Sushi and sashimi: the contaminated bacteria and helminthes, the guidelines
Sushi, Sashimi, Bacteria, Helminthes, Guidelines, ซูชิ, ซาซิมิ, แบคทีเรีย, หนอนพยาธิ, แนวทางการป้องกันAbstract
Sushi and sashimi are the fashionable dishes in Thailand over the last decade. The consumers believe that marine fish and other ingredients are the low calorie food and have various dietaries such as omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, proteins and vitamins. However, several countries reported that the health risks of consuming sushi and sashimi are bacteria and helminthes infection. The contamination of these pathogens has been reported from many areas. In this paper, the illness from contaminated sushi and sashimi are reviewed. Additionally, the guidelines to control the quality in each step of sushi and sashimi preparing are noted. This paper need to point the strategies to reduce the infection from consuming the low quality of sushi and sashimi.
Key words: Sushi, Sashimi, Bacteria, Helminthes, Guidelines