Intraoperative consultation of sentinel lymph node for mammary carcinoma


  • Wanwisa Himakhun Department of Pathology and Forensic Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Thammasat University


ต่อมน้ำเหลืองเซนติเนล, การวินิจฉัยในระหว่างการผ่าตัด, มะเร็งเต้านม, Sentinel lymph node, Intraoperative consultation, Breast cancer


Recently, intraoperative sentinel lymph node (SNL) biopsy is a standard diagnostic procedure for treatmentof mammary carcinoma due to accurate staging procedure and resulting in lower morbidity than axillary lymph nodedissection. Intraoperative pathological evaluation is essential. The accuracy of both imprint cytology and frozen section dependson various procedures such as macroscopic examination, tissue submission, slide sections, intraoperative evaluation andpost operative fixation. Awareness of potential pitfalls and limitation in the procedures with clinical communication betweensurgeon and pathologist should bring up the high yielding accuracy.

Key words: Sentinel lymph node, Intraoperative consultation, Breast cancer




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