Work-related Stress during the Crisis of COVID-19 Pandemic among Personnel of Sub-district Health Promoting Hospitals in Border Area of Chiang Rai Province


  • Theerawut Thammakun School of Health Science, Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University
  • Annichcha Singhkhanan School of Health Science, Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University


Stress conditions, Public health personnel, Sub-district health promoting hospital, Covid-19 crisis


This cross-sectional research aimed to 1) identify personal factors, social support, and levels of work-related stress, and 2) determine the association between personal factors and social support, and levels of work-related stress during the crisis of COVID-19 pandemic among personnel of sub-district health promoting hospitals (SHPHs) in the border area of Chiang Rai Province. The study involved 120 health officers who were selected from the population of 245 SHPHs’ personnel in Chiang Rai’s border area. The sample size was calculated based on the estimated mean formula with a know population. The participants were selected using the population-proportional and simple random sampling method. Data were collected using questionnaires with the reliability value of 0.95, between June and August 2021; and quantitative data analysis was performed to determine frequencies, percentages, means, standard deviations and multiple regression. The results showed that: 1) the majority of participants were female, an average age was 35.8 years old, education level was a bachelor's degree, working position was a public health technical officers, an average working experience was 12.1 years, and 51.7 % of them had a high level of overall social support; 2) their overall work-related stress level was low; and 3) the factors significantly affecting their stress conditions during the crisis were nature of working position and social cognitive support.


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How to Cite

Thammakun, T., & Singhkhanan, A. (2022). Work-related Stress during the Crisis of COVID-19 Pandemic among Personnel of Sub-district Health Promoting Hospitals in Border Area of Chiang Rai Province. The office of disease prevention and control 9th Nakhon Ratchasima Journal, 28(3), 16–24. retrieved from



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