Effects of Ergonomic Health Promotion Program on a Working Condition among Hospital Staffs Using Computers at Work


  • ทิวาพร โชติจำลอง Faculty of Public Health, NakhonRatchasimaRajabhat University
  • รชานนท์ ง่วนใจรัก Faculty of Public Health, NakhonRatchasimaRajabhat University


Health promotion program, Self – efficacy, Ergonomics, Neck pain release


Purpose of this quasi – experimental research was to study effects of ergonomic health promotion program in term
of a behavioral outcome and neck pain release. A total sample of 96 subjects was randomly selected by a systematic sampling.
There was equally divided into two groups. An experimental group was staffs of Suranaree University of Technology
Hospital (SUTH), received a 12-week of the program through the study. A control of staffs of Bangkok Ratchasima
Hospital did not receive the program. All subjects had completed a questionnaire including knowledge toward contents
of an ergonomic and neck pain condition, a perceived self-efficacy and an expected outcome on the promotion practice.

Neck pain release and disability index were also measured in this study. A descriptive statistic was used for describing the
characteristics and the outcome comparisons used paired t-test and independent t-test. Results of the study found that in
after the intervention, the experimental subjects had a significant mean score of the outcomes greater than a control group
about the knowledge, the perceived self-efficacy and the expected outcome (p<0.001). Scores of neck pain release and
disability index were significantly decreased than those a control group (p<0.001). The results indicate that this program
is effective on improving the outcomes in individuals who have an incorrect sitting posture and probably for neck pain


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How to Cite

โชติจำลอง ท., & ง่วนใจรัก ร. (2019). Effects of Ergonomic Health Promotion Program on a Working Condition among Hospital Staffs Using Computers at Work. The office of disease prevention and control 9th Nakhon Ratchasima Journal, 25(3), 5–14. retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ODPC9/article/view/212236



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