Situation and Direction of Research-Thesis in Elder Club in Thailand


  • Kanvee Viwatpanich Department of Community Medicine and Family Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Thammasat University


Elder club, Research situation, Thesis


The state of art review in elderly club aimed to review 114 publications which had been published during the years 1987-2010. The majority of the study design was in quantitative research work (71.1%), where as contents could be presented into six parts; (1) research methodology and concepts (2) model, pattern and management of the elderly club (3) ability of activity management of elderly club (4) participation in the elderly club (5) factor affecting to the activity participation (6) sustainability and strengthening of the elderly club. The strategic suggestion for future research directions are (1) inclusion of middle age population in the club (2) promoting of Ottawa Charter into health promotion (3) activation in holistic health promotion (4) expanding lesson learning to other small elderly club (5) promoting evaluation research in health policy.

Key words: Elder club, Research situation, Thesis



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