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Bunyawee Moungpool
Nongnapas Charoenpanich


Purpose: To study and compare the kinematic data of back foot sepak takraw services.

Subjects: Sixteen Male Sepak Takraw players in serve position aged between 18-30 years. Divided into two groups; eight male sepak takraw professional players and seven male sepak takraw amateur players.

Methods: Each player served with back foot 20services, landed the ball on the space between right side and back players (Tekong) for at least 5 successful services on target space were required. If the subject could not serve up to 5 landed in target space, he would be allowed to get dynamic rest for 10 minutes and started another 20 services again. The first and second of maximum serving speed were analyzed. The Independent t-test and Mann-Whitney Test were used to compare mean and standard deviation of kinematics data. The level of significance at p-value ≤ 0.05.

Results: The results showed the highly significant differences (p<0.01) between groups in ball velocity, and maximum acceleration of ankle in follow-through phase. There were significant differences (p<0.05) between groups in maximum velocity of ankle in preliminary phase and follow-through phase and maximum acceleration of ankle in preliminary phase and back swing phase.

Conclusion: The velocity and acceleration of ankle in preliminary, back swing, force-production and follow-through phase might be the major key to control the ball velocity.

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How to Cite
Moungpool , B. ., & Charoenpanich, N. . (2023). KINEMATIC ANALYSIS OF BACK FOOT SERVE IN MALE SEPAK TAKRAW PLAYERS. Journal of Sports Science and Health, 23(2), 54–64. retrieved from
บทความวิจัย (Original Article)


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