The Elderly Care Model in Bannongdonnoy Village Koklam Sub-district. Lamplaimat district, Buriram province


  • ศันสนีย์ แสงสุข Faculty of Public Health Mahasarakham University
  • สุมัทนา กลางคาร Faculty of Public Health Mahasarakham University
  • สรญา แก้วพิทูลย์ Institute of Medicine, Suranaree University of Technology


health care system development, elderly people, health care


Old age is a chronic disease. As a result, the ability to perform activities is reduced and
dependent. Elderly care needs to be in the right format. This action research studied the elderly health
care model. Selected 60 specifif ic process-related samples were collected quantitatively and qualitatively.
The research process consists of 6 steps: 1) Context analysis and problem 2) Participatory planning
workshop (AIC) 3) Make Action plan 4) Follow the Plan / project implementation 5) Follow up,
support and evaluation the performance 6) Organize a forum to share and learn lessons. Showed that
there was a change in the average level of knowledge and participation in elderly care management.
Conversely improved significantly (p<0.001) and the qualitative study found a way of working
in the community is to have a system to encourage the relevant sectors to understand and become
aware of, get involved, start with the mainstream and play a key role in the area. The success factor
in the operation is to create and develop community leaders to understand and strategize the core groups

to participate in different roles in the operational phase. By having an informal communication system
and enhancing personal relationships during the operation.


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How to Cite

แสงสุข ศ., กลางคาร ส., & แก้วพิทูลย์ ส. (2018). The Elderly Care Model in Bannongdonnoy Village Koklam Sub-district. Lamplaimat district, Buriram province. The office of disease prevention and control 9th Nakhon Ratchasima Journal, 24(1), 24–33. retrieved from