Premenstrual symptoms and herbal remedies in Màhaachortàrat scripture


  • Kodchanipa Sutthibut Department of Applied Thai Traditional Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Thammasat University
  • Arunporn Itharat Department of Applied Thai Traditional Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Thammasat University and Center of Excellence in Applied Thai Traditional Medicine Research (CEATMR), Thammasat University
  • Phechnoy Singchongchai College of Nursing, Christian University of Thailand


Lohitpokkãtithot, Lohitunkerdtaekongthãd, Thai traditional medical textbooks, Màhaachortàrat, premenstrual syndrome, Thai herbal remedies.


Introduction: Màhaachortàrat is a Thai traditional medical scripture in Phãetthayasãt songkhro textbook. There is some content that discussion of irregular symptoms occur before menstruation are related to premenstrual syndrome (PMS) in modern medicine. In Thai traditional medicine (TTM), the treatments are based on the abnormality of four elements which is the cause of symptoms and diseases. That is a reason why premenstrual syndrome in Thai traditional medicine has a number of herbal remedies, it causes bewilderment to utilize. Moreover, the ancient word in Thai traditional medical textbooks is rather difficult to understand. Thus, the objective of this study is to analyse document of irregular symptoms which occur before menstruation and the
structure of herbal remedies is in Thai traditional medical textbooks.

Method: This study was documentary research involving collection of data from Thai traditional medical textbooks about women’s diseases and menstruation. The scope of enquiry included symptoms of premenstrual syndrome in Thai traditional medicine and herbal remedies. Data were analysed by the content analysis method and analysed by concept of Thai traditional pharmacy.

Result: The data collection from four Thai traditional medical textbooks found that premenstrual symptoms in Thai traditional medicine were recorded in Màhaachortàrat can be classified into
two main groups: 1) Five types of Lohitpokkãtithot . These disorder characteristics occur from imbalance of both fire and/or wind elements inside the body. Symptoms are characterized by elemental abnormalities, they will disappear when the first day of menstruation and have no the abnormality appearance of mense. 2) Four types of Lohitunkerdtaekongthãd. These disorders
occur from imbalance of four elements (earth, water, wind and fire). they have more complex symptoms than lohitpokkãtithot. Symptoms present before the period (menstruation or monthly
bleeding) start and disappear after the period and it includes abnormal menstruation. For the survey herbal remedies found that there are twenty-six remedies (fourteen herbal remedies for
lohitpokkãtithot and twelve herbal remedies for lohitunkerdtaekongthãd). The herbal remedies used to treat premenstrual symptoms on both groups were mostly used herbal as mild-tasting
to treat disorders of the blood and spicy-tasting used for treatment symptoms or diseases causes from wind element. The structure of herbal remedies emphasized adjustment balance
of the elements and hematinic effect.

Conclusion: This research can classify the symptoms and the cause of premenstrual symptoms. The results for the benefit of herbal remedies utilization in adjustment balance of the elements and hematinic effect. Premenstrual symptoms in TTM were also related with premenstrual syndrome (PMS) in modern medicine, it was characterized by physical and psychological symptoms that they occur before the menstrual cycle. Lorhìt-pokkàtì-thord hâa pràkaar and lorhit ankerd-taekongthaat thâng siì were results of the imbalance of the body elements and the fire and wind
element as the important factors for changing of element balance. The fire element related with changing in hormone levels and the wind element related with changing in neurotransmitter
and nervous system.





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