Prevention process of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever using benchmarking process: a case study in Machom-Nonsanga community, Parn-an sub-district, Phayakkaphumphisai district, Mahasarakham Province


  • เอกปกรณ์ นามคุณ Bankhwaotung Tambol health promoting hospital
  • สุกัญญา ลีทองดี Mahasarakham University
  • นพดล พิมพ์จันทร์ Banyangbor-e Tambol health promoting hospital


Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever Benchmarking process


This study was aimed to develop dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) prevention process organized
by applying benchmarking process in Machom-Nonsanga community, Parn-an sub-district, Phayak
kaphumphisai district, Mahasarakham Province. An action processes in this study consisted of 4 steps;
planning, analysis, integration and action. Forty fifif ive participants who met the inclusion criteria were included
in the study. Most of them were the key persons and also stakeholders at Machom–Nonsanga community
and the benchmarking community was Bann Kumkung Kuchinarai district, Kalasin Province. The process
were done from May-August 2015. Qualitative data were collected by using observation, recording,

focus groups discussion, and in-depth interviews. Community context ,Baseline characteristics
of samples and prevalence of larva index were presented as descriptive statistics. The qualitative data
were explored and categorized by content analysis. The results found that; the process of DHF
prevention program at Machom–Nonsanga community consisted of 1) Planning and certification schemes
by the village community 2) defining community rules 3) getting rid of mosquito larvicide
by owner homes 4) mosquito larvicide evaluation by the community board and 5) monitoring
by public health off ificials. The result after the operation according to the DHF prevention, the prevalence
of larva index decreased, low risk DHF criteria area and environment was clean-up. The result
after the comparison between the 2 communities can be benchmarked together. In Conclusion,
The Benchmarking process used to create the prevention of DHF can be prevented. Recommendations
for further study, should the steps of benchmarking suitable for community context.


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How to Cite

นามคุณ เ., ลีทองดี ส., & พิมพ์จันทร์ น. (2016). Prevention process of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever using benchmarking process: a case study in Machom-Nonsanga community, Parn-an sub-district, Phayakkaphumphisai district, Mahasarakham Province. The office of disease prevention and control 9th Nakhon Ratchasima Journal, 22(2), 16–27. retrieved from



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