Lesson learned: success factors in implementing Non-smoking school policy Model, Phayao Province


  • Anong Wannasorn Phayao Provincial Public Health Office, Phayao Province


Success factors, Non-smoking school policy Model, Lesson learned


The main objectives of this evaluation research are to examine success factors in implementing non-smoking school policy model in Phayao province. The populations for this study were involved in the process of implementing non-smoking are school policy both inside and outside of school at the time that evaluated by The office of Disease Prevention and Control 1 Chiangmai. It is using purposive sampling for Informant selection. All 16 informants were divided into four focus groups including 1) school administrators and teachers who are in charge of this project; 2) student leadership; 3) smoking students; 4) village headman, local store owner and nurses. The point of discussion was success factors in implementing non-smoking school policy model. The results of the study showed that all 7 measures have been implemented by school ,including the policy management system is clear and continual, create a social environment less conducive to smoking, students participate in activities according to their interests, the stores do not sell cigarettes to students and there is a surveillance system, support system, referral system, follow up and visit the homes of all students who smoke that was performed by student council, teachers and Mae Jai Hospital. As a result, all 27 students, there are 26 students that quitted smoking in the school and the other is being treated. The obvious success is the cooperation of parents, teachers, student leadership, close friend, community leaders and related networks in the community that drive policy and continual adherence. Therefore, this study suggests that there should be study to development of a monitoring system for students who reduced and quitted smoking and being a role model for quitting smoking that will increase awareness of smoking cessation in parents, friends and other people in the community to increase the smoke-free area in the house and to have good health conditions.


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How to Cite

Wannasorn, . A. (2022). Lesson learned: success factors in implementing Non-smoking school policy Model, Phayao Province. The office of disease prevention and control 9th Nakhon Ratchasima Journal, 28(2), 33–42. retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ODPC9/article/view/255767



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