Vajira Nursing Journal <p>The Vajira Nursing Journal (VNJ) is established since 1983. This journal covers all aspects<br />of health and illness such as acute and chronic disease, end of life and palliative care,<br />health promotion, and innovation. The aims are to promote and publish original research,<br />article and miscellany relevant to nursing and other healthcare professions. All content is<br />provided standard in <strong>peer-review</strong> by editorial team and <span lang="en">Including a <strong>double-blind review</strong> process.</span></p> <p><strong>Publication Frequency</strong></p> <p>Two <em>issues</em> are published a year</p> <p> - Issue 1 January - June</p> <p> - Issue 2 July - December</p> <p>Vajira Nursing Journal (Print ISSN 3027-8058 and Online ISSN 3027-8066) </p> <p><strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><em>For those interested</em></span></strong> in submitting their work for review published in the Thai Journals Online Nursing System, Vajrasarn Nursing, there is a service perJournals for the operation fee. In determining the quality of the article before receiving the published acceptance and the cost of taking action in the electronic journal system.</p> <ol> <li>External person under Navamitrathirath University, administrative fee 2,500 baht (two thousand and five hundred baht only)</li> <li>Type of person within Navamitrathirat University, administrative fee 1,250 baht (one thousand two hundred and fifty baht only)</li> </ol> en-US <p>เนื้อหาและข้อมูลในบทความที่ลงตีพิมพ์ในวชิรสารการพยาบาลถือเป็นข้อคิดเห็นและความรับผิดชอบของผู้เขียนบทความโดยตรง&nbsp; ซึ่ง<strong>กองบรรณาธิการไม่จำเป็นต้องเห็นด้วย&nbsp; หรือร่วมรับผิดชอบใด ๆ ทั้งสิ้น</strong></p> <p>บทความ&nbsp; ข้อมูล&nbsp; เนื้อหา&nbsp; รูปภาพ ฯลฯ&nbsp; ที่ได้รับการตีพิมพ์ในวชิรสารการพยาบาล&nbsp; ถือเป็นลิขสิทธิ์ของวชิรสารการพยาบาล&nbsp; หากบุคคลใดหรือหน่วยงานใดต้องการนำทั้งหมดหรือส่วนหนึ่งส่วนใดไปเผยแพร่ต่อหรือเพื่อกระทำการใด ๆ จะ<span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong>ต้องได้รับอนุญาต</strong></span>เป็นลายลักอักษรจากวชิรสารการพยาบาลก่อนเท่านั้น</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> (นางสาวธมลวรรณ ยอดกลกิจ) (นางสาวเมลิน คนที) Fri, 21 Jun 2024 16:39:18 +0700 OJS 60 Factors Related to Stress among Nursing Personnel under Quarantine during COVID-19 Pandemic <p>This descriptive study aimed at examining relationships among influencing factors and stress among 85 nursing personnel under quarantined at the quarantine ward, Ramathibodi Chakri Naruebodindra Hospital. The subjects were recruited by purposive sampling. Data were collected using 4 questionnaires including 1) personal information questionnaire 2) questionnaire on perception of the severity of COVID-19 disease 3) questionnaire on social support 4) stress assessment questionnaire. Data were analyzed using statistics : frequency, percentage, mean, mode, and standard deviation. Pearson's product-moment correlation statistics was used to the linear relationship between the variables.</p> <p>The results of the study found that the mean score of perceived severity of COVID-19 disease was at high level (Mean=18.96, SD=2.58), the social support was at moderate level (Mean=36.01, SD=6.74), while the stress was at low level (Mean=4.21, SD=3.33). With regard to relationships, perceived severity of COVID-19 disease has no relationship with stress, while social support has a statistically significant negative relationship with stress (r=-.248*, p=.022). The findings from this research provide basic knowledge for evaluating and managing these factors relate to stressful situations. Intensive social support should be provided, particularly to healthcare providers, during the emerging diseases outbreak.</p> Phichayaphorn Phutsang , nitaya Nimnaun, Wasana Lavin, Suchira Chaiviboontham Copyright (c) 2024 Vajira Nursing Journal Fri, 21 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Factors predicting sleep quality of school aged children who have abnormal breathing problems while sleeping in Bangkok Metropolis <p>This Correlational predictive research aimed to explore factor predicting sleep quality of school aged children with sleep related breathing disorder (SRBD) in Bangkok Metropolis. The sample consisted of 242 school aged children with SRBD. The research instruments included Sleep Related Breathing Disorder Scale (SRBD scale), Sleep Disturbance Scale for Children (SDSC), physical examination record form and demographic data questionnaire. Data was analyzed using descriptive and logistic regression.