables and known sex were examined using discriminant
function analysis. e entire dataset was utilised at this
stage of the analysis (N = 408). Ten discriminant functions
were created (Table 4) shows a summary of all functions
and parameters.
Descriptive statistics for the pelvic measurements are
summarized in Table 2, including group means, standard
deviations, variances and minimum and maximum values.
Means of all pelvic measurements were signicantly
dierent between males and females (p < 0.05), except
for obturator foramen transverse diameter (OFTD).
Table 3 shows the summary of descriptive statistics and
intra- and inter-observer technical error of measurement
values and the reliability coecient obtained from all
six measurements. Among the six variables, the results
TABLE 1. Description of pelvic landmarks and morphometric
Pelvic morphometric landmarks and
VAD Vertical Acetabular Diameter
HAD Horizontal Acetabular Diameter
MAD Mean Acetabular diameter
OFLD Obturator Foramen Longitudinal Diameter
OFTD Obturator Foramen Transverse Diameter
MOFD Mean Obturator Foramen diameter
OF index Obturator Foramen index
PL Pubic Length
IL Ischial Length
P/I index Pubic/Ischial length index
A Ischial spine
B Posterior inferior iliac spine (PIIS)
C Posterior superior iliac spine (PSIS)
D Highest point of greater sciatic notch
E Pubic tubercle
F Anterior inferior iliac spine (AIIS)
G Anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS)
AB Distance between ischial spine and PIIS
BC Distance between PSIS and PIIS
XD Maximal greater sciatic notch heigth
EF Distance between pubic tubercle and AIIS
EG Distance between pubic tubercle and ASIS
BG Distance between PIIS and ASIS
CG Distance between PSIS and ASIS
AG Distance between ischial spine and ASIS
BF Distance between PIIS and AIIS
AF Distance between ischial spine and AIIS
CF Distance between PSIS and AIIS
Volume 74, No.5: 2022 Siriraj Medical Journal
TABLE 2. Descriptive statistics of pelvic landmarks and morphometric variables (* represented no statistical dierence).
TABLE 3. Comparisons of intra- and inter-observer technical errors of measurement (TEM) and Reliability coecient (SD – standard deviation, Ab TEM – Absolute TEM,
rTEM – relative TEM, R – Reliability coecient).
Variables Male (n=249) Female (n=159) P-value
Mean Std Dev Variance Minimum Maximum Mean Std Dev Variance Minimum Maximum
VAD 49.05 2.88 8.28 40.36 57.28 44.14 2.74 7.52 34.14 51.98 < 0.05
HAD 49.99 2.85 8.10 39.88 59.79 45.11 2.97 8.81 36.33 64.84 < 0.05
MAD 49.52 2.72 7.39 40.12 58.54 44.62 2.67 7.10 35.24 55.73 < 0.05
OFLD 50.61 3.69 13.64 39.08 63.63 46.62 3.51 12.30 38.57 58.74 < 0.05
OFTD 32.96 3.44 11.85 21.70 44.66 33.32 3.36 11.29 21.69 43.27 0.29*
MOFD 41.78 3.19 10.19 30.64 54.15 39.97 3.06 9.35 31.80 47.75 < 0.05
OF index 65.17 5.54 30.72 47.63 80.84 71.54 5.93 35.17 51.75 87.92 < 0.05
PL 70.44 5.69 32.39 54.88 86.55 68.10 5.52 30.44 55.92 81.69 < 0.05
IL 87.96 6.03 36.31 64.21 119.40 79.63 5.04 25.36 67.58 91.52 < 0.05
P/I index 80.23 6.00 36.04 67.18 99.94 85.67 6.74 45.48 69.54 105.49 < 0.05
AB 54.52 5.70 32.53 37.42 70.01 60.97 7.10 50.44 43.08 84.43 < 0.05
BC 36.79 5.35 28.67 21.30 51.11 32.64 4.71 22.21 18.24 45.41 < 0.05
AB+BC 91.31 7.68 58.97 72.78 112.68 93.61 8.79 77.20 70.23 129.18 < 0.05
XD 35.84 3.20 10.27 27.69 44.51 33.70 3.70 13.68 24.96 45.77 < 0.05
EF 85.77 6.07 36.90 61.24 105.79 83.40 6.31 39.83 69.66 99.79 < 0.05
