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Jittraporn Jintana
Tossaporn Yimlamai


This study aimed to examine the acute effects of speed bounding combined with blood flow restriction on lower limb muscle power and sprint acceleration ability in male youth sprinters.

Thirteen male youth sprinters, aged 15-16 years, participated in this study. In a crossover design, all subjects performed four trials under different experimental conditions: speed bounding (SB) combined with blood flow restriction at 60% arterial occlusion pressure (AOP; SB+BFR60), SB combined with blood flow restriction at 40%AOP (SB+BFR40), SB alone (SB) and no intervention (CON). Sprint time and velocity at 20 and 50 m., standing board Jump, vertical jump performance and electromyography (EMG) from rectus femoris, gastrocnemius and soleus muscles were recorded before and after each trial (4, 8, and 12 min). Two-way analysis of variance with repeated measure followed by Bonferroni post hoc test was applied for data analysis with a statistical significance at p-value < .05

There were no significant main effects of time and condition and time x condition interaction on sprint time and velocity at 20 and 50 m. distance. EMG activity of soleus muscle (%maximal voluntary contraction; MVC), but not other muscles, were significantly increased after 8 min (p<0.05). The peak power were significantly increased after 8 and 12 min (p<0.05) while standing board jump ability were significantly increased after 12 min compared to pretest value and 4 min during SB+BFR60 (p<0.05). In addition, EMG activity of soleus muscle were increased after 8 min compared to 4 min during SB. No other significant differences were observed across time points in all conditions (p>0.05). 

Speed bounding combined with blood flow restriction at 60%AOP can acutely increase muscle activation in soleus muscle, resulting in significant improvements in peak power and standing board jump compared with other conditions. However, these effects did not translate to an improvement in sprint acceleration ability in youth male sprinters.

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