Nursing Journal of The Ministry of Public Health <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">วัตถุประสงค์</span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span><br /></strong></span>วารสารพยาบาลกระทรวงสาธารณสุข จัดทำขึ้นเพื่อส่งเสริมและเผยแพร่ผลงานวิจัย และงานวิชาการด้านการพยาบาล ทุกสาขา งานด้านการแพทย์ และการสาธารณสุข</p> <p><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">ตั้งแต่ปี 2555 วารสารการพิมพ์ปีที่ 3 มกราคม - เมษายน, ฉบับที่ 2 พฤษภาคม - สิงหาคม, ฉบับที่ 3 กันยายน - ธันวาคม</span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></p> <div id="__if72ru4sdfsdfrkjahiuyi_once" style="display: none;"> </div> <div id="__if72ru4sdfsdfruh7fewui_once" style="display: none;"> </div> <div id="__hggasdgjhsagd_once" style="display: none;"> </div> en-US <p>บทความและรายงานวิจัยในวารสารพยาบาลกระทรวงสาธารณสุข เป็นความคิดเห็นของ ผู้เขียน มิใช่ของคณะผู้จัดทำ และมิใช่ความรับผิดชอบของสมาคมศิษย์เก่าพยาบาลกระทรวงสาธารณสุข ซึ่งสามารถนำไปอ้างอิงได้</p><div id="__if72ru4sdfsdfrkjahiuyi_once" style="display: none;"> </div><div id="__if72ru4sdfsdfruh7fewui_once" style="display: none;"> </div><div id="__hggasdgjhsagd_once" style="display: none;"> </div> (ดร. มัณฑนา เหมชะญาติ) (BAISRI NUAL-IN) Mon, 29 Apr 2024 19:13:52 +0700 OJS 60 The Role of Nurses in Supporting Companionship for Pregnant Women during Childbirth <p>Pregnant women, especially during their first pregnancy, often experience anxiety, fear, stress, and pain during labor and delivery. This situation can lead to negative childbirth experiences for both pregnant women and their families. Encouraging the use of a birth companion is a common practice in many countries and is regarded as an essential role that nurses should endorse. It is the responsibility of nurses to educate and clarify the particulars of preparation for both the pregnant women and their family, commencing from the pregnancy phase. Good preparation is helpful for pregnant women to decide on a suitable birth companion before delivery. Regarding the chosen companion, they should be trained to enhance knowledge of the different stages of labor and be capable of offering the necessary support and care to the pregnant woman. Being well-training, the companions for pregnant women are competent to provide necessary information, facilitate physical and emotional support, and act as a mediator of understanding.&nbsp; Therefore, throughout the antenatal and labor phases, nurses should play an important role in supporting and encouraging birth companions to effectively fulfill their vital roles in caring for and supporting the pregnant woman during childbirth.&nbsp; The activities of nurses in supporting birth companions for pregnant women during childbirth leads to several advantages, such as providing comfort to the pregnant woman during the waiting period and labor and significantly reducing the workload of obstetric nurses, especially in emotional support for the first-time pregnant women. &nbsp;However, in the current situation, most public hospitals in Thailand do not allow relatives to be companions in delivery room. &nbsp;As a result, pregnant women and their families opt for a costly caesarean section delivery to reduce the anxiety and duration of labor. &nbsp;Thus, the recommendation of guidelines for the preparation of birth companions should be considered and included in the hospital policy, while obstetric nurses should be prepared to support birth companions, by utilizing empirical evidence in their practices. This approach can significantly impact the success of having birth companions and reducing healthcare cost as well.</p> Soopussara Komindr, Kamonthip Tanglakmankhong; Sirinat Sri-umporn; Supangpan Padklang Copyright (c) 2024 Mon, 29 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Nurses’ Roles in Caring for Patients with Ruptured Cerebral Aneurysm Undergoing Endovascular Treatment <p>A ruptured cerebral aneurysm is a condition in which a blood vessel in the brain develops sac-like bulge, causing the vessel wall to weaken and eventually rupture. &nbsp;This can lead to sudden and severe hemorrhaging in the space beneath the outer membrane covering the brain, known as a subarachnoid hemorrhage. &nbsp;This is a critical condition with a high mortality rate and potential for disability. A ruptured aneurysm is a medical emergency and treatment is essential to decrease mortality and disability rates. Treatment can be performed either by craniotomy with clipping of the aneurysm, more recently, by endovascular treatment. In addition to urgent medical treatment, proper nursing care is also crucial. This article presents essential evidence related to ruptured cerebral aneurysm, assessment and diagnosis, endovascular treatment, and the role of radiological nurses in caring for patients with ruptured cerebral aneurysm undergoing endovascular procedures using the nursing process as a framework for the standard of care to achieve the best outcomes for patients.