EG 119.34 9.69 93.86 78.01 149.48 116.75 8.60 73.88 96.53 146.62 < 0.05
BG 13.20 0.75 0.56 10.60 15.50 12.65 0.85 0.72 10.20 14.90 < 0.05
CG 14.61 0.83 0.69 11.00 16.80 14.22 0.86 0.74 12.00 16.50 < 0.05
AG 13.16 0.74 0.54 11.00 15.50 12.30 0.70 0.49 10.50 14.50 < 0.05
BF 11.25 0.72 0.52 8.50 13.60 10.79 0.80 0.64 8.70 12.90 < 0.05
AF 10.11 0.69 0.48 7.80 13.50 9.20 0.62 0.39 7.50 11.00 < 0.05
CF 13.36 0.76 0.58 10.00 15.70 12.84 0.81 0.66 10.20 14.80 < 0.05
Intra-observer error Inter-observer error
Mean SD
p value Ab TEM rTEM R
Mean SD
p value Ab TEM rTEM R
Measurement1 Measurement2 Measurement1 Measurement2 Observer1 Observer2 Observer1 Observer2
VAD 47.137 47.301 3.704 3.596 0.112 1.473 3.120 0.837 47.137 47.288 3.704 3.490 0.200 1.68 3.558 0.782
HAD 48.090 48.191 3.748 3.701 0.044 0.71 1.475 0.964 48.090 48.185 3.748 3.201 0.392 1.57 3.261 0.797
OFLD 49.056 49.202 4.109 4.115 0.105 1.29 2.626 0.901 49.056 49.257 4.109 4.192 0.126 1.86 3.784 0.799
OFTD 33.096 33.179 3.411 3.385 0.282 1.39 3.289 0.832 33.096 33.167 3.411 3.260 0.569 1.78 5.372 0.715
PL 69.524 69.316 5.732 5.608 0.032 1.38 1.988 0.941 69.524 68.893 5.732 5.258 0.000 2.55 3.685 0.786
IL 84.714 84.708 6.963 6.766 0.961 1.66 1.960 0.941 84.714 84.647 6.963 6.554 0.649 2.11 2.492 0.903
Sangchay et al.
Original Article
Volume 74, No.5: 2022 Siriraj Medical Journal
TABLE 4. Comparisons of Canonical discriminant function coecients for pelvic dimensions, discriminant classication function and classication matrix.
Canonical discriminant function coefcients for pelvic dimensions
Functions and Raw Standardized Total Group Discriminant Classication Function Classication Matrix
parameters Canonical Canonical Canonical Centroids
Coefcients Coefcients Structure
Group OFLD OFTD Constant Group \ Predicted F M Total Percent Correct
Function1 OFLD 0.343 1.242 0.819 F -0.887 F 3.018 0.956 -86.266 F 90 69 159 56.604%
OFTD -0.238 -0.812 -0.089 M 0.566 M 3.516 0.61 -99.016 M 37 212 249 85.141%
Constant -8.933 Total 127 281 408 74.02%
Number of correct = 302
Group MAD MOFD Constant
Function2 MAD 0.393 1.062 0.994 F -1.12 F 5.024 2.117 -154.411 F 126 33 159 79.245%
MOFD -0.051 -0.161 0.407 M 0.715 M 5.746 2.023 -184.549 M 26 223 249 89.558%
Constant -16.63 Total 152 256 408 85.539%
Number of correct = 349
Group PL IL PII Constant
Function3 PL 0.149 0.836 0.335 F -0.926 F -248.775 207.126 210.282 -8,783.987 F 115 44 159 72.327%
IL 0.034 0.19 0.98 M 0.591 M -248.549 207.177 210.034 -8,783.306 M 32 217 249 87.149%
PII -0.164 -1.031 -0.652 Total 147 261 408 81.373%
Constant 0.282 Number of correct = 332
Group VAD HAD MAD Constant
Function4 VAD 110.349 311.844 0.97 F -1.109 F 3.719 3.594 -1.188 -136.813 F 124 35 159 77.987%
HAD 110.33 319.357 0.964 M 0.708 M 4.242 4.016 -1.453 -168.813 M 27 222 249 89.157%
MAD -220.308 -594.476 1. Total 151 257 408 84.804%
Constant -17.645 Number of correct = 346
Group AB BC XD Constant
Function5 AB 0.118 0.741 0.77 F 0.894 F 1.423 1.098 2.554 -104.329 F 103 56 159 64.78%
BC -0.102 -0.522 -0.633 M -0.571 M 1.25 1.248 2.746 -106.251 M 37 212 249 85.141%
XD -0.132 -0.448 -0.504 Total 140 268 408 77.206%
Constant 1.475 Number of correct = 315
Group BG CG AG Constant
Function6 BG 0.331 0.26 0.61 F -0.768 F 4.569 9.442 13.432 -178.746 F 62 96 158 39.241%
CG -0.662 -0.557 0.413 M 0.488 M 4.985 8.61 15.39 -197.064 M 38 211 249 84.739%
AG 1.559 1.125 0.955 Total 100 307 407 67.076%
