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Watchalawalee Romyen
Naowarat Kanchanakan


Purpose: The paper aims to: estimate the prevalence of poor sleep and determine the relationship among demographic characteristic data, characteristics of police, covariate factors or behavioral factors, job stress, and sleep quality.

Methods: This study was cross-sectional study which approached 244 Thai police in Mueang District, Phrae Province, Thailand. By systemic random sampling technique. Data were collected by self-administrative questionnaire to find demographic data, covariate factors, behavior factors, job characteristics, job stress, and sleep quality during working as a police officer.

Findings: The findings highlight that mechanism of sleep, sleep quality, job stress, and police officer. Ever have an estimate 96.7% mentioned that they had a poor sleep quality and 3.3% had a good sleep quality. Police who have low stress or normal were assessed good sleep quality 100 people (71.9%) and poor sleep quality 39 people (28.1%). While who have high stress 38 (36.2%) were assessed good sleep quality and 67 police (63.8%) as poor sleep quality. Job stress was associated with sleep quality (p-value=0.000)

Originality/value: The paper presents general data, covariate factors, characteristics of police and police job stress among police officers in Mueang district, Phare province, Thailand. It also provides the associations of sleep quality.

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How to Cite
Romyen, W., & Kanchanakan, N. . (2023). JOB STRESS AND EFFECT TO SLEEP QUALITY AMONG POLICE OFFICERS IN MUEANG DISTRICT, PHRAE PROVINCE, THAILAND. Journal of Sports Science and Health, 23(2), 123–142. retrieved from
บทความวิจัย (Original Article)


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