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Mallika Piroonboon
Pannee Peungsuwan
Lugkana Mato
Raoyrin Chanaviut
Ponlapat Yonglithipagon
Saowanee Nakmareong


Purpose : This pilot study aimed to examine the effect of a 4-week core muscle training on muscle performance among obese adolescents.

Methods : Ten obese male adolescents, aged between 16-18 years were randomly assigned to either the exercise group (n=5) or the control group (n=5). Exercise protocol consisted of a prone bridge, a side bridges and a bird dog. The exercise group performed core exercise program 3 times a week, for 4 consecutive weeks, while the control group continued their normal daily activities and did not participated in core muscle training. Sit-to-stand test and sit up test were used to assessed muscle performance at baseline and after an exercise program.

Results : After 4 weeks of exercise, the exercise group showed an improvement in muscle strength and compared to the control group. Time during five times sit-to-stand test decreased the number of test while sit up repetitions increased compared with baseline and the control (p<0.05).

Conclusion : These results suggest that core exercise program might be used as an adjust exercise to improve muscle performance associated with sit-to-stand function among adolescence.

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How to Cite
Piroonboon, M., Peungsuwan, P., Mato, L. ., Chanaviut, R. ., Yonglithipagon, P. ., & Nakmareong, S. . (2020). EFEECTS OF CORE MUSCLE TRAINING ON ABDOMINAL MUSCLE STRENGTH AND ENDURANCE AND SIT-TO-STAND IN OBESE MALE ADOLESCENCE : A PILOT STUDY. Journal of Sports Science and Health, 21(3), 460–470. retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/spsc_journal/article/view/248408
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