Constant -14.726 Number of correct = 273
Group AF BF CF Constant
Function7 AF 1.82 1.211 0.976 F -0.865 F 6.594 4.758 14.186 -147.09 F 108 51 159 67.925%
BF -0.325 -0.244 0.502 M 0.552 M 9.174 4.297 13.933 -163.599 M 39 210 249 84.337%
CF -0.178 -0.139 0.54 Total 147 261 408 77.941%
Constant -11.803 Number of correct = 318
Group MAD MOFD OFI PII Constant
Function8 MAD -0.297 -0.8 -0.911 F 1.327 F 5.824 1.166 1.574 1.958 -293.442 F 136 23 159 85.535%
MOFD -0.008 -0.024 -0.373 M -0.847 M 6.469 1.182 1.408 1.87 -305.777 M 20 229 249 91.968%
OFI 0.077 0.437 0.659 Total 156 252 408 89.461%
PII 0.04 0.255 0.534 Number of correct = 365
Constant 5.913
Group AB BC EF EG Constant
Function9 AB -0.138 -0.87 -0.769 F -0.895 F 0.922 0.841 1.387 0.359 -120.523 F 109 50 159 68.553%
BC 0.092 0.47 0.633 M 0.572 M 0.719 0.975 1.48 0.378 -123.615 M 32 217 249 87.149%
EF 0.064 0.393 0.317 Total 141 267 408 79.902%
EG 0.013 0.138 0.257 Number of correct = 326
Constant -2.27
Function10 VAD 0.161 0.456 0.889 F -1.328 F 1.524 2.012 1.317 0.481 0.737 0.606 -166.936 F 136 23 159 85.535%
HAD 0.12 0.347 0.873 M 0.848 M 1.875 2.273 1.546 0.148 0.64 0.717 -198.467 M 19 230 249 92.369%
OFLD 0.105 0.381 0.651 Total 155 253 408 89.706%
OFTD -0.153 -0.522 -0.071 Number of correct = 366
PL -0.044 -0.25 0.274
IL 0.051 0.29 0.801
Constant -14.728
Volume 74, No.5: 2022 Siriraj Medical Journal
demonstrated statistically significant differences in
HAD and PL between the two measurements (p-value
of < 0.05). HAD demonstrated intra-observer error
rates with R value > 0.95. is nding indicates high
repeatability with only the HAD not exceeding the 5%
acceptance threshold. In terms of inter-observer error
analysis, statistical analysis demonstrated that only PL
examined by the two observers was statistically signicantly
dierent (p-value of < 0.05). e six pelvic parameters
demonstrated inter-observer error rates with R value <
0.95. ese ndings indicate low repeatability with all
measured variables not exceeding the 5% acceptance
When accuracy for estimating sex by direct observation
using Phenice’s characteristic was compared with sex
assessment using Phenice’s pelvic morphologies digital
images, 91.42% accuracy was achieved from sex estimation
based on gross pelvic examination (373/408). Similar
gures were obtained from two observers (90.32%, 84/93
and 87.09%, 81/93) using pelvic morphologies digital
images approach based on Phenice’s characteristics with
the mean accuracy of 88.71%.
Table 4 shows the standard, structure and
unstandardized coecients, the group centroids, results,
and the discriminant function analysis results from the
study data. For all of the ten discriminant functions
produced for sex determination, sex was correctly assessed
with an accuracy between 67.07% and 89.46%. Using the
discriminant function analysis of pelvic dimensions, the
lowest accuracy in the prediction was observed from
Function 6 when using a combination of BG, CG and
AG as a sex predictor with an accuracy of 67.07%. e
best discriminator between the sexes with the highest
predicted accuracy was achieved using VAD, HAD,
OFLD, OFTD, PL and IL with an accuracy of 89.71%.
For the function using only acetabular-related
variables, average accuracy was 84.8%; using only obturator
foramen-related variables classication accuracy was
74.02%. Function 5, where sciatic notch measurements
were assessed, performed an average accuracy of 81.37%.
