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Chesudar Promsaan
Siwalee Rattanapunya


Purpose The purpose of this study was tocompare the exercise motivation of the elderly in urban and rural areas in Chiang Mai Province.

Methods The data were researcher collected by using the Motivational Exercise 2 (EMI-2) questionnaire on five aspects of exercise motivation namely psychological, social, physical and physical fitness. (Markland and Ingledew, 1997). Two-hundred and fifty two elderly in Mueang Chiang Mai District and 258 elderly in Tungtum District participated in this study. The data were analyzed in terms of percentages, means and standard deviations. A comparison of exercise motivation variables between the urban and rural elderly was conducted by using Mann-Whitney U-test. A significant level was set at p<.05

Results The results showed that the elderly in urban and rural areas had different in exercise motivation with respect to psychological, social, physical and physical fitness. The elderly in the rural areas had significantly higher exercise motives in all aspects than the urban areas (p<.05). When ranking the exercise motives in the both groups, it was found that the most exercise decision of the elderly is the physical fitness.

Conclusion The motivation of the elderly in the rural areas was higher than that of the elderly in urban areas. Therefore, health promoter should encourage the promotion of exercise in elderly people in urban areas. In addition, the design of the activity model should focus on improving the fitness and health of the elderly. It will also help to increase the number of elderly people to exercise.

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How to Cite
Promsaan, C. ., & Rattanapunya, S. . (2019). MOTIVATIONS TO EXERCISE IN ELDERLY PEOPLE IN URBAN AND RURAL AREA IN CHIANGMAI PROVINCE. Journal of Sports Science and Health, 20(3), 110–121. retrieved from
บทความวิจัย (Original Article)


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