Health Problem of Solids Waste Collectors of Local Administrative Organization in Muang District Chaiyaphum Province in 2017


  • ธันนารี เจนวิถี Faculty of Public Health, Khon Kaen University
  • กาญจนา นาถะพินธุ Faculty of Public Health, Khon Kaen University


illness, accident, muscle pain


This study is cross-sectional descriptive study. The objective of this study was to the Health
Problem of 129 Solids Waste Collectors of Local Administrative Organization in Muang District
Chaiyaphum Province. The data was collected by using interview and using descriptive statistics
for analysis. The study has been found that 98.4% of solid waste collectors are male with average age
of 43.58 + 8.30 39.5% of male collectors graduated junior high school. The result of work performance
has showed that the collectors lifted the garbage bin more or equal 151 times a day or 40.9%.
The number of most waste bin lifted was 400 bins a day of the weight at 51-100 kilograms or
52.7%. 59.7% of the collector staff not wore personal protection equipment (sanitary masks, boots,
and gloves). From the interview in health problem and accidents from working has found that 72.1%
people of solid waste collectors have had illness for 6 months; from fever, cold, and cough 51.6%;
and from dermatopathic symptoms 50.5%. 27.9% Solid waste truck drivers; 47.2% have had
illness from fever, cold, and cough; and 44.4% have has dermatopathic symptoms. The accidents
happened to the collectors in the period of 6 months were; 77.4% were stabbed by sharp weapons;
72.0% from meatball skewers; and 62.4% from animal or insect bites and stings respectively.
The solid waste truck drivers - 80.6% were bitten and stung by animals or insects; 58.3% from
slippery and 52.8% from chemical exposure respectively. Accident occurrence analysis from working
of each organization has been found that 79.3% of Chaiyaphum municipality officers were stabbed
by sharp weapons; and 75.9% from insect bites and stings. The accidents happened to subdistrict
administrative organization officers - 73.9% from chemical exposure; 58.7% from animal or insect
bites and stings. Subdistrict municipality officers - 80.0% had chemical exposure; and the next
is 68.0% were stabbed by meatball skewers. From ergonomics in working in the 6 months period
has been found that the most causes of problems were; 84.5% from repeated working movements
and gestures; 75.0% were from static muscle at wrists and arms to lift more weight; and 69.8%
from lifting over than 55 kilograms waste bins respectively. These have affected to muscle pain
which the most frequent pain symptoms in 6 months were: back pain 74.4%, waist pain 58.9%,
and 48.8% shoulder pain respectively. The results of this study identified health problems of Solids
waste Collectors in illness, accident and muscle pain, The information collected can be used
as baseline data for further surveillance, control and prevention of health problems from occupation
in the organization.


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How to Cite

เจนวิถี ธ., & นาถะพินธุ ก. (2019). Health Problem of Solids Waste Collectors of Local Administrative Organization in Muang District Chaiyaphum Province in 2017. The Office of Disease Prevention and Control 9th Nakhon Ratchasima Journal, 25(2), 16–25. Retrieved from



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