</p> Saowanee Homsud, Duangphen Kochim, Suchada Wongwetsathian, Chintana Witchayasaeranee, Sarun Jotikasthira; Anchalee Churojana Copyright (c) 2024 Mon, 29 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0700 The Relationship between Health Literacy and Self-Care Behavior among Patients with Stage 3 Chronic Kidney Disease, Tha-sao Subdistrict, Uttaradit Province <p>Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a major health problem that is increasing across the country and is related to health behaviors. &nbsp;This descriptive correlational research study aimed to investigate the relationship between health literacy and self-care behavior among patients with stage 3 chronic kidney disease in Tha-Sao Subdistrict, Uttaradit Province. &nbsp;The participants were 50 patients with stage 3 chronic kidney disease receiving continuous medication from Mon Din Daeng Subdistrict Health Promoting Hospital in Tha-Sao Subdistrict, Uttaradit Province. Data were collected using a health literacy questionnaire and another questionnaire to assess the self-care behavior of patients with stage 3 chronic kidney disease, which were reviewed for content validity by five experts. &nbsp;The indices of item objective congruence (IOC) were between .67-1.00 and the reliability was determined by the Cronbach's alpha coefficient. The values were .97 and .79, respectively. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and Pearson correlation coefficient. &nbsp;The results revealed that the patients with stage 3 chronic kidney disease had a overall health literacy mean score at a fair level.&nbsp; Regarding each aspect individually, it was found that understanding of health information and services was at a poor level, while self-care behavior was at a good level.&nbsp; In terms of correlation, the results showed that health literacy had a significant positive relationship with health care behavior (r=.50, p&lt;.01). Therefore, the findings of this study suggest that health personnel should promote health literacy, focusing on the information and health services necessary for patients with CKD in order to prevent stage 3 patients progressing to the final stage of CKD, where high treatment costs are incurred.</p> Ananya Kooariyakul, Jiraporn Sripalakich, Kanyarat Phuengbanhan, Patcharin Heingkor Copyright (c) 2024 Mon, 29 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Effects of Utilizing Nursing Guideline for Patients Receiving Modified Electroconvulsive Therapy in Psychiatric Ward, Nan Hospital <p>In the nursing care for patients treated with modified electroconvulsive therapy (modified ECT), nurses must have the necessary knowledge and skills to prevent adverse effects throughout the treatment process.&nbsp; This quasi-experimental study was integrated into routine nursing practice in a psychiatric unit at Nan hospital.&nbsp; The objectives of this study were to investigate effects of utilizing nursing guidelines for patients receiving modified ECT on 1) nurses’ knowledge of patient care during modified ECT and 2) the incidence of associated complications and adverse effects. &nbsp;The participants of the study were 33 registered nurses involved in administering modified ECT. &nbsp;Data were collected from 210 pre-implementation records of adverse effects and 200 post-implementation records after utilizing the nursing guideline of this study. &nbsp;The research instrument consisted of a nursing guideline, a test to assess knowledge about nursing care of patients with modified ECT, and a form to record complications and adverse effects from modified ECT. &nbsp;The study was implemented from March to September 2023. &nbsp;Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, t-tests, and Fisher exact tests. &nbsp;The results revealed that after implementing the nursing guideline, nurses' knowledge mean score was increased significantly, while the incidence of ECT-related complications decreased significantly.