Diabetes mellitus and Sepsis at Kham Thale So Hospital Nakhon Ratchasima province
Surveillance, Diabetes mellitus, SepsisAbstract
This descriptive research’s objectives were to surveillance for diabetes mellitus and sepsis at Kham Thale So Hospital, Nakhon Ratchasima province by reviewing medical records between October 2018 to September 2020, and analyzed data by using descriptive statistics and Chi-Square Test. The results showed that there was a total of 118 patients with sepsis of which 66 (55.90%) were male, 52 patients were female (44.18%). The mean age of the sample group was 62.60 years (SD = 19.35), and 25 patients were in the age range of 81–90 years. It was also found from the sample group that the number of those that had both sepsis and diabetes were 42 (35.70%) patients and both drug-resistant patients and diabetes were 5 (5.90%) patients. Age statistically associated with diabetes patients significantly (p-value = 0.038). The detection of microorganisms all 38 types of infection was found. Escherichia coli were detected the most at 33.9%, followed by Klebsiella pneumonia at 5.9%. Therefore, caution should be exercised for diabetic patients with Sepsis in the elderly.
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