A Survey of Community Participation and Quality of Life among Older People in Wang Plapom Sub-district, Nawang District, Nongbua Lamphu Province
Community participation, Quality of life, Elderly peopleAbstract
The research aimed to study the participation of people that affected the quality of life development in elderly people in the Wang Plapom sub-district, Nawang district, Nong Bua Lamphu province. The participants were the householder of about 326 people. Yamane formula was used to determine sample size and a simple random sampling method was used. The questionnaires that include 4 parts were used for data collection. A descriptive analysis was conducted for data analysis. Interpreted results by using mean, percentage, and standard deviation. The participation of the people that affected the quality of life was compared by t-test and F-test. The results found that the overall participation of people was high level ( = 4.03, S.D. = 0.68). The mean of the participation of planning was the highest, it was high level ( = 4.16, SD = 0.69). Followed by the participant of benefit was a high level ( = 4.07, SD = 1.22). The mean of the participation of evaluation was the least, but it was a high level ( = 3.87, SD = 0.82). The participation of the people that affected the quality of life development by gender, age, education, and occupation was not different. Guidelines for quality of life development including; 1) Firstly, activities for quality life development should be started with finding needs and factors that associated elderly people happiness, design activities based on the context of community for target population 2) Quality of life development of elderly people should be operated by themselves and multidisciplinary, to cover needs of the people that might differ.
Keywords: Community participation, Quality of life, Elderly people
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