Functions established from distances measuring ASIS
and AIIS to the posterior pelvic landmark achieved an
accuracy of 67.08% and 77.94%, respectively.
Skeletal sex estimation can be assessed by visual
observation of morphological variation in the bones because
of sexual dimorphism.
Skeletal size and robusticity,
attributed by extrinsic factors such as biomechanics,
interact with bones, and intrinsic factors including genetic
and sex hormones, are the preferable sex indicator.
Cranial and postcranial skeletal elements exhibit sexual
dimorphism observed in adult skeletons.
analysis of pelvic morphology, along with metric methods,
is the most reliable sex indicator for adult skeletons.
Within the pelvis, the morphology of the pubic region
is thought to establish the most reliable indicators for
sex estimation. Existence of the ventral arc, the subpubic
Sangchay et al.
Acetabular morphometric parameters
Male VAD
Femal e VAD
Male HAD
Male MAD
Femal e MA D
Obturator foramen morphometric parameters
Female OFLD
Female OFTD
Female MO FD
Male OF index
Female OF index
Pubic length, ischial length and P/I index
Male P L
Female PL
Male IL
Female IL
Male P /I in dex
Female P/I in dex
Pelvic morphometric measurements
Male AB
Female AB
Male BC
Female BC
Male AB+BC
Female AB +BC
Male XD
Female X D
Male EF
Female EF
Male EG
Female EG
Pelvic morphometric measurements
Male BG
Female BG
Male CG
Female CG
Male AG
Female AG
Male BF
Female BF
Male AF
Female AF
Male CF
Female CF
Figure 2. Comparison of mean acetabular
morphometrics (A: VAD, HAD and MAD-
mm), obturator foramen morphometrics (B:
OFLD, OFTD, MOFD and OF index-mm)
pubic length, ischial length and P/I index (C:
PL, IL and P/I index-mm), pelvic
morphometrics (D: AB, BC, AB+BC, XD, EF
and EG-mm and E: BG, CG, AG, BF, AF and
CF-cm) between male and female, x
designated mean value.
Fig 2. Comparisons of mean acetabular
morphometrics (A: VAD, HAD and MAD-
mm), obturator foramen morphometrics (B:
OFLD, OFTD, MOFD and OF index-mm)
pubic length, ischial length and P/I index (C:
PL, IL and P/I index-mm), pelvic morphometrics
(D: AB, BC, AB+BC, XD, EF and EG-mm and
E: BG, CG, AG, BF, AF and CF-cm) between
male and female, x designated mean value.
Volume 74, No.5: 2022 Siriraj Medical Journal
Original Article
concavity, and the morphology of the medial surface
of the ischiopubic ramus was introduced by Phenice as
an accurate method for sex estimation. Phenice’s pelvic
morphological traits have been further validated with
improved accurate prediction and reduced classication
The morphologies of the acetabulum, the size
of the obturator foramen, and the pubic and ischial
lengths can reveal sex dierences. In addition, studies
report other morphological features that are possible
for sex indicators within the pelvic bone, including
the acetabulum and the greater sciatic notch.
anatomical regions have a durability that potentially
endures destructive processes more readily than the pubis.
e use of morphometric measurement incorporated with
stepwise-selected discriminant functions can yield more
accurate classication than observational morphometric
approaches. Nonetheless, analysis using a digital image is
achievable. is study found that this method can provide
less accuracy than direct observational sex dierentiation.
While most adult skeletons demonstrate sexually
dimorphic characteristics, the validity of sex assessment
is also inuenced by other factors: population variations,
age, and pathological and taphonomic changes. e
expression of sexual dimorphism is variable among
and across populations. erefore, it is necessary to
consider comparative data from a specic population when
applying these techniques in forensic circumstances.
Sexual dimorphism and the dierences between the
sexes vary in other populations. In addition, dierent
methodologies, including morphological and metric
features, may analyze skeletal remains for sex estimation.
Skeletal dierences in morphological attributes vary by
shape, morphological traits, and relative size between the
sexes. Methods based on the shape and size of the pelvis
and the presence or absence of pelvic characteristics are
favoured. Other morphological features may represent
sex dierences. However, they are usually less accurate
than methods using distinct morphological features
with substantial sexual dimorphism and observations.
Instruments, standards, appropriate analytical soware
and a combination of measurements and multivariate
approaches can increase reliability in sex evaluations,
although a single measurement may provide reasonably
reliable sex estimation.
