The Development of Community Participation of Teenage Pregnancy Prevention in Bukrasang Sub-district, Nongki District, Buriram Province


  • สำเริง ดัดตนรัมย์ Faculty of Public Health, NakhonRatchasimaRajabhat University
  • จารุวรรณ ไตรทิพย์สมบัติ Faculty of Public Health, NakhonRatchasimaRajabhat University


This research to study the context of the community and the situation of adolescent pregnancy.
To develop a community participation process to prevent pregnancy in adolescents. And to study
the prevention of pregnancy is not ready in adolescence. The area of operation is Tambon Bamang,

Nongki District, Buriram Province. The study period is from June 2017 to September 2018
The four stages of the study are operational planning. Reflection and Evaluation. The population
is adolescent , parent group, Health Officers And organizations in the community. Data were Collected
by group discussion and In-depth interview. The study found that the context in the community
has many risk areas. The agency is closely supervised. Adolescents in the area will meet at the site
of the cottage. Game shops and town hall on a regular basis. During the night, go out to the
entertainment venues such as karaoke bars. Parents leave to work in the province, leaving their
children with relatives and alone. As a result, sexual risk behaviors include poor dressing,
use of online media inappropriately, night watch pornography have premature sex. They do not
know how to prevent pregnancy. Factors that promote sexual risk behaviors among adolescents
include family status, family economic status accommodation Values, beliefs, approaches to protection
must be based on the cooperation of all parties involved, both parents, leader in the village and
government : Promoting knowledge to protect Pregnancy, community planning, fund for
Area collateral friends center PR campaign training for the target students and their parents. This study
makes people in the community come to think, analyze the condition of pregnancy problems
in adolescents. Find a way to prevent and correct problems of sexual risk behaviors of adolescents
appropriate to the context of the community and guideline is congruent with the community’s need.


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How to Cite

ดัดตนรัมย์ ส., & ไตรทิพย์สมบัติ จ. (2019). The Development of Community Participation of Teenage Pregnancy Prevention in Bukrasang Sub-district, Nongki District, Buriram Province. The Office of Disease Prevention and Control 9th Nakhon Ratchasima Journal, 25(2), 78–87. Retrieved from



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