</p> <p>The study found that 69 percent of children had poor sleep quality. When controlling other factors, it was found that children with less respiratory tract infection had 2.47 times chance to have poor sleep quality (ORadj=2.479; 95%CI 1.24, 4.92) and children with frequent respiratory tract infection had 3.45 times more likely to have poor sleep quality (ORadj=3.457; 95%CI 1.15, 10.35) compared to children without respiratory tract infections. So as allergic rhinitis(ORadj=12.795; 95%CI 5.04, 32.44), history of cigarette smoke exposure (ORadj=4.506; 95%CI 2.22, 9.11), and parental snoring history (ORadj=2.505; 95%CI 1.05, 5.96). Healthcare providers should promote self-care to school age children about respiratory tract infection and allergic rhinitis including the parents aware of <em>effects</em><em> </em>of<em> smoking.</em> <em>.</em></p> Suchada Deecharoen, Sermsri Santati, Rutja Phuphaibul Copyright (c) 2024 Vajira Nursing Journal Fri, 21 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Effect of a Perceived Self-Efficacy Enhancing Program on Knowledge and Caring Behaviors Among Caregivers of Children with Lower Respiratory Tract Infections. <p>Lower respiratory tract infections are a major cause of death in children under 5 years old. Nurses are crucial in providing care and enhancing caregivers' ability to adopt appropriate behaviors for caring for children. This study was quasi-experimental research with a single group pre-posttest design, aimed at comparing the scores of knowledges and behaviors in caring for children of caregivers of children with lower respiratory tract infections, and the rate of hospital readmissions among children with lower respiratory tract infections within 28 days post-discharge.</p> <p>The sample group consisted of caregivers of children aged 0-5 years with lower respiratory tract infections. A purposive sample of 30 individuals was selected by purposive sampling. Data were collected using: 1) a caregiver knowledge assessment form, 2) a caregiver behavior assessment form, and 3) a readmission assessment form within 28 days. Data analysis was performed using descriptive statistics and repeated measure ANOVA. The research findings indicate that the average scores of knowledge and behaviors in caring for children with acute lower respiratory tract infections were higher after receiving the program compared to before receiving it, both on the day of discharge, 7 days post-discharge and 28 days post-discharge from the hospital, with statistical significance (p-value &lt;0.001). Additionally, the rate of hospital readmissions among children with lower respiratory tract infections within 28 days post-discharge from the hospital was 3.33 percent (95%CI: 0.84–17.2).</p> <p>The perceived self-efficacy enhancing program effectively enhanced caregivers' knowledge and behaviors. Furthermore, it reduced the incidence of hospital readmissions due to lower respiratory tract infections within 28 days post-discharge from the hospital.</p> Suchitta Katiya, Supawan Jaiboon Copyright (c) 2024 Vajira Nursing Journal Fri, 21 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Cost Analysis Results of Surgical Procedure Operative Phase for Total Knee Arthroplasty in Premium Case of Faculty of Medicine Vajira Hospital, Navamindradhiraj University <p>The objectives of this study. To analyze the cost of surgical procedure operative phase for Total Knee Arthroplasty in Premium case of Faculty of Medical Vajira Hospital, Navamindradhiraj University The study model was a descriptive method while the population were numbers of patients who received TKA surgery in Premium at floor 6th Surgical Building between January 1, 2019 untill December 31, 2020. The study instruments were The Costs record forms for TKA surgical procedure operative phase activities in Premium case., and the Interview record form interviewed by the specified orthopedic operative nurses performing TKA Premium cases for timing spent during TKA surgical activities i.e. preoperative phase, intraoperative phase, and postoperative phase in Premium cases.