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Thitiporn Trakoolsri
Thanomwong Kritpet


Physical decline is associated with ageing. This may lead to the reduction in sleep quality and health-related physical fitness of the elderly. Therefore, the purpose of the study was to examine the effects of ruesee-dudton exercise on sleep quality and health-related physical fitness of the elderly. Thirty-seven older women aged between 60 and 75 years old participated in the study. The participant were divided into 2 groups: control group (n=18) and experimental group (n=19). The participants in the experimental group asked to perform 50 minutes of ruesee-dudton exercise 3 days per week for 10 weeks. Sleep quality and Health-related physical fitness were assessed on pre-test, mid-test (after 6 weeks) and post-test (after 10 weeks). Data were analysed using one-way analysis of variance with repeated measures to determine within group differences useing a statistic significance level of p< .05.

The findings showed that

  1. Both groups showed higher scores on sleep quality when compared among the tests (p< .05).

  2. When compared among the tests, all components of health-related physical fitness were different in the experimental group (p< .05). The average of all components of health-related physical fitness were higher in mid-test and post-test when compared with pre-test (p< .05). Moreover, the control group had higher leg muscular strength and flexibility in post-test when compared with mid-test and pre-test (p< .05).

Conclusion: Ruesee-dudton exercise improve sleep quality as well as health-related physical fitness (muscular strength and flexibility).

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How to Cite
Trakoolsri, T. ., & Kritpet , T. . (2023). EFFECTS OF RUESEE-DUDTON EXERCISES ON SLEEP QUALITY AND HEALTH-RELATED PHYSICAL FITNESS OF THE ELDERLY. Journal of Sports Science and Health, 23(3), 107–118. retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/spsc_journal/article/view/261943
บทความวิจัย (Original Article)


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