&nbsp; It can therefore be concluded that the application of the nursing guideline in this study leads to an in improvement in safety for patients receiving modified ECT procedures.</p> Kannika Leumsai, Siriwimon Kuntar, Kriangkrai Aryuyune, Chettha Kaewprom Copyright (c) 2024 Mon, 29 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Factors Influencing Preparation for Aging among People Aged between 50-59 Years in Sakon Nakhon Municipality <p>Thailand has been classified as an aging society. Thus, preparation for aging among the pre-aging population might provide information helpful to promote quality of life of the elderly. &nbsp;The objectives of this descriptive correlational research study were to investigate the preparedness for aging and the factors that influence preparation for aging. &nbsp;The sample group consisted of 214 people aged between 50-59 years, residing in the municipal area of Sakon Nakhon. A multi-stage random sampling method was employed. &nbsp;Data were collected by personal interviews using two questionnaires assessing preparation for aging and factors that may influence preparation for aging.&nbsp; These questionnaires were developed for this study and validated for content validity by three experts.&nbsp; The values for the reliability coefficients of these two questionnaires were .84 for preparation and .87 for influencing factors. &nbsp;Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and stepwise multiple regression analysis. &nbsp;The findings revealed that the pre-aging group in this study exhibited a commendable level of readiness for aging. &nbsp;Concerning each dimension, it was found that health preparedness showed the highest score, followed by social, housing, environmental, technology, and innovation readiness, while economic readiness showed the least value, which was at a modest level. &nbsp;Regarding the influencing factors on preparation for aging, it was revealed that the statistically significant factors included strong social support (β=.541), attitudes toward aging (β=.329), attainment of a bachelor's degree (β=.106), possession of a professional diploma/certificate (β=.081), presence of chronic illnesses (β=-.074), monthly income ranging 30,001–40,000 Baht (β=.091), living arrangements with others (β=-.083), and renting accommodation (β=-.072). &nbsp;In conclusion, the results of this study suggest that pre-aging individuals are ready to enter the elderly stage, and there are many factors influencing their readiness. &nbsp;Therefore, these factors should be taken into account to prepare and support the elderly, which may be different in different contexts.</p> Ruttigan Archawabool, Benjayamas Pilayon, Kittiphoom Phinyo Copyright (c) 2024 Mon, 29 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Health-Related Quality of Life among Frail Older Adults from Paid Volunteer Caregivers as Perceived by Various Stakeholders <p>Thailand transitioned completely into an <em>aged society</em>, and the proportion of the elderly population is increasing rapidly.&nbsp; The health care crisis is therefore an important issue that health personnel must consider.&nbsp; This qualitative research aimed to investigate health-related quality of life among frail older adults received care from paid volunteer caregivers.&nbsp; It was conducted in Trang Province. &nbsp;Data were collected from the elderly received care and various stakeholders by using in-depth interviews with a semi-structured interview protocol.&nbsp; In addition, participant observation method was also employed. &nbsp;The participations in this study were key informants including 10 older adults, 10 family caregivers, 10 paid volunteer caregivers, and 5 health officers. &nbsp;Data were analyzed using thematic analysis, and the findings were summarized through themes by narrative and case study. &nbsp;The results revealed that paid volunteer caregivers yielded positive outcomes of health-related quality of life among frail older adults received care. &nbsp;These outcomes encompassed various aspects, including improved mobility, enhanced self-care, better performance in daily activities, pain relief, promotion of well-being, and emotional support. &nbsp;Moreover, these paid volunteer caregivers played a crucial role in supporting family caregivers of the elderly for providing better care to the frail older adults. &nbsp;According to the results, this study recommends that local administrative organizations should allocate adequate budgetary support for managing appropriate paid volunteer caregivers, in terms of coverage and proper ratio between frail older adults and paid volunteer caregivers. &nbsp;This operation is necessary for long-term care system for the elderly, while Thailand is moving rapidly to a supper-aged society in the near future.