</p> <p>The results of the study revealed that TKA surgical procedure operative phase in Premium cases had an average cost per operation of 15,151 Baht, compared to the actual rate charged to patient at 12,000 Baht. The costs portioned from the highest to lowest were Materials cost 7,937 Baht (equivalent to 52.39%), development cost 3,030 Baht (20%), depreciation cost 2,164 Baht (14.28%), and administrative cost 2,020 Baht (13.33%) respectively. When classifying the average cost according to the nursing procedure operative phase, it was found that the cost proportion of the surgical period had the highest cost of 14,021 Baht (92.5%), followed by the postoperative period at 672 Baht (4.4%), and the preoperative period had a cost of 458 Baht. (3.0%)</p> Punjalux Natetaweewat Copyright (c) 2024 Vajira Nursing Journal Fri, 21 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 The Effect of a Pain Management Program on Alleviating Pain in Women Undergoing Cesarean Section <p>This study is quasi-experimental research comparing pain scores, opioid consumption, and time to first ambulation after cesarean section between mothers who received a pain management program and those who received standard nursing care. The sample consisted of postpartum mothers who underwent cesarean section and were treated at the Obstetrics and Gynecology Ward of Fang Hospital, Chiang Mai Province. The sample was selected specifically according to inclusion criteria; the total sample size was 36 participants, divided into two groups with 18 participants per group. The research tools included 1) a pain management program, 2) a postpartum pain assessment form 3) an opioid consumption record<br />and 4) a record of the first-time mobilization post-cesarean section. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and the linear mixed-effects model.</p> <p>The study found that within 24 hours postoperative, the experimental group had a lower mean pain score than the control group, with a mean difference of -0.44 points (95%CI: -1.23, 0.34), which was not statistically significant (p-value = 0.266). The experimental group consumed opioids less than the control group, with statistically significant results (p-value &lt;0.001). The experimental group also had a time to first ambulation after cesarean section less than the control group, with a statistically significant (p-value &lt;0.001).</p> Jeerapan Chaiya, Supawan Jaiboon, Jariyaporn Srisawang Copyright (c) 2024 Vajira Nursing Journal Fri, 21 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Baduan Jin: Exercise for Older Adults <p>Baduan Jin exercise was a model of Qigong exercise that a long history and evolution. Suitable for the older adults as the steps were few and easy to understand. Baduan Jin exercise model was useful in helped to strengthen muscles, increases balance ability, could prevent fall in the older adults and improve cardiovascular fitness. In addition, it helps relieve stress and anxiety improves the mental health of the older adults. This article aim was to present Ba duan Jin exercises for the older adults to slow down the deterioration that would occur and was one way to promote appropriate exercise for the older adults. Make the older adults had strong physical health and a good quality of life.</p> Pongsak Dharmakulsakti, Chayanon Chailert, Suphattra Chairangka Copyright (c) 2024 Vajira Nursing Journal Fri, 21 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Nurse’s role in caring for patients with common bile duct stones disease post Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography: case study <p>Common bile duct stones, typically encountered in urban societies, present a significant healthcare challenge. The diagnostic and therapeutic approaches to common bile duct stones are varied. Among the contemporary modalities, Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) has seen increasing use. Post-ERCP, patients are at risk of developing complications such as pancreatitis, bowel perforation, and infections. Nurses must have knowledge and skills to assess and manage early post-ERCP complications, thus preventing severe adverse outcomes. In this academic article, the authors use the case study to investigate <br />the manifestations, diagnosis, and endoscopic treatment of bile duct stones and pancreas, as well as focus on effective nursing interventions in the post-procedure. The objective is to provide guidelines for monitoring complications, enabling effective care for patients upon their return to the ward after undergoing procedures. The goal is to ensure patient safety.</p> Suphattra Chairangka, Laddawan Srisantaw, Siraporn Pinwihok Copyright (c) 2024 Vajira Nursing Journal Fri, 21 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700