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Suthitra Sritim
Metta Rengkounkway
Praderm Chumjai
Tawica Mekarkakorn


Purpose The purpose of this study was to (1) study personal background of tourists visiting Banrachan retro agricultural market at Bangrachan district of Sing Buri Province (2) examine motivation of tourists visiting, Bangrachan retro agricultural market, Bangrachan district of Sing Buri Province

Methods This research is quantitative type of research. The questionnaire was used to collect data from sample group of 323 tourists. Data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics including percentage, mean and standard deviation.

Results The research results revealed that most of tourists were female (56.3%), at the aged between 21-30 years (26.0%), they were student (29.4%), they had bachelor degree (23.8) with average monthly income lower than 10,000 bath (39.6%) central region native habitat (34.7%) single status (50.5%) the most of them were travel for the first time (54.8%) average expense per time 1,051 per person and source of information were from the suggestion of the person (44.1%). When considering the level of the tourist’s motivation, it was found that the tourism motivation of Banrachan retro agricultural market, Bangrachan district of Sing Buri Province for overall six aspects were at a high level including religion motivation (X=4.18), social and interpersonal relationship motivation (X=4.14), culture and education motivation (X=4.08), work and business motivation (X=3.80) and physical and phychology motivation (X=3.49) respectively.

Conclusions The tourism motivations at Banrachan Retro Agricultural Market in 6 aspects were at high level that are religion motivation, followed by social and interpersonal relationship, entertainment and enjoyment, culture and education, work and business and physical and phychology respectively. Most of motivation aspects were at high and very high level but there were some aspects belong to moderate level such as adequate and clean lavatory and adequate garbage point that need to be improved in terms of readiness for tourism.

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How to Cite
Sritim, S., Rengkounkway, M. ., Chumjai, P. ., & Mekarkakorn, T. . (2019). THE TOURISM MOTIVATION OF BANRACHAN RETRO AGRICULTURAL MARKET, BANGRACHAN DISTRICT, SING BURI PROVINCE. Journal of Sports Science and Health, 20(2), 166–177. retrieved from
บทความวิจัย (Original Article)


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