The development of sufficiency health index for individual, family, and community levels based on the principle of Economical Sufficiency Philosophy.

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ดร. มณี อาภานันทิกุล
ดร. กุสุมา คุววัฒนสัมฤทธ์ิ
ดร. อาภา ยังประดิษฐ์
ดร. รุจา ภู่ไพบูลย์


The purpose of this qualitative research was to develop the sufficiency health index for individual, family, and community levels based on the principle of economical sufficiency philosophy.  The population was people who lived in one village at Nakhonpathom province. The sample of 160 was selected using the purposive sampling method.   The study process consisted of three steps including; 1) identifying sufficiency health index, 2) clarifying sufficiency health index, and 3) verifying sufficiency health index. The research instruments consisted of personal data questionnaire and the interview guide on sufficiency health.  The content analysis was used for data analysis.   The results revealed that the sufficiency health index for individual, family, and community levels consisted of 36 indicators including 8 indicators in the individual level, 12 indicators in the family level, and 16 indicators in the community level. 

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อาภานันทิกุล ด. ม., คุววัฒนสัมฤทธ์ิ ด. ก., ยังประดิษฐ์ ด. อ., & ภู่ไพบูลย์ ด. ร. (2019). The development of sufficiency health index for individual, family, and community levels based on the principle of Economical Sufficiency Philosophy. Thai Journal of Nursing, 60(3), 5–13. Retrieved from
Research Article


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