Volume 74, No.5: 2022 Siriraj Medical Journal
method. Sex dimorphism of pelvic morphological traits
has been documented across dierent human populations,
and it is also considered as a sex-determining method.
is study shows that the utilization of iliac associated
morphological characteristic measurements is less reliable
when applied to sex assessment because the attribution
of sex dimorphism is demonstrated less within this bony
segment. As a result, these measurements require further
investigation and the expansion of this analytical method
into the dierent populations to validate the usefulness
of these sex indicators in a forensic application.
e eect of sample size is another aspect to consider
in this situation. e requirement of cross-validation study
using dierent populations is necessary to evaluate the
discriminant outcomes established from these present
classication functions. e use of approximately 400
individuals in this study can aect prediction accuracy
and increase technical errors. As a result, it is feasible
that increased samples will reduce undesirable errors
and improve eciency.
In summary, the consideration of factors aecting
prediction accuracy and classication errors for pelvic
sex estimation is critical because this bone is under
hormonal regulation rather than mechanical inuence.
ese functions may be benecial where the population
of origin of the unidentied skeleton is unknown. Further
research is required on cooperative group data from
other divergent populations, both in the pelvis region and
other skeletal parameters that express sexually dimorphic
Identifying sex from skeletal remains is a crucial
step in human identication. Although human pelvic
bone has been the most crucial determinant in this
process, only a few anthropologic methods can inuence
sex determination accuracy. Promoting alternative
morphological assessment methods, such as digital evaluation
and direct morphometric measurement, as well as direct
morphological interpretation from this bone, may be
shown to be the most accurate methods. It is critical to
recognize instruments that inuence correct prediction
in sex discrimination. e selection of an appropriate
analytical method is essential because it can aect the
whole process of forensic human identication. erefore,
it can minimize the possibility of misidentication.
Conicts of interest: None
Funding: None
Ethics/IRB approval: Yes, SIRB Protocol No. (Si 625/2020)
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