</p> Kannika Ruangdej Chaosuansreecharoen, Panita Krongyuth, Benjaporn Ratchatarom, Rassamee Suknarin, Kamonat Muangyim, Supat Assana, Kanchana Nimsunthon Copyright (c) 2024 Mon, 29 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0700 The Effects of the Cognitive Stimulation Model using Community Participation for Older Persons with Chronic Diseases in Urban Area <p>Thailand is facing challenges associated with health issues of the elderly as it shifts towards an aging society, especially age-related cognitive decline. Reducing cognitive decline in older adults has the potential to reduce the incidence of dementia. This study was conducted to investigate the effects of a cognitive stimulation model involving community participation on enhancing cognition, alleviating anxiety, and reducing depression among older adults with chronic diseases residing in urban areas. This study employed a two-group quasi-experimental design, in which dependent variables were assessed at post-experiment and at a 1-month follow-up. The participants consisted of 32 older adults in each group of the experimental and control groups. All of them were older adults diagnosed with chronic diseases. The research instrument consisted of the cognitive stimulation model using community participation and assessment forms to collect data related to cognitive performance, anxiety, and depression. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and non-parametric inferential statistics to test the research hypotheses, including Friedman test, Wilcoxon signed rank test, and Mann-Whitney U-test. The results showed that after implementation of the cognitive stimulation model with community participation, the experimental group showed significantly better cognitive performance than the control group both immediately after the experiment and at the 1-month follow-up. In addition, the experimental group showed less anxiety and depression compared to the control group at the 1-month follow-up. Moreover, within the experimental group, the participants showed improved cognitive performance, while their anxiety and depression decreased for both immediately post-experiment and at the 1-month follow-up. In conclusion, it is recommended that the cognitive stimulation model be adapted to the specific needs of the elderly in their community context by encouraging the involvement of families, caregivers, and community leaders to develop activities that lead to optimal outcomes for the elderly with chronic diseases.</p> Jeamjai Srichairattanakull, Kullapungha Chosivasakul; Panarut Wisawatapnimit, Nipaporn Apisitwasana, Pimrat Thammaraksa; Suthanan Kunlaka, Nitikul Thongnum, Thitinan Nakphu, Panusit Vanmamut Copyright (c) 2024 Mon, 29 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Factors Predicting Awareness of Warning Signs Management among Risk Group Stroke Patients in Community, Ubon Ratchathani Province <p>Patients at risk of stroke have a chance to face with critical conditions due to cerebrovascular accident any time. &nbsp;Thus, they should be aware of warning signs in order to promptly manage their risks of stroke. &nbsp;This study used a predictive correlation research design conducted to examine awareness of stroke warning signs management and its predictive factors among patients at risk of stroke in community. &nbsp;The participants included 160 patients at risk of stroke in Ubon Ratchathani Province. &nbsp;Data were collected by questionnaires to assess personal information; perceived leading factors, enabling factors, and contributing factors for stroke; and awareness of managing the warning signs of stroke. &nbsp;These questionnaires were reviewed for content validity by experts. &nbsp;The CVI values were .86, .94, .75 and 1.0, respectively, and their reliability values were .77, .88, .75, and .76, respectively. &nbsp;Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics and stepwise multiple regression analysis.