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Nongnapas Charoenpanich
Saowanee Woravutrangkul
Duangporn Benjanarasut
Tatpicha Pongsiri


The purpose of this study was to analyze and compare the angles between arm and leg, between trunk and leg of swimming track start, and during toe off, highest fly, and during hand touch the water.

Eleven male swimmers, aged between 18-25 years, were recruited for this study. Each swimmer performed the track swimming start test 10 times with a maximum jumping start speed. Four markers were placed at vertex of the skull and the left side of the tip of middle finger, the top of iliac crest and the head of the fifth metatarsal. The jumping performance was captured by using 3-dimension motion analysis with seven high speed cameras. Only the farthest and nearest jumping distance trials were chosen for analyses. The jumping distance, the angle between arm and leg, and between trunk and leg were analyzed and compared during toe off, highest fly and during hand touch the water. Data were presented as means and standard deviation. One-way ANOVA and Friedman Test followed by Bonferroni post hoc test were used to compare differences between each event. A p-value < 0.05 was considered statistically significant.

The results found that only the angle between arm and leg was significantly increased both at the farthest and the nearest jumping distance when compared during toe off, highest fly, and during hand touch the water. In contrast, there was nonsignificant difference in the angle between the trunk and leg during toe off, highest fly, and during hand touch the water.

A track start both in long and short distance showed similar pattern of arm movements, with similar increases in the angle between arm and leg during a flying phase.

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How to Cite
Charoenpanich, N. ., Woravutrangkul, S., Benjanarasut, D. ., & Pongsiri, T. . (2021). POSTURAL ANALYSIS OF TRACK SWIMMING START DURING FLIGHT PHASE. Journal of Sports Science and Health, 22(2), 172–184. retrieved from
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