Guideline Developing of New Leprosy Case Finding for Village Health Volunteers : Ban Sok, Ban Sok Sub-District, Khonsawan District, Chaiyaphum Province


  • นิ่มนวล ปุณยหทัยพงศ์ The Office of Disease Prevention and Control 9th Nakhon Ratchasima
  • ญาดา โตอุตชนม์ The Office of Disease Prevention and Control 9th Nakhon Ratchasima


Guideline, leprosy, Health Volunteer


The Leprosy is a contagious chronic disease that not only cause disability. Early case finding
by village health volunteer is necessary. Therefore set up guideline for finding new leprosy patients
for village health volunteer in Bansok sub district by multidisciplinary team. This operational
research collected both quantitative qualitative data. The research divided in 3 phases. Phase 1) Data
analysis in context of service, organization, socioeconomic, perception, culture and norm of community
to advocate and communicate to the target group. Phase 2) Development of new cases finding guideline
for village health volunteer. Phase 3) Evaluation of guideline satisfaction from both village health
volunteer and health personnel. The result for satisfaction of the guideline found that 35.77%
was in highest level, 62.77 was in high level. The recommendation for guideline improvement

were that knowledge of leprosy treatment and care with psychosocial communication should be included
in the guideline .Other perspective was that the graphic design for guideline as pocket book might
be better for user and the media from department of disease control such as other communicable
and emerging disease should be benefit for the communication.


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How to Cite

ปุณยหทัยพงศ์ น., & โตอุตชนม์ ญ. (2019). Guideline Developing of New Leprosy Case Finding for Village Health Volunteers : Ban Sok, Ban Sok Sub-District, Khonsawan District, Chaiyaphum Province. The Office of Disease Prevention and Control 9th Nakhon Ratchasima Journal, 25(2), 35–44. Retrieved from



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