&nbsp; The results showed that awareness of stroke warning sings management among patients in the community was at a high level, which perceived risks for stroke and the contributing factor related to support from health personnel were significant predictors for awareness of stroke warning sings management among patients at risk of stroke in the community.&nbsp; These factors could explain 25.00% of the variances of awareness of stroke warning sings management (R<sup>2</sup>=.25, p&lt;.05). &nbsp;The findings in this study indicate that health care providers should encourage the patients to be aware of the risks of stroke and promote awareness of prompt management when warning signs occurre to reduce mortality and disability in stroke patients.</p> Phusanisa Meenakate, Nitchanun Suwannagoot, Sawitree Singhard, Teranut Yindesuk Copyright (c) 2024 Mon, 29 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0700 The Study of Pain Management Index (PMI) in Older Patients with Cancer <p>ความปวดเป็นปัญหาในผู้สูงอายุโรคมะเร็ง การจัดการความปวดด้วยยาที่เพียงพอส่งผลให้ความปวดลดลง และสามารถมีคุณภาพชีวิตที่ดีได้ ดัชนีการจัดการความปวด (Pain Management Index: PMI) เป็นเครื่องมือที่ถูกนำมาใช้เพื่อประเมินความเพียงพอในการจัดการความปวดด้วยยา แต่ยังขาดการศึกษาเกี่ยวกับดัชนีการจัดการความปวดในผู้ป่วยสูงอายุโรคมะเร็ง การศึกษาครั้งนี้มีวัตถุประสงค์เพื่อศึกษาการจัดการความปวดในผู้ป่วยสูงอายุโรคมะเร็งโดยใช้ดัชนีการจัดการความปวด (pain management index: PMI) กลุ่มตัวอย่างเป็นผู้ป่วยสูงอายุโรคมะเร็ง จำนวน 220 คน คัดเลือกกลุ่มตัวอย่างแบบเฉพาะเจาะจง ตามคุณลักษณะเกณฑ์การคัดเข้า เก็บรวบรวมข้อมูลโดยใช้แบบสอบถามความปวด Brief Pain&nbsp; Inventory ( BPI) ฉบับภาษาไทย ซึ่งมีค่าดัชนีความตรงตามเนื้อหาเท่ากับ .91 และค่าความเที่ยง (Cronbach’s Alpha Coefficient) ของกลุ่มตัวอย่างนี้ เท่ากับ .85 วิเคราะห์ ข้อมูลโดยใช้สถิติเชิงพรรณนา ผลการวิจัยพบว่าผู้ป่วยสูงอายุโรคมะเร็งในการศึกษานี้มีอายุเฉลี่ย 68.49 ±6.58 ปี ส่วนใหญ่เป็นเพศหญิง(ร้อยละ 73.23) เป็นมะเร็งที่พบมากในสตรี ได้แก่มะเร็งปากมดลูก (ร้อยละ 36.43) และมะเร็งเต้านม (ร้อยละ 15.02) กลุ่มตัวอย่างส่วนใหญ่ (ร้อยละ 87.72) มีความปวดปานกลาง สำหรับยาบรรเทาความปวดที่ได้รับมาที่สุดคือ paracetamol (ร้อยละ 84.13) รองลงมาคือ tramadol (ร้อยละ 24.53) สำหรับการจัดการความปวดในภาพรวม ดัชนีการจัดการความปวดของกลุ่มตัวอย่างมะเร็งทุกระยะ ส่วนใหญ่ (ร้อยละ 71.82) มีคะแนนดัชนีการจัดการความปวด -1 ถึง -2 ซึ่งหมายถึงได้ยาไม่เพียงพอกับความปวด&nbsp; เช่นเดียวกับผู้ป่วยมะเร็งระยะที่ 3 และ 4 ส่วนใหญ่ (ร้อยละ 68.62) มีคะแนนดัชนีการจัดการความปวด -1 ถึง -2 ซึ่งแสดงถึงการได้รับการจัดการความปวดที่ไม่เพียงพอเช่นกัน จากผลการศึกษาครั้งนี้ บ่งชี้ว่า การจัดการความปวดให้กับผู้ป่วยสูงอายุโรคมะเร็งส่วนใหญ่ ยังได้รับการจัดการความปวดด้วยยาอย่างไม่เพียงพอ อย่างไรก็ตาม การประเมินความเพียงพอในการจัดการความปวดด้วยดัชนีการจัดการความปวดในการศึกษาครั้งนี้เป็นเพียงหลักเบื้องต้นที่ระบุความเพียงพอในการจัดการความปวด แต่การใช้ยาจัดการความปวดในผู้สูงอายุต้องมีความรอบคอบเนื่องจากการเลือกใช้ยาเพื่อจัดการความปวดอาจมีข้อกำจัดที่แตกต่างกันในผู้ป่วยสูงอายุโรคมะเร็งแต่ละรายโดยเฉพาะในผู้ป่วยที่มีโรคอื่นร่วมด้วย</p> Nusara Prasertsri, Apiradee Chareannukul, Wilailuk Tiyapan, Yosapon Leaungsomnapa, Chaliya Wamalun, Sopit Taptimhin Copyright (c) 2024 Mon, 29 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0700 The Relationships between Social Support, Health literacy and Demand for Medical Cannabis Use among Cancer Patients <p>Presently, evidence of medical cannabis use is limited for both health personnel and the general public.&nbsp; This descriptive study aimed to examine correlations between social support, health literacy, and demand for medical cannabis use among cancer patients.&nbsp; The participants were 84 patients with cancer received radiotherapy, chemotherapy, surgery, or palliative care.&nbsp; These patients were in the Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC).&nbsp; The patients met inclusion criteria were recruited by convenience sampling.&nbsp; Data were collected by four questionnaires to assess 1) Personal information 2) Social support 3) Health literacy and 4) Demand for medical cannabis use among cancer patients. Data were analyzed to examine the correlations by using Point Biserial Correlation.&nbsp; The results revealed that 44.05 % of the participants reported the demand for medical cannabis use, while 55.95 % of them reported no demand for medical cannabis use. &nbsp;It was also found that social support and health literacy were significantly correlated with the demand for medical cannabis use (<em>r<sub>pb</sub></em>= .58<em><sub>pb</sub> </em>&lt; .05 and r<em><sub>pb</sub></em>= .22, <em>p</em>&lt; .001, respectively). &nbsp;According to the results of this study, it can be concluded that nurses should pay attention to the demand for medical cannabis use in patients with cancer.