Behavior Using Pesticides of Farmers, TambonPamigam, Muang District, Nongbualamphu Province


  • นัสพงษ์ กลิ่นจำปา Faculty of Public Health, Khon Kaen University
  • ดาริวรรณ เศรษฐีธรรม Faculty of Public Health, Khon Kaen University


Pesticides, Behavior Using Pesticides, Farmer


In 5 years ago, Nongbualamphu Province had pesticide poisoning patients an increase of
4 times (in the year 2010 had 1,851 pesticide poisoning patients and in the year 2014 had
7,954 patients). In year 2015 blood cholinesterase of 341,039 farmers were at risk and unsafe level
at 32 percent. Farmers in the Tambon Pamigam, Muang District, Nongbualamphu Province. 360 persons
were unsafe level 11.94%, and 7.5% were at risk level. So the researcher studied. behavior using
pesticides of farmers, Tambon Pamigam, Muang District, Nongbualamphu Province. Study of
345 farmers cultivating rice, sugarcane and cassava. Data collection tool was a questionnaire.

Data collected during November, 2560 to January 2018. The study indicated that 44.34%
of the farmers had moderate level of knowledge, 55.94% had moderate level of attitude, and 57.98%
had good level of pesticide using behavior. The farmers used opened pesticide bottle cap by mouth,
66.96 percent. Before and during the using pesticides, the practice in good level, 47.83%. After using
the pesticides, the practice in moderate level, 49.86%. After exposed with pesticide, the farmers
were first aid at a good level of 64.92%. In the 24 hours after spraying. pesticide, farmers 38.25%
had nausea 20.00% and vomiting 17.97%. Test the correlation between knowledge and behavior
are correlated (r = 0.57). Attitudes toward behavior are correlated (r = 0.52). Therefore, the government
agencies and related agencies should solve the problem of farmer’s wrong behavior by providing
a training to them for having knowledge on the correct use of pesticides and being applicable
and according to the academic mainstream.


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How to Cite

กลิ่นจำปา น., & เศรษฐีธรรม ด. (2019). Behavior Using Pesticides of Farmers, TambonPamigam, Muang District, Nongbualamphu Province. The Office of Disease Prevention and Control 9th Nakhon Ratchasima Journal, 25(2), 26–34. Retrieved from



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