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Poosanapas Somnil
Kositpipat Sihanu
Natthawut Ninsaeng
Jutharat Chaimanee


Most people seek to perform outdoor sport and activities, especially where it is in close contact with nature under the fresh air. Nowadays, sporting organizations are searching for new locations where it does not attract only athletes but also spectators and companions.

Purpose : The purposes of this research was to study the influence of the marketing mix on participating in the trail running event decision, in the aspect of sports tourism promotion.

Methods : The samples were 296 participatants in the Phu Kradueng Wake Up Run trail running event. The samples were collected by purposive sampling. The research instruments were questionnaires and data were analyzed by frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation.

Results : It was found that participants in the trail running events had an opinion of the marketing mix in the highest level among 7 aspects, with an average of 4.25. The order was, sorted by the high to low average score, were the people, price, physical evidence and presentation, place, process, promotion, and product and service, respectively.

Conclusion : Our results indicate that the person, price, physical evidence and presentation, and place were factors that influence the marketing mix. Thus, the organizers of the trail running event could apply these results for enhancing the marketing strategies and developing the products or services corresponding to the participant’s demand by focusing on these factors to gain an advantage in competition with competitors and develop products or services to meet the needs of colleagues.

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How to Cite
Somnil, P., Sihanu, K. ., Ninsaeng, N. ., & Chaimanee, J. . (2020). THE INFLUENCE OF MARKETING MIX ON SPORTS TOURISM PROMOTION OF THE TRAIL RUNNING EVENTS. Journal of Sports Science and Health, 21(2), 295–310. retrieved from
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