&nbsp; In addition, they should consider promoting the correlated factors such as social support and health literacy in order to develop alternative interventions to improve quality of life for the patients with cancer, especially those in palliative care.</p> Pornpansa Tantipanjaporn, Laddawan Vonk, Thanee Khamchai, Rangsan Chaikham Copyright (c) 2024 Mon, 29 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Impact of Multimedia about Nursing Care for Infant Received Non-Invasive Respiratory Support on Knowledge, Confidence, and Satisfaction of Nursing Students <p>Nursing care provided by nursing students to infant patients in a critical condition may lead to a great deal of risks. &nbsp;Therefore, teaching materials to prepare the students can be very helpful. This quasi-experimental study employed two-group pretest-posttest design to assess the effects of multimedia intervention on nursing students' knowledge and confidence in caring for infants received non-invasive mechanical ventilation (NIV) without intubation. &nbsp;Participants were selected using cluster random sampling from the students enrolled in Child and Adolescent Nursing Practice II. &nbsp;The total participants consisted of 48 students divided into two groups.&nbsp; The control group of 24 students received supplementary reading materials and a practical training manual as usual preparation activities, while the experimental group of 24 students received the same documents and additional multimedia materials for their preparation activities. &nbsp;Data were analyzed by inferential statistics, including paired t-test to examine the differences of mean scores within groups, and independent t-test to examine the differences of mean scores between groups. &nbsp;The results demonstrated that both the experimental and control groups showed the significantly improved mean scores of knowledge and confidence in nursing practice for infants on NIV without intubation after the preparation activities. &nbsp;Concerning the effect of the multimedia material, it was found that the experimental group displayed the significantly higher mean scores of knowledge and confidence compared to the control group. &nbsp;These findings suggest that the multimedia material can enhance knowledge and increase confidence among nursing students during their practical preparation to provide nursing care for infants on NIV without intubation. &nbsp;This may help reduce errors from nursing students' practice in real situations.</p> Alisa Khunkaew, Saneh Khunkaew, Worawut Saengthong, Ananya Kooariyakul Copyright (c) 2024 Mon, 29 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Evaluation of the Project to Develop Skills in Emergency First Aid and Basic Resuscitation for 10 Million People “10 Million Thais Join Together CPR” <p>Emergency first aid and basic resuscitation outside of hospitals are crucial for saving lives of those facing with life-threatening emergency situations.&nbsp; This study is an evaluation research using the CIPP<sub> IEST</sub> model as a framework.&nbsp; The objective was to evaluate the project to develop skills in emergency first aid and basic resuscitation for 10 million people “10 Million Thais Join Together in CPR” organized by National Institute of Emergency Medicine. &nbsp;The participants consisted of 200 people who had completed the training of this project.&nbsp; The research tools included (1) a questionnaire to assess general information, (2) project performance evaluation form, (3) a questionnaire to assess satisfaction, and (4) in-depth interview questions.&nbsp; Quantitative Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, and qualitative data were analyzed by content analysis. &nbsp;The results revealed that the mean scores of overall and each component of the project performance were at a high level.&nbsp; The average score of the overall performance was 4.63 (SD=.50).&nbsp; For each component of the project, the mean score of context was 4.78 (SD=42), while the mean score of input was 4.56 (SD=.53), and the mean score of process was 4.62 (SD=.56). &nbsp;After training, 100% of the participants had knowledge at a high level, and their average score of resuscitation skills was 93.14 (SD=2.41).