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Sirin Sittisuwannasin
Kawinthorn Thunkarn
Pattareeya Tamasee
Apinya Singthuean
Saranya Maitaothong


The purpose of this study was to compare physical fitness between swimmers and water polo athletes in Thailand swimming association.


A total of 30 swimmer, aged betwee 14-23 years, voluntarily participated in this study. They consisted of 15 swimmers (11 male and 4 female) and 15 water polo athletes (11 male and 4 female). Physical fitness testing consisted of hand grip strength, lower extremity muscle power using standing long jump test, inspiratory muscle strength using maximum inspiratory pressure and cardiovascular endurance using the 12 minute run test.

The result found that there were no significant differences in all measure of physical fitness between swimmers and water polo athletes. However, while there was a trend for greater grip strength and inspiratory muscle strength in swimmers, there was a trend for higher leg muscular power and cardiovascular endurance in water polo athlete.

Swimmers tend to have stronger lower upper extremity muscle strength and respiratory muscle strength while water polo athletes tend to have higher upper extremity muscles when compared to their peers. Such differences are related to the relative contribution of upper and lower extremity muscle as well as duration of competition for each sport.

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How to Cite
Sittisuwannasin, S. ., Thunkarn, K. ., Tamasee, P. ., Singthuean, A. ., & Maitaothong, S. . (2021). A COMPARISON OF SELECTED PHYSICAL FITNESS MEASURES BETWEEN SWIMMERS AND WATER POLO ATHLETES IN THAILAND SWIMMING ASSOCIATION. Journal of Sports Science and Health, 22(2), 241–252. retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/spsc_journal/article/view/253210
บทความวิจัย (Original Article)


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