Action and applications of antibacterial peptides


  • Kulwadee Phannachet Biotechnology Department, Faculty of Science and Technology, Thammasat University


เปปไทด์ต้านแบคทีเรีย, การดื้อต่อยาปฏิชีวนะ, การก่อรูรั่วที่เยื้อหุ้มเซลล์, Antibacterial peptide, Antibiotic resistance, transmembrane pore-formation


Antibacterial peptides are produced by various organisms from insects to mammals. Modes of action of these peptides for killing bacteria depend on their structures, charges and amino acid compositions. Attraction and attachment of peptides on surface of bacteria by charge-charge interaction followed by cell membrane insertion. Bacteria death is caused either by the transmembrane pore-forming or intracellular killing mechanisms. Therapeutic uses of antibacterial peptides especially for dealing with antibiotic resistance problem are still in the preclinical phase and needed the intensively study on the advantages and disadvantages.

Key words: Antibacterial peptide, Antibiotic resistance, transmembrane pore-formation




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