It is well acknowledged that intra- and inter-observer
error caused by visual or metric variables can lead to
disparities in sexual dimorphism evaluation and sex
determination. Current studies, however, have shown
that visual assessment is associated with significant
levels of inter-observer error due to imprecise variable
denitions, substantial reliance on previous observer
experience, and the seriation process employed to sort
the individuals. is error measurement analysis reveals
that geometric morphometrics produces good intra- and
inter-observer agreement.
Pelvic morphologies can be dierentiated consistently
even among observers with no prior experience. However,
those with obscure morphologies are exceedingly dicult
to determine consistently. Our ndings show that even
observers familiar with pelvic analysis using sexual
dimorphism have an inconsistent interpretation of
coordinative landmarks for assessing sex; even though
the presence of the ventral arc is the best sex indicator
for females, determination of sex from digital images still
establishes various degrees of prediction accuracy among
observers. is shows that descriptive anatomical landmarks
may be misinterpreted in the ischiopubic regions.
It is worth describing the quantitative methodologies
utilizing the pelvic characteristics which show sexual
dimorphism variance. ese methodologies are relevant
and applicable to every forensic practitioner. e eect
of sex estimation utilizing pubic length, ischial length
and P/I index on classication accuracy is critical. e
description of anatomical landmarks for these measurements,
especially the pubic length, is diverse among current
literature. In this study, measurement of pubis length
and ischial length between the two observers revealed
lower reliability than results from an intra-observer error
of measurement, indicating a low reproducibility.
Additionally, the denition of a specic landmark
being measured within the acetabulum is identical to a
problematic issue occurring in the ischiopubic region.
All measurements should be repeatable and independent.
erefore, future research should incorporate an assessment
of the interobserver error in these dimensions to avoid
sex misinterpretation.
e integration of the iliac landmark measurement
and the assessment of pubic sex characteristics should
be considered when dealing with skeletal parts and
severely fragmented skeletal remains to improve sex
prediction accuracy. e range of prediction accuracy
from discriminant functions utilizing these measurements
in this study was 67.08% (Function6)-79.9% (Function9),
indicating that those measurements are potentially reliable
in estimating the sex, as highlighted in previous studies.
us, sex discrimination utilizing iliac measurement
can be conducted independently.
However, a correct
estimation between an isolated morphometric measurement
analysis and the morphological assessment showed that
the former established a less favourable outcome and
provided a lower prediction accuracy than the latter
Volume 74, No.5: 2022 Siriraj Medical Journal
method. Sex dimorphism of pelvic morphological traits
has been documented across dierent human populations,
and it is also considered as a sex-determining method.
is study shows that the utilization of iliac associated
morphological characteristic measurements is less reliable
when applied to sex assessment because the attribution
of sex dimorphism is demonstrated less within this bony
segment. As a result, these measurements require further
investigation and the expansion of this analytical method
into the dierent populations to validate the usefulness
of these sex indicators in a forensic application.
e eect of sample size is another aspect to consider
in this situation. e requirement of cross-validation study
using dierent populations is necessary to evaluate the
discriminant outcomes established from these present
classication functions. e use of approximately 400
individuals in this study can aect prediction accuracy
and increase technical errors. As a result, it is feasible
that increased samples will reduce undesirable errors
and improve eciency.
In summary, the consideration of factors aecting
prediction accuracy and classication errors for pelvic
sex estimation is critical because this bone is under
hormonal regulation rather than mechanical inuence.
ese functions may be benecial where the population
of origin of the unidentied skeleton is unknown. Further
research is required on cooperative group data from
other divergent populations, both in the pelvis region and
other skeletal parameters that express sexually dimorphic
Identifying sex from skeletal remains is a crucial
step in human identication. Although human pelvic
bone has been the most crucial determinant in this
process, only a few anthropologic methods can inuence
sex determination accuracy. Promoting alternative
morphological assessment methods, such as digital evaluation
and direct morphometric measurement, as well as direct
morphological interpretation from this bone, may be
shown to be the most accurate methods. It is critical to
recognize instruments that inuence correct prediction
in sex discrimination. e selection of an appropriate
analytical method is essential because it can aect the
whole process of forensic human identication. erefore,
it can minimize the possibility of misidentication.
Conicts of interest: None
Funding: None
Ethics/IRB approval: Yes, SIRB Protocol No. (Si 625/2020)
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