The Incidence and Factors Associated of Coronavirus Disease 2019 among Patients in Acute Respiratory Illness Clinic, the Office of Disease Prevention and Control 4 Saraburi, 2021


  • Suchanwat Somsorn Office of Disease Prevention and Control, Region 4, Saraburi
  • Thanawut Karapakdee Office of Disease Prevention and Control, Region 4, Saraburi


Prevalence, Factors, Coronavirus Disease 2019


The aims of this cross-sectional descriptive research were to explore incidence and associated factors of coronavirus disease 2019 among patients in acute respiratory illness clinic, The Office of Disease Prevention and Control 4, Saraburi. The population were clients registered in the Infection Control Nurse tracking (ICN tracking) system between January 2021 to December 2021 who received services in acute respiratory illness clinic, The Office of Disease Prevention and Control 4, Saraburi. The data record form has been developed by the researcher. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics such as percentages and analyzed association with chi-square. The results of the study revealed that from the information of patients receiving acute respiratory illness clinic, The Office of Disease Prevention and Control 4, Saraburi 13,070 cases, 1,051 have positive test results by Real-time PCR test (Incidence 8.1%), 56.7% were female, 97.9% have Thai nationality, 22.5% aged 21-30 years, 89.9% domiciled in the 4th health regional, 69.6% were other occupational such as freelancer and student, 81.7% who returning from a high-risk country, and 99.5% had no symptoms of coronavirus. In addition, when comparing the data between the infected group and the uninfected group, it was found that gender, nationality, age, domicile, occupation, risk and symptoms were statistically related to coronavirus 2019 infection (p-value <. 001).  Suggestion from the results of the study to prevent and control disease should access screening people at worker group, students and freelancer group and treatment be able to services quickly, it’s affected to reduce the spread of infection in close contact, family, workplace, and community.


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How to Cite

Somsorn, S., & Karapakdee, T. (2022). The Incidence and Factors Associated of Coronavirus Disease 2019 among Patients in Acute Respiratory Illness Clinic, the Office of Disease Prevention and Control 4 Saraburi, 2021. The office of disease prevention and control 9th Nakhon Ratchasima Journal, 28(3), 45–51. retrieved from



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