&nbsp; The results from qualitative data analysis also supported that the participants had sufficient knowledge and basic lifesaving skills to perform emergency first aid and basis resuscitation in real situations.&nbsp; In addition, they were confident in sharing their knowledge with other people who want to learn at the centers organized by the National Institute of Emergency Medicine.&nbsp; According to the findings of this study, those who have completed the training of the project are competent to provide emergency first aid and basic resuscitation.&nbsp; Moreover, they can share their knowledge and skills with others.&nbsp; In conclusion, this project yields the emergency assistance at the scene of an incident. This can increase the chance of survival and reduce disability for victims.</p> Pairin Patsadu, Supranee Pholthana, Kessrawan Nilvarangkul Copyright (c) 2024 Mon, 29 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Hopelessness Experience of Family Caregivers of Patients with Stroke <p>Caring for a stroke patient for a long time is burdensome, which can cause caregivers fatigue and stress. &nbsp;The aim of this descriptive qualitative study was to describe hopelessness experiences of family caregivers of the stroke patients in community. &nbsp;The participants were 10 family caregivers providing direct care for the stroke patients in community. &nbsp;Data were collected by in-depth interviews between September 2021 and April 2022.&nbsp; Data were analyzed by content analysis method. &nbsp;Five themes emerged from data analysis were as follows: 1) Perceptions of hopelessness for caring the stroke patients were tried, discouraged, self-blaming, and disappointed when the patients were not recovered, resulting in desperateness to continue caring for the patients. 2)All of caregivers had experiences to encounter hopelessness for caring the stroke patients at first year when the patients had worsen a symptom and readmission to a hospital, which caused more stress for caregivers. 3) Causes of hopelessness for caring the stroke patients were from the caregiver themselves, patients and family. 4) Hopelessness for caring the stroke patients had direct effects on the patients and caregivers. 5) Reconstruction of hope and ability to care for the patients rebounded by looking for assistance, motivation, empowerment, and learning disease progression. &nbsp;The results of this study disclose the hopelessness phenomenon, causes, effects, and how to deal with hopelessness of the family caregivers of the stroke patients. &nbsp;These findings may be useful for health personnel to understand and provide relevant support to the family caregivers of the stroke patients in community.</p> Pavinee Pangsuk, Chonlada Kingmala, Nawarit Peerathawornwit Copyright (c) 2024 Mon, 29 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Factors Predicting Demand for Medical Cannabis Use among Head and Neck Cancer Patients Undergoing Palliative Care <p>Cannabis extracts have been used among patients in palliative care to promote their quality of life, while severe side effects has not been reported.&nbsp; However, it may not be widely accepted by the public.&nbsp; The purpose of this research was to examine the demand for medical cannabis use and the factors predicting the demand for medicinal cannabis use in head and neck cancer patients receiving palliative care at Chonburi Cancer Hospital. &nbsp;Eighty-seven participants were randomly selected from head and neck cancer patients received palliative care. &nbsp;Data were collected between January 2022 and May 2022. &nbsp;The research instruments included 5 parts of questionnaires to assess data were as follows: 1) personal data, 2) perceived benefits of medicinal cannabis use, 3) perceived barriers of medicinal cannabis use, 4) social support for medicinal cannabis use, and 5) demand for medicinal cannabis use. &nbsp;The reliability values of the questionnaires part 2-5 were .78, .78, .82, and .76, respectively. &nbsp;Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and stepwise multiple regression analysis. &nbsp;The results showed that the participants apprised of the demand for medicinal cannabis use at a moderate level, while the perceived benefits of medicinal cannabis use and social support for medicinal cannabis use were significant predictors of the demand for medical cannabis use (R<sup>2</sup>adj.