Surveillance Evaluation of Hand Foot Mouth and Enterovirus Infection Diseases, Surin Province, 2016


  • ลักขณา สีนวลแล The Office of Disease Prevention and Control 9th Nakhon Ratchasima
  • สุทธิลักษณ์ หนูรอด The Office of Disease Prevention and Control 9th Nakhon Ratchasima
  • กัญญรัตน์ สระแก้ว The Office of Disease Prevention and Control 9th Nakhon Ratchasima


Hand Foot and Mouth Disease, Enterovirus Infectious Diseases, Positive predictive value, sensitivity


Hand-foot-and-mouth disease (HFMD) and disease from enterovirus Infection have been
classified as notifiable diseases under the national surveillance in Thailand since 2001. Each year,
Thailand has a large number of patients and there are patients with severe illness and death. In Surin
province, the incidence rate of HFMD tended to increase. Surin Health Provincial Office and
The Offif ice of Disease Prevention and Control 9, Nakhon Ratchasima collaborated to Surveillance
Evaluation of HFMD and Enterovirus infection in Surin Province, 2016. The objective was to study
the quantitative and qualitative attributes of the surveillance system, the reporting process and provide
suggestions on improving the surveillance system. A cross-sectional study was conducted. We studied
in Surinhospital, Prasat hospital, Kapchoeng hospital, Thatoom hospital and Sangkha hospital.
The study population consisted of patients who were hospitalized in Surin province, aged less than 15 years
from 1 January to 31 December 2016. The sample consisted of patients who were admitted to
hospital aged less than 15 years from 1 January to 31 December 2016. Searched for HFMD and
enterovirus Infection from patient records and reportsfrom the National Notification Disease Surveillance
(R506). From the fif ive hospitals, we reviewed 1,058 medical records, and interviewed 33 health
personnel. The system hadpositive predictive value of 50.4%, sensitivity of 61.4% for these
two diseases. The accuracy of the information was 99.6% for gender, 99.8% for age, and 48.2%
for onset date. The timeliness of the reporting within 3 days was 92.9%. Information in the medical
records and in the R506 reports was in the same direction. Most patients were 0 - 3 years old,
high number of cases in June - August. In addition, administrators and practitioners have a positive
attitude toward the surveillance system. In conclusion, the positive predictive value and sensitivity
were at moderate level. Timeliness in reporting is good. Data from the surveillance system could
represent the medical records. The program was simple and allowed easy operation of the system.
Information from the surveillance system was used to alert the network, monitor the situation and
plan for disease control. So that the surveillance system more effective, the flf low chart of the province
should be updated for the new staff can understand the work process. Samples should be sent
to isolate the causative organism. In the border hospital, there is also a problem of informing
foreign patients about the situation in the neighboring countries. It is necessary to have process
for the prevention and control of the disease not to spread to Thailand.


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How to Cite

สีนวลแล ล., หนูรอด ส., & สระแก้ว ก. (2019). Surveillance Evaluation of Hand Foot Mouth and Enterovirus Infection Diseases, Surin Province, 2016. The office of disease prevention and control 9th Nakhon Ratchasima Journal, 24(2), 5–16. retrieved from



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