=.41, p&lt;.001). &nbsp;According to this study, information about the benefits of medical cannabis extracts use in terminal patients should be promoted publicly.&nbsp; In addition, health personnel may disseminate new knowledge regarding the medical cannabis extracts use for an alternative to enhance a good quality of life for patients in palliative care.</p> Jintana Phanpoowong, Rangsan Chaikham, Thanee Khamchai, Laddawan Vonk Copyright (c) 2024 Mon, 29 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Factors Relating to Frailty among community-dwelling Elderly in Ubon Ratchathani Province <p>Frail older people have a high risk of premature death, serious illness, and delayed recovery. However, if frailty is detected in the beginning and managed appropriately, it can be preventable and slowly progress.&nbsp; The purposes of this descriptive correlation study were to examine the prevalence of frailty and factors relating to frailty in community-dwelling elderly. One hundred and forty-eight participants were recruited from the community-dwelling elderly in the Ubon Ratchathani Province by multi-stage sampling. &nbsp;Data were collected by questionnaires to assess personal information, frailty, and health literacy. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and binary logistic regression analysis. &nbsp;The results revealed that 46.60% of the participants had frailty syndrome, while 31.80% of them was pre-frail, and 21.60% was non-frail.&nbsp; Regarding the factors relating to frailty among the elderly in this study, it was found that age and gender were statistically significant factors. &nbsp;Therefore, interventions to prevent or reduce the level of frailty in community-dwelling older adults should be implemented for each group of them in order to improve a good quality of life and promote their independence.</p> Nattanun Kumpiriyapong, Sunanta Krongyuth, Sudarat Prasan, Orathai Boonchuwong Copyright (c) 2024 Mon, 29 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0700 The Relationships between Cognitive Abilities, Health Literacy Related to Dementia, and Quality of Life among Older Adults Living in Health Region 6 <p>The quality of life of the elderly is related to various factors and may be different according to the region they live.&nbsp; The purposes of this research were 1) to explore the cognitive impairment situations, health literacy related to dementia, and quality of life among older adults living in health region 6, and 2) to examine the relationships between cognitive abilities, health literacy related to dementia, and quality of life. &nbsp;The participants were composed of 375 older adults purposively selected from those who received health care services at the health-promoting hospitals.&nbsp; The research instruments included the Risk of Dementia Assessment Form, Dementia Health Literacy Questionnaire, and Elderly Quality of Life Questionnaire. &nbsp;Cronbach’s alpha coefficients of them were .99, .92, and .84, respectively. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics as well as Pearson's correlation coefficients were used to test the correlations among the factors.&nbsp; The results of this study showed that 26.9% of the participants had mild cognitive impairment and 11.7% had dementia. &nbsp;Their health literacy related to dementia mean score was at a moderate level, while their mean score of quality of life score was at a high level.&nbsp; Concerning the correlations, it was found that cognitive abilities had a low positive relationship with health literacy related to dementia as well as with quality of life. &nbsp;Additionally, health literacy related to dementia also had a low positive relationship with elderly quality of life.&nbsp; According to this study, it indicates that in overall, the elderly in Health Region 6 or the Eastern Region of the country have a good quality of life.&nbsp; Nevertheless, approximately one in four elderly people has mild cognitive impairment, and one in 10 has dementia.&nbsp; Such mental impairments may impact on quality of life of the elderly in the future. &nbsp;Thus, for developing effective interventions to promote quality of life of the elderly, health personnel should consider such related factors.</p> Yupawan Thongtanunam, Manatsawee Jampated Jampated, Ladda Leungratanamart, Juntana Wangkaom, Pattanin Santayakorn Copyright (c) 2024 Mon, 29 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0700